72 CJWA. Aug. 16, 1781, no. CCLXXXVI, p. 3; Boston, Aug. 13. BG. Aug. 13, 1781, no. 1407, p. 3; Boston, August 9. AJ. Aug. 15, 1781. vol. III, no. 153, p. 2; NM. Aug. 18, 1781, no. 1038, p. 2; MS. Aug. 16, 1781. vol. XI, no. 536, p. 2; Boston, August 16. IC&UA. Aug. 16, 1781. vol. IV, no. 709, p. 3; MS, Aug. 23, 1781. vol. XI, no. 537, p. 2; PEP. Aug. 27, 1781. vol. VII, no. 767, p. 137. FJ. Aug. 29, 1781, no. XIX, p. 3; Boston, August 18. PP. Aug. 28, 1781. vol. X, no. 774, p. 2; A letter dated the [Illegible] instant, from an officer at Head-Quarters, Philipsburgh Says. PJ. Aug. 29, 1781, no. 1417, p. 2; New Port, August 11. NM. Aug. 11, 1781, no. 1037, p. 3; NJG. Sept. 5, 1781. vol. IV, no. 193, p. 3; Extracts from Rebel Papers. Boston, August 6. NYG. Aug. 13, 1781, no. 1556, p. 2; RAG, Aug. 14, 1781. vol. VII, no. CCCXCIX, p. 2.

73 Albany, September 16. NYGNA. Sept. 16, 1782. vol. I, no. 16, p. 3.

74 Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, November 22. RGG. Feb. 15, 1781, no. 103, p. 1.

75 Extract of a Letter from Edenburgh, June 4. PP. Sept. 11, 1781. vol. X, no. 780, p. 2; London, June 7. RGG. Sept. 27, 1781, no. 135, p. 3.

76 Boatner. Landmarks. p. 9.

Chapter 4

1 Williamsburg, April 27, PEP, May 7, 1776. vol. II, no. 202, p. 230; Williamsburg, April 26, MG. May 9, 1776. vol. XXXI, no. 1600, p. 3; Williamsburgh, (in Virginia), April 27, NYG, May 13, 1776, no. 1283, p. 3.

2 Extract of a Letter from New-York, August 12. PL. Aug. 17, 1776, no. LXXXII, p. 3.

3 Providence, June 22. NYG, July 1, 1776, no. 1290, p. 3; Providence, June 22. PEP. July 2, 1776. vol. II, no. 226, p. 329; PJ. July 3, 1776, no. 1752, p. 2; Providence, June 22. VG, July 20, 1776, no. 1302, p. 1.

4 Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, July 17. NYG, Nov. 11, 1776, no. 1307, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from Plymouth Sound, Dated July 7, to a Gentleman in Bristol. NYG. Oct. 12, 1776, no. 1304, p. 3; London, July 29. IC. Oct. 24, 1776. vol. IX, no. 427, p. 2.

5 New-York, August 3. TCG. Aug. 3, 1776. vol. II, no. 106, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, Dated August 1. NYJ. Aug. 8, 1776, no. 1753, p. 3; New-York, August 8 Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, Dated August 3. MJ. Aug. 14, 1776. vol. III, no. 139, p. 1; Philadelphia, July 27. VG, Aug. 17, 1776, no. 1306, p. 1.

6 Newport, December, 2. MJ. Dec. 30, 1776. vol. III, no. 159, p. 2; Boston, December 5. VG, Jan. 10, 1777, no. 1327, p. 3.

7 Newbury-Port, Sept. 20. EJ. Sept. 20, 1776. vol. III, no. 142, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from New-York, September 14. CJWA. Sept. 26, 1776, no. XVIII, p. 2; Boston, September 26. CJ. Oct. 2, 1776, no. 468, p. 3; PEP. Oct. 5, 1776. vol. II, no. 267, p. 498; VG, Oct. 25, 1776, no. 1316, p. 2; Water town, Sept. 23. NM. Oct. 7, 1776, no. 947, p. 3.

8 Whitehall Evening Post. Thursday, November 14 to Saturday, November 16, 1776. NDAR. vol. 7, p. 744.

9 Pliarne & Penet to Nicholas and John Brown. Nicholas Brown papers. John Carter Brown Library. William Bell Clark. Lambert Wickes, Sea Raider and Diplomat. New Haven, 1932, PP, 98–99. Declaration of James Pratchell, master of the prize brick La Vigne. December 24, 1776. Franklin papers. 53 pt. 1, no. 27, NDAR. vol. 7, pp. 777, 780–781, 804–805; London. PJ. Mar. 26, 1777, no. 1782, p. 3; NDAR. vol. 7, pp. 777 and note, 780–781 and 781 note, 790–791, 804–805, 1308; Philadelphia, February 27. PEP. Feb. 27, 1777. vol. III, no. 320, p. 109; PJ. Mar. 5, 1777, no. 1779, p. 3; VG, Mar. 14, 1777, no. 1336, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Bourdeax, Dated December 13, 1776. PEP. Mar. 6, 1777. vol. III, no. 323, p. 123; VG, Mar. 14, 1777, no. 111, p. 2.

10 NDAR. vol. 7, pp. 574–576.

11 New-York, January 22, 1777. RPAG. Mar. 3, 1778, no. 1, p. 3; MJ. Mar. 24, 1778. vol. V, no. 229, p. 1.

12 PEP. Thursday, February 27, 1777; Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, Dated April 2d, 1777. CJWA. April 17, 1777, no. XLVII, p. 3; Boston, April 14. CC. April 21, 1777, no. 639, p. 3; Boston, April 17; PEP. April 29, 1777. vol. III, no. 345, p. 239; MJ. May 6, 1777. vol. IV, no. 182, p. 4; MG. May 6, 1777. vol. III, no. CVI, p. 2; Philadelphia. PEP. May 13, 1777. vol. III, no. 351, p. 262; Philadelphia, May 13. PP. May 13, 1777. vol. VI, no. 287, p. 3; Philadelphia, May 10, Extract of a Letter from St. [Illegible] April 20, 1777. MJ. May 20, 1777. vol. IV, no. 185, p. 3; VG, May 30, 1777, no. 1346, p. 2; Philadelphia, May 14. CC. May 26, 1777, no. 644, p. 2; CG&UI. May 30, 1777. vol. XIV, no. 707, p. 2.

