I well remember

A time when

“Amazing Grace” was

All the rage

In the South.

‘Happy’ black mothers arguing

Agreement with

Illiterate sweating preachers

Hemming and hawing blessedness


Inheritance of earth, e.g.,

Mississippi cotton fields?

And in the North

Roy Hamilton singing

“What is America to me?”

Such a good question

From a nice slum

In North Philly.

My God! the songs and

The people and the lives

Started here—

Weaned on ‘happy’ tears

Black fingers clutching black teats

On black Baptist benches—

Some mother’s troubles that everybody’s


And nobody wants to see.

I can remember the rocking of

The church

And embarrassment

At my mother’s shouts

Like it was all—‘her happiness’—

Going to kill her.

My father’s snores

Punctuating eulogies

His loud singing

Into fluffy grey caskets

A sleepy tear

In his eye.

Amazing Grace

How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch

Like me

I once was lost

But now I’m found

Was blind

But now

I see.

Mahalia Jackson, Clara Ward, Fats Waller,

Ray Charles,

Sitting here embarrassed with me

Watching the birth

Hearing the cries

Bearing witness

To the child,