13 Journal of HMS Camilla, Captain Charles Phipps. BNA, Admiralty 51/157. NDAR. vol. 7, pp. 1149–1150; SCAGG. Thursday, February 20, 1777; NDAR. vol. 7, pp. 1251; Captain George Keith Elphinstone, R.N. to Vice Admiral James Young. BNA, Admiralty 51/309; NDAR. vol. 7, pp. 1281; Vice-Admiral James Young to Philip Stephens. BNA, Admiralty 1/309; NDAR. vol. 8, pp. 68–70; NBBAS. vol. 1, p. 171; Charlestown, (South-Carolina) February 27. CJ. Mar. 26, 1777, no. 493, p. 3; Charlestown (S. C.) February 27, 1777. PEP. April 1, 1777. vol. III, no. 334, p. 179; MG. April 8, 1777. vol. II, no. CII, p. 2; PJ, April 9, 1777, no. 1784, p. 2.

14 NDAR. vol. 8, pp. 393–394, 1053–1063; HCA 32/397/2/1-36; New-York, April 21. NYG, April 21, 1777, no. 1330, p. 3.

15 NDAR. vol. 8, pp. 324–325 and 325 note, 395–396 and 396 note, 997 and note, 1053–1063.

16 Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, April 25. CJWA. July 10, 1777, no. LIX, p. 2.

17 Captain John Jervis, R.N. to Philip Stephens. April 29, 1777. NDAR. vol. 8, pp. 799–800.

18 Captain John Jervis, R.N. to Philip Stephens. Foudroyant, at Sea. 1st May 1777. BNA, Admiralty 1/1987, 1, 50; NDAR. vol. 8, p. 807. Extract of a letter from Plymouth, May 4. London Packet, or New Lloyd’s Evening Post, May 5 to May 7, 1777; NDAR. vol. 8, p. 816; Baltimore, October 7, Head Quarters. MJ. Oct. 7, 1777. vol. IV, no. 205, p. 3; Charles-town, August 28, 1777. PL. Oct. 10, 1777, no. XCVIII, p. 2; NDAR. vol. 8, pp. 807, 816. vol. 9, pp. 381–382, 390–391; Coker, pp. 91, 300; HCA 32/266/10/1-.

19 Extract of a Letter from France, Dated May 22, 1777. VG. Aug. 22, 1777, no. 134, p. 2; VG. Aug. 22, 1777, no. 1377, p. 1; Philadelphia, August 6. Extract of a Letter from an American Gentleman Paris, Dated May 13, 1777. VG, Aug. 22, 1777, no. 1377, p. 1.

20 NDAR. vol. 9, p. 7 and note, 123–124; Howe’s prize list, 1777; HCA 32/320/2/1-19.

21 NDAR. vol. 8, p. 815. vol. 9, pp. 405–406, 415-416.

22 NDAR. vol. 9, pp. 406, 415 and note; HCA 32/298/16/1-11; Baltimore, October 7, Head Quarters. MJ. Oct. 7, 1777. vol. IV, no. 205, p. 3; Charlestown, (S. Carolina), September 11. CJ. Oct. 29, 1777, no. 524, p. 4.

23 Extract of a Letter from Cove of Cork, June 5. PEP. Oct. 14, 1777. vol. III, no. 410, p. 495.

24 NDAR. vol. 9, pp. 258–259; Howe’s prize list, 1777.

25 Neeser, pp. 3–5; The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. vol. 22 pp. 481–482.

26 New-York, October 13. NYG, Oct. 13, 1777, no. 1355, p. 3.

27 NDAR. vol. 9, pp. 560 a. note, 561, 897 and note. vol. 10, pp. 15–16 and 16 note; Boston, September 8. MS. Sept. 11, 1777. vol. VII, no. 332, p. 2; CC. Sept. 15, 1777, no. 660, p. 2; Boston, Sept. 11. PEP. Sept. 23, 1777. vol. III, no. 408, p. 488; MJ. Sept. 30, 1777. vol. IV, no. 204, p. 2.

28 PJ. July 30, 1777, no. 1800, p. 2.

29 NDAR. vol. 11, pp. 971–975 and 976 note, 979–982.

30 NDAR. vol. 9, pp. 919–920, 920–921, 971. vol. 11, pp. 1173–1174 and 1174 note. Captain Nicholas Biddle to Robert Morris. Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789. Washington: National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, 1971. (Letters Addressed to Congress, 1775–89), 1778. vol. II, pp. 241–243; NDAR. vol. 9, pp. 919–920; Baltimore, October 7 Head Quarters. MJ. Oct. 7, 1777. vol. IV, no. 205, p. 3; Charlestown (S. Carolina) September 11. PG, Oct. 18, 1777. vol. XIV, no. 720, p. 4; Charlestown, (S. C.) September 11. FJ, Nov. 1, 1777. vol. II, no. 21, p. 2; New-York, November 3. NYG, Nov. 3, 1777, no. 1358, p. 3; NDAR. vol. 9, pp. 919–920, 920–921, 971. vol. 11, pp. 1173–1174 and 1174 note.

31 Newbern, Sept. 19. VG. Oct. 10, 1777, no. 141, p. 1.

32 NDAR. vol. 9, pp. 986. vol. 10, p. 113. vol. 11, pp. 269–270 and 270 notes.

33 VG. 141 (March 10, 1777) p. 1; The following is an Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Hitchcock, Dated in Camp, Three Miles Above Stillwater, Sept. 21, 1777. CJWA. Oct. 9, 1777, no. LXXII, p. 3; a Letter from George Selech Silliman, to Mr. Israel Pebbins, Dated October 5, 1777. FJ, Oct. 11, 1777. vol. II, no. 18, p. 1; Hartford, October 14. CC. Oct. 14, 1777, no. 664, p. 2; October 9. CJ. Oct. 15, 1777, no. 522, p. 2; Charlestown, (S. Carolina) September 11. CJ. Oct. 29, 1777, no. 524, p. 4; Charlestown, (S. C.) September 11. FJ, Nov. 1, 1777. vol. II, no. 21, p. 2.

34 NDAR. vol. 10, pp. 875, 877, 895–897, 900 and note, 905, 906, 910–911 and 911 note, 912–913 and 913 note, 913–914 and 914 note, 914–915 and 915 note, 922, 925, 930 and note, 931–933 and 933 note, 933–934 and 934 note, 939 and note, 940–942, 946–947 and 947 notes, 960–963, 976–977 and 977 notes, 1014–1015, 1051–1054, 1060–1061, 1062–1063 and 1063 note, 1115, 1155–1156 and 1156 note. vol. 11, p. 133 and note; Morgan, William James. Captains to the northward, the New England captains in the Continental Navy. Barre, Mass. Barre Gazette, 1959, p.101; a Letter from George Selech Silliman, to Mr. Israel Pebbins, Dated October 5, 1777. FJ, Oct. 11, 1777. vol. II, no. 18, p. 1; Hartford, October 14. CC. Oct. 14, 1777, no. 664, p. 2.

35 Extract of a Letter from on Board the Enterprize, Man of War, Sir Tho, Rich, Dated Gibraltar, Octo. 23, NYG, Feb. 2, 1778, no. 1371, p. 2.

36 NDAR. vol. 10, pp. 875, 877, 895–897, 900 and note, 905, 906, 910–911 and 911 note, 912–913 and 913 note, 913–914 and 914 note, 914–915 and 915 note, 922, 925, 930 and note, 931–933 and 933 note, 933–934 and 934 note, 939 and note, 940–942, 946–947 and 947 notes, 960–963, 976–977 and 977 notes, 1014–1015, 1051–1054, 1060–1061, 1062–1063 and 1063 note, 1115, 1155–1156 and 1156 note; vol. 11, p. 133 and note; Morgan, William James. Captains to the northward; the New England captains in the Continental Navy. Barre, Mass. Barre Gazette, 1959, p.101; a Letter from George Selech Silliman, to Mr. Israel Pebbins, Dated October 5, 1777. FJ; Oct. 11, 1777; Vol. II; no.18; p. 1. Hartford, October 14. CC. Oct. 14, 1777, no. 664, p. 2.

37 Extract of a Letter from on Board the Enterprize, Man of War, Sir Tho. Rich, Dated Gibraltar, Octo. 23. NYG, Feb. 2, 1778, no. 1371; p. 2.

38 NDAR. vol. 11, pp. 23–24 and 24 note, 29–30 and note, 58 and note, 112 and 113 note, 207 and notes.

39 NDAR. vol. 11, pp. 1060, 1112–1113 and 113 note.

40 NDAR. vol. 11, pp. 350 and note, 373–374 and 374 note, 374 and note, 374–375 and 375 note, 375 and note, 384 and note.

41 New-York, March 23. NYG. Mar. 23, 1778, no. 1378, p. 3; New-York, March 18. PL. Mar. 28, 1778, no. CXXXIX, p. 2.

42 Philadelphia. Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman on Board His Majesty’s Ship Emerald, Dated in Hampton Bay. PEP. Mar. 30, 1778. vol. IV, no. 473, pp. 138, 140; RPAG. Mar. 31, 1778, no. IX, p. 3.

43 ibid.

44 ibid.

45 New-York, May 18. NYG. May 18, 1778, no. 1386, p. 3.

46 Newport, March 12. RPAG. April 7, 1778; Providence, March 21; CJ; April 8, 1778, no. 547, p. 2. vol. XI, p. 3.

47 London, March 9. PP, July 25, 1778, p. 2.

48 New-York, March 28. RPAG. April 14, 1778, no. XIII, p. 2; PEP. April 13, 1778. vol. IV, no. 479, p. 162.

49 Extract of a Letter from Barbadoes, Dated March 15. NYG. April 6, 1778, no. 1380, p. 5; New-York, April 23. RPAG. May 8, 1778, no. XX, p. 3; PEP. May 8, 1778. vol. IV, no. 488, p. 188.

50 New-York, March 28. RPAG. April 14, 1778, no. XIII, p. 2.

51 New York, March 28. PEP. April 13, 1778. vol. IV, no. 479, p. 162; RPAG. April 14, 1778, no. XIII, p. 2.

52 New-York, April 4, RG. April 4, 1778, no. 163, p. 3.

53 Kell. p. 64. Still, William N. North Carolina’s Revolutionary War Navy. The O. Davis Sons, Inc. 1976. p. 24; NBBAS. vol. 1, pp. 194–95; Newbern, N. C. April 10, MG. May 5, 1778. vol. IV, no. CLVIII, p. 2.

54 New-York, April 13. Extract of a Letter from St. Augustine, Dated April 7, RG, May 9, 1778, no. 168, p. 3; RPAG. April 28, 1778, no. XVII, p. 3; New-York, April 23. RPAG. May 8, 1778, no. XX, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Rhode-Island, Dated April 4. PL. April 29, 1778, no. CXLVIII, p. 2.

55 Boston, April 16, 1778. IC&UA. April 16, 1778. vol. X, no. 504, p. 3; Boston. April 16. CC. April 21, 1778, no. 691, p. 1; MS. April 23, 1778. vol. VIII, no. 364, p. 2.

56 New-York, April 23. RPAG. May 8, 1778, no. XX, p. 3; New-York, April 27. NYG. April 27, 1778, no. 1383, p. 3.

57 ibid. PEP. May 8, 1778. vol. IV, no. 488, p. 188.

58 New York, April 23. PEP. May 8, 1778. vol. IV, no. 488, p. 188.

59 New York, May 27. PEP. June 11, 1778. vol. IV, no. 494, p. 204.

60 New-York, May 25. NYG. May 25, 1778, no. 1387, p. 3.

61 New-York, May 18. NYG. May 18, 1778, no. 1386, p. 3

62 London, May 12, NYG, Aug. 17, 1778, no. 1400, p. 2.

63 ibid.

64 ibid.

65 Extract of a Letter from Lisbon, April 20. NYG. Aug. 10, 1778, no. 1399, p. 1.

66 Boston, May 21. CJ. May 27, 1778, no. 554, p. 3.

67 New-York, May 25. NYG. May 25, 1778, no. 1387, p. 3.

68 New York, May 27. PEP. June 11, 1778. vol. IV, no. 494, p. 204.

69 ibid.

70 The following Officers Are Amongst the Killed, in the Royal Army. NYG. July 6, 1778, no. 1393, p. 3; Philadelphia. PEP. Aug. 6, 1778. vol. IV, no. 514, p. 278.

71 New-York, July 14. RAG. July 14, 1778, no. LXXXVII, p. 3.

72 New-London, June 19. CJ. June 24, 1778, no. 558, p. 3; IC&UA. June 25, 1778. vol. X, no. 514, p. 2.

73 New-London, June 19. CJ. June 24, 1778, no. 558, p. 3.

74 Baltimore, Sept. 22, a Letter from His Most Christian Majesty to Count Darbaud, Dated Versailles, June 28, 1778. MG. Sept. 22, 1778. vol. IV, no. CLXXVIII, p. 3; Late European Intelligence. MS. Sept. 24, 1778. vol. VIII, no. 386, p. 1.

75 In a letter from a gentleman of the first character, directed to the Hon. Major General Heath, dated Philadelphia, July 12, 1778. Boston, July 20. IL. July 20, 1778. vol. I, no. 6, p. 3; CJWA. July 23, 1778, no. CXIII, p. 3; MS. July 23, 1778. vol. VIII, no. 377, p. 3; IC&UA. July 23, 1778. vol. X, no. 518, p. 3; ExJ. July 28, 1778. vol. I, no. 23, p. 1.

76 Philadelphia, July 25, MJ, July 28, 1778. vol. V, no. 248, p. 2. PEP. July 25, 1778. vol. IV, no. 509, p. 257.

77 Baurmeister, Carl Leopold. Revolution in America: Confidential Letters and Journals, 1776—1784. trans. and annotated by Bernhard A. Uhlendorf. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1957. p.189. Documents Relating to the Revolutionary History, State of New Jersey. Edited by William S. Stryker. Trenton: The John L. Murphy Publishing Co. 1901. Series 2. vol. 2, pp. 318. They also captured the British ship Charlotte and the snow Bonnet and their cargoes of indigo, tobacco, molasses, train oil, turpentine, tar, deerskins, mahogany and logwood. The cargoes went up for sale at Chester, Pennsylvania on the Delaware River on Wednesday, July 29, 1778. Baltimore July 28, MJ. July 28, 1778. vol. V, no. 248, p. 2.

78 MJ. July 21, 1778. vol. V, no. 247, p. 3; Philadelphia, July 18, PP. July 18, 1778, p. 3; PEP. July 18, 1778. vol. IV, no. 506, p. 246; New-York, July 25, RG. July 25, 1778, no. 190, p. 3.

79 Extract of a letter from Gosport, July 3; MS, Sept. 24, 1778. vol. VIII, no. 386, p. 1, NYG; Oct. 5, 1778, no. 1407, p. 1.

80 Hattendorf, pp. 4–5; The French fleet also captured a ship from New Providence (Nassau, Bahamas) bound to London, England and recaptured a French snow with dry goods which were coming up the Delaware River on Monday, July 6, 1778. New-York, July 25, RG. July 25, 1778, no. 190, p. 3; Hartford, July 21, CC. July 21, 1778, no. 704, p. 3; New-York, July 27, NYG. July 27, 1778, no. 1397, p. 3.

81 August 1. RG. Aug. 1, 1778, no. 192, p. 3; From Rivington’s Royal Gazette. New-York, August 1; PP. Aug. 13, 1778, p. 2; PP. June 25, 1778, August 13, 1778; NBBAS. vol. 1, p. 202.

82 Late European Intelligence. Vienna (Germany), July 18. MS. Oct. 22, 1778. vol. VIII, no. 390, p. 1; Paris, July 17. PP. Oct. 27, 1778, p. 2; Paris, July 19. PP. Dec. 17, 1778, p. 2.

83 New-York, July 27. NYG. July 27, 1778, no. 1397, p. 3.

84 Kingston, (Jamaica), July 25. NYG. Dec. 7, 1778, no. 1416, p. 2.

85 Fremont-Barnes. vol. 4, p. 1279; Brest, 29 July, 1778. IL. Sept. 28, 1778. vol. I, no. 16, p. 2; NP. Oct. 5, 1778, no. 262, p. 3; Boston, September 28. CJ. Oct. 7, 1778, no. 573, p. 3; Boston, Sept. 21. IL. Sept. 21, 1778. vol. I, no. 15, p. 3; August 1. RG. Aug. 1, 1778, no. 192, p. 3.

86 Boston, Sept. 7. IL. Sept. 7, 1778. vol. I, no. 13, p. 2; Extract of Letter from Portsmouth, July 1. CJWA. Sept. 10, 1778, no. CXX, p. 2.

87 Boston, Sept. 21. IL. Sept. 21, 1778. vol. I, no. 15, p. 3; PP. Oct. 1, 1778, p. 2.

88 Kell, p. 68; Clark, Walter. The State Records of North Carolina XIV–1779–’80. Winston: Nash Brothers, 1896. p. 482; PP. November 7, 1778. NBBAS. vol. 1, p. 204.

89 A Letter from the French King to Count Orvilliers, Dated Versailles, August 1. IC&UA. Nov. 5, 1778. vol. XI, no. 533, p. 2.

90 London, August 11. NYG. Oct. 26, 1778, no. 1410, p. 2.

91 Providence, August 8. PG. Aug. 8, 1778. vol. XV, no. 762, p. 3; IC&UA. Aug. 13, 1778. vol. XI, no. 521, p. 2; NP. Aug. 17, 1778, no. 255, p. 3; NHG. Aug. 18, 1778, p. 2.

92 An Account the Late Occurrences at Rhode-Island. NYG. Aug. 17, 1778, no. 1400, p. 3.

93 New-York, Sept. 7. NYG. Sept. 7, 1778, no. 1403, p. 3; New London, August 7, PEP, Aug. 18, 1778. vol. IV, no. 519, p. 296.

94 Mackenzie. p. 590.

95 NYJ. September 7, 1778. Moore. vol. 2, pp. 84–86.

96 Extract of a letter from Lieutenant Carter, on board the Defiance, off the Start, Aug. 17. Prensa. Jan. 5, 1779. vol. VI, no. 275, p. 1.

97 Extract of a letter from Plymouth, August 17. Prensa. Jan. 5, 1779. vol. VI, no. 275, p. 1; Extract of a letter from Plymouth, August 17. Prensa. Jan. 5, 1779. vol. VI, no. 275, p. 1.

98 London, September 9. Prensa. Jan. 5, 1779. vol. VI, no. 275, p. 1; The following Paragraphs Are Taken from New York Papers. Paris, September 21. PEP. Jan. 14, 1779. vol. V, no. 564, p. 15.

99 Extract of a letter from Paris, August 22, Prensa. Jan. 5, 1779. vol. VI, no. 275, p. 1.

100 By Captain Yallet, Just Arrived Here from St. Eustatia, We Have Received the St. Christopher’s Gazette. MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; Late European Intelligence. MS. Jan. 21, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 403, p. 1.

101 Constantinople, (the Capital of Turkey), September 3. NYG. Dec. 21, 1778, no. 1418, p. 1.

102 Extract of a Letter from Dover, Sept. 8. NYG. Dec. 28, 1778, no. 1419, p. 2.

103 Charlestown, (South Carolina), August 19. PP. Nov. 7, 1778, p. 2.

104 Curious Paragraphs Taken from the Halifax Gazette. Halifax, September 29. CJWA. Oct. 29, 1778, no. CXXVII, p. 1; MS. Nov. 5, 1778. vol. VIII, no. 392, p. 4.

105 Allen, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New Hampshire for the Year Ending June 1, 1866, Concord: George G. Jenks, 1866. vol. 2, p. 369.

106 Extract of a letter from Gibraltar, September 4. MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from Cape Francois, Dated Nov. 23. PJ. Jan. 6, 1779, no. 1810, p. 2; PP. Jan. 7, 1779, p. 3; Late European Intelligence. MS. Jan. 21, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 403, p. 1.

107 London, September 9. Prensa. Jan. 5, 1779. vol. VI, no. 275, p. 1.

108 Extract of a letter from the Groyne, September 9, 1778. MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; PP. Jan. 2, 1779, p. 2; BG, Jan. 18, 1779, no. 1273, p. 2; PJ. Jan. 6, 1779, no. 1810, p. 2; Late European Intelligence. MS. Jan. 21, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 403, p. 1; Extract of a letter from the Groyne, September 9, 1778. MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; PP. Jan. 2, 1779, p. 2; PJ. Jan. 6, 1779, no. 1810, p. 2; BG. Jan. 18, 1779, no. 1273, p. 2; London, October 3. CJ. Jan. 13, 1779, no. 587, p. 2; Late European Intelligence. MS. Jan. 21, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 403, p. 1.

109 By Captain Yallet, Just Arrived Here from St. Eustatia, We Have Received the St. Christopher’s Gazette. MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; Leghorn, Sept. 11. PEP. Jan. 1, 1779. vol. V, no. 561, p. 2; Late European Intelligence. MS. Jan. 21, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 403, p. 1.

110 Baltimore October 6. MJ. Oct. 6, 1778. vol. V, no. 258, p. 2; IL. Nov. 2, 1778. vol. I, no. 21, p. 2.

111 Extract of a Letter from Gosport, Sept. 25. NYG. Dec. 28, 1778, no. 1419, p. 2.

112 ibid. St. John’s in Antigua, Nov. 25. Prensa. Jan. 5, 1779. vol. VI, no. 275, p. 1. The following paragraphs are taken from New York Papers. Paris, September 21. PEP. Jan. 14, 1779. vol. V, no. 564, p. 15. St. John’s (in Antigua), Nov. 25, PG, Feb. 6, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 788, p. 2; Boston, February 4, 1779. Boston, February 15; PG. Feb. 20, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 790, p. 3; NP, Feb. 15, 1779, no. 281, p. 3; Boston, February 11, 1779. IC&UA. Feb. 11, 1779. vol. XI, no. 547, p. 3.

113 Extract of a Letter from Gosport, Sept. 25. NYG. Dec. 28, 1778, no. 1419, p. 2; St. John’s in Antigua, Nov. 25. Prensa. Jan. 5, 1779. vol. VI, no. 275, p. 1; The following Paragraphs Are Taken from New York Papers. Paris, September 21. PEP. Jan. 14, 1779. vol. V, no. 564, p. 15; St. John’s (in Antigua), Nov. 25. PG. Feb. 6, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 788, p. 2; Boston, February 4, 1779. Boston, February 15. PG. Feb. 20, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 790, p. 3; NP. Feb. 15, 1779, no. 281, p. 3; Boston, February 11, 1779. IC&UA. Feb. 11, 1779. vol. XI, no. 547, p. 3; The following Paragraphs Are Taken from New York Papers. Paris, September 21. PEP. Jan. 14, 1779. vol. V, no. 564, p. 15.

114 MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from Gosport, Sept. 25. NYG. Dec. 28, 1778, no. 1419, p. 2; The following Paragraphs Are Taken from New York Papers. Paris, September 21. PEP. Jan. 14, 1779. vol. V, no. 564, p. 15.

115 By Captain Yallet, Just Arrived Here from St. Eustatia, We Have Received the St. Christopher’s Gazette. MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; London, October 3. CJ. Jan. 13, 1779, no. 587, p. 2; BG. Jan. 18, 1779, no. 1273, p. 2; NJG. Jan. 27, 1779. vol. II, no. 60, p. 2. Late European Intelligence. MS. Jan. 21, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 403, p. 1.

116 Extract of a Letter from Kinsale, July 21, PP, Oct. 20, 1781. vol. X, no. 796, p. 2; London, August 10. PP, Nov. 15, 1781. vol. X, no. 807, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from Cork, August 6;, NJG, Nov. 28, 1781. vol. IV, no. 205, p. 2.

117 By Captain Yallet, Just Arrived Here from St. Eustatia, We Have Received the St. Christopher’s Gazette. MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; Late European Intelligence. MS. Jan. 21, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 403, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from Madrid, Sept. 28. PP. Feb. 9, 1779, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Gibraltar, Sept. 31. CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2.

118 Pickering to the American Commissioners in France, 28 January 1779, in Franklin Papers, www.franklinpapers.org. Allen. Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New Hampshire for the Year Ending June 1, 1866, Concord: George G. Jenks, 1866. vol. 2, 369.

119 Extract of a Letter from Gibraltar, Sept. 31, CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2.

120 Extract of a Letter from Deal, Oct. 1. PEP. Jan. 1, 1779. vol. V, no. 561, p. 3.

121 ibid.

122 Extract of a Letter from Gosport, Sept. 25. NYG. Dec. 28, 1778, no. 1419, p. 2; London, October 10. CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2; Foreign Intelligence. London, October 10. PG. Feb. 13, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 789, p. 2; Trenton, February 10. NJG. Feb. 10, 1779. vol. II, no. 62, p. 3.

123 Extract of a Letter from Gosport, Sept. 25. NYG. Dec. 28, 1778, no. 1419, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from the Groyne, September 9. PP. Jan. 2, 1779, p. 2; PJ. Jan. 6, 1779, no. 1810, p. 2; Lloyd’s book, October 2, 1778. MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Sept. 20. PEP. Jan. 1, 1779. vol. V, no. 561, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Cape Francois, Dated Nov. 23. PP, Jan. 7, 1779, p. 3; PJ. Jan. 6, 1779, no. 1810, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 30. NJG. Jan. 13, 1779. vol. II, no. 58, p. 1; Late European Intelligence, MS, Jan. 21, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 403, p. 1; London, October 10. CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2; Foreign Intelligence. London, October 10, PG, Feb. 13, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 789, p. 2; Trenton, February 10. NJG. Feb. 10, 1779. vol. II, no. 62, p. 3.

124 Lloyd’s book, October 2, 1778. MJ. Dec. 22, 1778. vol. V, no. 273, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Sept. 20. PEP. Jan. 1, 1779. vol. V, no. 561, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Cape Francois, Dated Nov. 23. PP, Jan. 7, 1779, p. 3. PJ. Jan. 6, 1779, no. 1810, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 30. NJG. Jan. 13, 1779. vol. II, no. 58, p. 1; Late European Intelligence. MS. Jan. 21, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 403, p. 1.

125 New-York, Oct. 26. NYG. Oct. 26, 1778, no. 1410, p. 3.

126 Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Oct. 4. NYG. Dec. 28, 1778, no. 1419, p. 2; London, October 10. CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2; Foreign Intelligence; London, October 10. PG. Feb. 13, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 789, p. 2; Trenton, February 10. NJG. Feb. 10, 1779. vol. II, no. 62, p. 3.

127 London, Oct. 10. NYG. Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2.

128 London, Oct. 10. CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2.

129 Extract of a letter from Falmouth, October 11. CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2; Trenton, February 10. NJG. Feb. 10, 1779. vol. II, no. 62, p. 3.

130 From The London Gazette. Nov. 14, Admiralty Office, Nov. 14, 1778. RAG. Feb. 25, 1779, no. CLII, p. 2.

131 Extract of a Letter from the Captain of the Mail Cutter Privateer, to his owners in London, Dated Falmouth, October 27. CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2.

132 London, Oct. 10. NYG. Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2.

133 New-York, Oct. 26. NYG. Oct. 26, 1778, no. 1410, p. 3.

134 London, Oct. 10, NYG, Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2; New-London, Oct. 23. CJ. Oct. 28, 1778, no. 576, p. 3.

135 Extract of a Letter from the Musquito Shore, Dated October 20, 1778. RG. Mar. 20, 1779, no. 258, p. 3; Montego-Bay, January 9, 1779. PP. April 3, 1779, p. 3.

136 London, Oct. 10. NYG. Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2; London. PJ. Feb. 17, 1779, no. 1816, p. 2; Ireland before October 22, 1778. London, Oct. 10. NYG. Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2; New-York, Oct. 26. NYG. Oct. 26, 1778, no. 1410, p. 3; PJ. Feb. 17, 1779, no. 1816, p. 2; London, Oct. 10. NYG. Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2.

137 Extract of a Letter from Corke, October 22. CG&UI. Feb. 5, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 795, p. 3; CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Corke, October 22.

138 London, Oct. 10. NYG. Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2; New-York, November 2. NYG. Nov. 2, 1778, no. 1411, p. 3; London, Oct. 10, NYG, Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2.

139 London, Oct. 10. NYG. Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Bristol, October 31. CG&UI. Feb. 5, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 795, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Corke, October 22, CG&UI, Feb. 5, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 795, p. 3.

140 CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2; London, October 31. Prensa. Feb. 16, 1779. vol. VI, no. 282, p. 1.

141 Extract of a Letter from the Captain of the Mail Cutter Privateer, to his owners in London, dated Falmouth, October 27. CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2; London, Oct. 10. NYG. Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2; London. PJ. Feb. 17, 1779.

142 Extract of a Letter from the Captain of the Mail Cutter Privateer, to his owners in London, Dated Falmouth, October 27. CJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2; London, Oct. 10. NYG. Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1423, p. 2.

143 Extract of a Letter from Gosport, Nov. 18. NYG. Mar. 1, 1779, no. 1428, p. 2.

144 Extract of a Letter from Penzance, October 30. NYG. Feb. 22, 1779, no. 1427, p. 2; Smyrna, October 8. VG, April 2, 1779, no. 8, p. 1; PJ. April 14, 1779, no. 1204, p. 2.

145 Extract of a Letter from Penzance, October 30. NYG. Feb. 22, 1779, no. 1427, p. 2.

146 PP. April 15, 1779, p. 1; Philadelphia, April 16. Extracts from Several Letters of Good Authorities in Different Parts of France; PEP. April 16, 1779. vol. V, no. 590, p. 89.

147 Extract of a Letter from Brest, November 2. VG. April 24, 1779, no. 11, p. 2.

148 Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman of Antigua, to Aretas Akers, Esq. PJ. Feb. 10, 1779, no. 1819, p. 2; Hartford, February 16. CC. Feb. 16, 1779, no. 734, p. 3; CJ. Feb. 17, 1779, no. 592, p. 3; St. John’s in Antigua, January 6. Prensa. Feb. 16, 1779. vol. VI, no. 282, p. 1.

149 Extract of a letter from Liverpool, November 6. London. RAG. Feb. 23, 1779, no. CLI, p. 1.

150 Extract of a Letter from Gosport, Nov. 18. NYG. Mar. 1, 1779, no. 1428, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Paris, Nov. 18, 1778. PEP. Feb. 22, 1779. vol. V, no. 575, p. 46; New York, May 20. RAG. Mar. 20, 1779, no. CLXXVI, p. 3.

151 Baltimore, December 1. MJ. Dec. 1, 1778. vol. V, no. 269, p. 2; PG. Jan. 2, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 783, p. 2; Philadelphia, December 10. NP. Jan. 4, 1779, no. 275, p. 3.

152 The following is Taken from a Late New-York (City) Paper. Advices by the Pacquet. MS. Mar. 18, 1779. vol. IX, no. 411, p. 2.

153 St. John’s in Antigua, Nov. 25. Prensa. Jan. 5, 1779. vol. VI, no. 275, p. 1; St. John’s (in Antigua) Nov. 25. PG. Feb. 6, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 788, p. 2.

154 London, Nov. 28, NYG, Mar. 1, 1779, no. 1428, p. 2.

155 PJ. Dec. 30, 1778, no. 1809, p. 3; Philadelphia, December 30. IC&UA. Jan. 14, 1779. vol. XI, no. 543, p. 3.

156 New York, Dec. 28. PEP. Jan. 14, 1779. vol. V, no. 564, p. 16; PJ. April 14, 1779, no. 1204, p. 1.

157 Extract of a Letter from Bristol, Nov. 24, 1778. VG, April 24, 1779, no. 11, p. 2.

158 Extract of a Letter from Bermuda, Dec. 15. PG. Jan. 30, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 787, p. 3.

159 Camp at Coxheath Intelligence. PP. Dec. 17, 1778, p. 2.

160 Letter, Pickering to Franklin, 23 November 1778; Letter, Pickering to Franklin, 30 December 1778; Letter, Pickering to the American Commissioners in France, 28 January 1779; Letter, Pickering to Franklin, 22 December 1778; Letter, Pickering to Franklin, 30 December 1778; Letter, Pickering to Franklin, 23 December 1778; Letter, Peter Riou and Thomas Pickering to the American Commissioners, 23 December 1778, in Franklin Papers. www.franklinpapers.org.

161 ibid. London, Dec. 19. NYG. April 26, 1779, no. 1436, p. 2.

162 PJ. Jan. 13, 1779, no. 1311, p. 3; Boston, December 21. PP. Jan. 14, 1779, p. 3.

163 PP, April 15, 1779, p. 1; Philadelphia, April 16. Extracts from Several Letters of Good Authorities in Different Parts of France, PEP, April 16, 1779. vol. V, no. 590, p. 89; Extract of a Letter from Brest, November 2, VG, April 24, 1779, no. 11, p. 2; Extract from Several Letters, Written by Persons Who May be Depended on in Martinico. BG, April 26, 1779, no. 1287, p. 2.

164 PP, April 15, 1779, p. 1; Philadelphia, April 16. Extracts from Several Letters of Good Authorities in Different Parts of France, PEP, April 16, 1779. vol. V, no. 590, p. 89.

165 London. from the General Advertiser, Nov. 17, NYG, April 5, 1779, no. 1433, p. 2.

166 London, Dec. 22, NYG, Mar. 29, 1779, no. 1432, p. 2; PP, April 3, 1779, p. 3.

167 PP, April 15, 1779, p. 1; Philadelphia, April 16. Extracts from Several Letters of Good Authorities in Different Parts of France, PEP, April 16, 1779. vol. V, no. 590, p. 89.

168 Philadelphia, PP, April 15, 1779, p. 1.

169 New-London, June 24, IC&UA, July 1, 1779. vol. XI, no. 567, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from St. Eustatia Dated May 21, IL, July 5, 1779. vol. II, no. 56, p. 2; AJ, July 1, 1779. vol. I, no. XVI, p. 2; IL, July 5, 1779. vol. II, no. 56, p. 2; Boston, June 24, CJ, June 30, 1779, no. 611, p. 3; MS, July 1, 1779. vol. IX, no. 426, p. 2.

170 Philadelphia, March 31, CC, Mar. 30, 1779, no. 740, p. 4; PJ, Mar. 31, 1779, no. 1282, p. 3; MS, April 15, 1779. vol. IX, no. 415, p. 2; CJ, April 21, 1779, no. 601, p. 3.

171 St. Pierre, (Martinique) March 4. PP, April 24, 1779, p. 2; CJ, May 26, 1779, no. 606, p. 1.

172 ibid. Charlestown, April 21, VG, June 5, 1779, no. 17, p. 2; St. Pierre, (Martinique) March 4. By Tuesday’s Western Post. Paris, (France) January 1, AJ, June 3, 1779. vol. I, no. XII, p. 2.

173 New-York, April 5, NYG, April 5, 1779, no. 1433, p. 3.

174 London, IL, May 31, 1779. vol. I, no. 51, p. 1. London, Dec. 19, NYG, April 26, 1779, no. 1436, p. 2.

175 ibid.

176 Memorial Presented Last Week to His Majesty by the Duke of Bolton, NYG, April 26, 1779, no. 1436, p. 2.

177 ibid.

178 PJ, June 9, 1779, no. 1291, p. 1.

179 Charlestown, Jan. 13, PEP, Mar. 1, 1779. vol. V, no. 577, p. 51; Prensa, Mar. 2, 1779. vol. VI, no. 284, p. 2.

180 London, Feb. 11, NYG, April 26, 1779, no. 1436, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth Feb. 5, CG&UI, May 27, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 811, p. 1.

181 London, Feb. 11, NYG, April 26, 1779, no. 1436, p. 3.

182 ibid. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth Feb. 5; CG&UI, May 27, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 811, p. 1.

183 Memorial Presented Last Week to His Majesty by the Duke of Bolton, NYG, April 26, 1779, no. 1436, p. 2; Commodore Hyde Parker’s fleet captured a French ship of 300 tons and 20 guns and 12 other vessels between November 27, 1778 and January 18, 1779.

184 New-York, January 28, RAG, Jan. 28, 1779, no. CXLIV, p. 3; Boston, January 28, PG, Jan. 30, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 787, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Captain Alexander M’ Pherson, of the Privateer Schooner Experiment, to His Agent in This City, NYG, Feb. 1, 1779, no. 1424, p. 3; New York, Jan. 27, PEP, Feb. 8, 1779. vol. V, no. 570, p. 36; PJ, Feb. 10, 1779, no. 1819, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from the Southward, CJWA, Jan. 21, 1779, no. CXXXIX, p. 3; CJWA, Jan. 28, 1779, no. CXL, p. 3; Boston, January 21, NP, Feb. 8, 1779, no. 280, p. 4; Boston, January 25, 1776, BG, Jan. 25, 1779, no. 1274, p. 3; NJG, Feb. 17, 1779. vol. II, no. 63, p. 2; Boston, January 28, 1779, IC&UA, Jan. 28, 1779. vol. XI, no. 545, p. 2; CJ, Feb. 3, 1779, no. 590, p. 3; CG&UI, Feb. 5, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 795, p. 4; PG, Jan. 30, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 787, p. 3; PG, Feb. 27, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 791, p. 2; PEP, Feb. 17, 1779. vol. V, no. 573, p. 41; PP, Feb. 18, 1779, p. 3; Boston, February 25, 1779, IC&UA, Feb. 25, 1779. vol. XI, no. 549, p. 3; Philadelphia, PJ, Feb. 3, 1779, no. 1814, p. 3; By the Boston Post, Boston, February 1, MS, Feb. 4, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 405, p. 3; IL, Feb. 22, 1779. vol. I, no. 37, p. 3; Boston, February 22, 1779, EJ, Mar. 2, 1779. vol. II, no. 54, p. 4; Prensa, Feb. 23, 1779. vol. VI, no. 283, p. 2; Boston, February 22, MS, Mar. 4, 1779. vol. VIII, no. 409, p. 4; Boston, February 25, PP, Mar. 16, 1779, p. 2; Newhaven, Feb. 24, PEP, Mar. 19, 1779. vol. V, no. 584, p. 66.

185 Extract of a Letter from Captain Alexander M’ Pherson, of the Privateer Schooner Experiment, to His Agent in This City, NYG, Feb. 1, 1779, no. 1424, p. 3.

186 RG, Mar. 20, 1779, no. 258, p. 3; Montego-Bay, January 9, NYG, Mar. 22, 1779, no. 1431, p. 2; PJ, Mar. 31, 1779, no. 1282, p. 3.

187 Memorial Presented Last Week to His Majesty by the Duke of Bolton, NYG, April 26, 1779, no. 1436, p. 2; PJ, May 5, 1779, no. 1286, p. 2.

188 Philadelphia, February 25, PP, Feb. 25, 1779, p. 2; NJG, Mar. 3, 1779. vol. II, no. 65, p. 2; Philadelphia, Feb. 26, PEP, Feb. 26, 1779. vol. V, no. 576, p. 50; Philadelphia, February 22, Prensa, Mar. 2, 1779. vol. VI, no. 284, p. 2.

189 PJ, Mar. 24, 1779, no. 1821, p. 3; From the Pennsylvania Advertiser, of March 24, RG. April 3, 1779, no. 262, p. 2.

190 CJ, Feb. 10, 1779, no. 591, p. 2.

191 ibid.

192 PJ, Nov. 3, 1779, no. 1312, p. 1; Stockholm, February 10, PP, Nov. 4, 1779, p. 2; Paris, August 20, AJ, Dec. 2, 1779. vol. I, no. XXXVIII, p. 2.

193 ibid.

194 ibid.

195 ibid.

196 London, Feb. 11, NYG, April 26, 1779, no. 1436, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth Feb. 5, CG&UI, May 27, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 811, p. 1.

197 ibid.

198 PJ, Nov. 3, 1779, no. 1312, p. 1; Stockholm, February 10, PP, Nov. 4, 1779, p. 2; Paris, August 20, AJ, Dec. 2, 1779. vol. I, no. XXXVIII, p. 2.

199 New-York, February 15, NYG, Feb. 15, 1779, no. 1426, p. 3.

200 New-York, February 16, RAG, Feb. 16, 1779, no. CXLIX, p. 3; Hog-Neck Eleven O’ Clock at Night, Feb. 1, 1779, PEP, Feb. 26, 1779. vol. V, no. 576, p. 48; New York, February 6, VG, Mar. 12, 1779, no. 5, p. 2.

201 Boston, February 15, IL, Feb. 15, 1779. vol. I, no. 36, p. 3, PJ, Mar. 3, 1779, no. 1818, p. 3.

202 Hartford, February 16, CC, Feb. 16, 1779, no. 734, p. 3; CJ, Feb. 17, 1779, no. 592, p. 3; IC&UA, Feb. 25, 1779. vol. XI, no. 549, p. 3; EJ, Mar. 2, 1779. vol. II, no. 54, p. 2; PEP, Mar. 10, 1779. vol. V, no. 581, p. 60; Boston, February 25, CJWA, Feb. 25, 1779, no. CXLIV, p. 3; PP, Mar. 16, 1779, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Hartford, Dated February 23d, 1779, IL, Mar. 1, 1779. vol. I, no. 38, p. 3; Boston, February 22 a Few Days Past Arrived in a Safe Port to the Eastward a Brick from Bermuda, by a Gentleman, Prensa, Mar. 23, 1779. vol. VI, no. 287, p. 3; Williamsburg, March 26, VG, Mar. 26, 1779, no. 7, p. 2.

203 London, Feb. 11, NYG, April 26, 1779, no. 1436, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth Feb. 5, CG&UI, May 27, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 811, p. 1.

204 Philadelphia, February 25. PP, Feb. 25, 1779, p. 2; Philadelphia, Feb. 26, PEP, Feb. 26, 1779. vol. V, no. 576, p. 50; Extract of a Letter from Bristol, Nov. 24, 1778, VG, April 24, 1779, no. 11, p. 2.

205 PJ, June 2, 1779, no. 1290, p. 2; London, Jan. 27, Prensa, June 8, 1779. vol. VI, no. 298, p. 3; London, CG&UI, June 10, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 813, p. 4.

206 London, March 20, Prensa, July 6, 1779. vol. VI, no. 302, p. 1; Charlestown, April 21, VG, June 5, 1779, no. 17, p. 2.

207 PP, April 8, 1779, p. 2; Extracts from Several Letter Written by Persons Who May be Depended on in Martinico, PEP, April 9, 1779. vol. V, no. 588, p. 82; BG, April 26, 1779, no. 1287, p. 2.

208 London, April 1, NYG, July 12, 1779, no. 1447, p. 2; PP, July 20, 1779, p. 2; Prensa. July 27, 1779. vol. VI, no. 305, p. 1; IL, Aug. 9, 1779. vol. II, no. 61, p. 1.

209 Extract of a Letter from Captain Reynolds, of His Majesty’s Ship Jupiter, to Mr. Stephens, Plymouth, NYG, July 12, 1779, no. 1447, p. 2; Captain Douglass’s Letter, Mentioned in the Foregoing, NYG, July 12, 1779, no. 1447, p. 2.

210 Paris, (France) May 27, PG, Sept. 4, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 818, p. 2; PJ, Sept. 15, 1779, no. 1305, p. 2; PP, Sept. 16, 1779, p. 2.

211 New-York, May 24, CJ, June 9, 1779, no. 608, p. 2; London, CG&UI, June 10, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 813, p. 4.

212 Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, April 27, RG, July 24, 1779, no. 294, p. 3; London, May 1, NYG, Aug. 2, 1779, no. 1450, p. 2.

213 ibid. Extract of a Letter from Liverpool, May 10, NYG, Aug. 9, 1779, no. 1451, p. 1.

214 London, May 1, NYG, Aug. 2, 1779, no. 1450, p. 2.

215 ibid.

216 Extract from Rivington’s New York Gazette, CG, Aug. 11, 1779. p. 1; AJ, Sept. 9, 1779. p. 2.

217 From London Gazette. May 15 Whitehall, May 15, RAG, Aug. 12, 1779, no. CC, p. 2.

218 New-York, May 29, RG, May 29, 1779, no. 278, p. 3

219 From London Gazette. May 15 Whitehall, May 15, RAG, Aug. 12, 1779, no. CC, p. 2.

220 Providence, May 29, IL, June 7, 1779. vol. I, no. 52, p. 3.

221 London, July 1, NYG, Sept. 27, 1779, no. 1458, p. 1.

222 Philadelphia, PJ, June 9, 1779, no. 1291, p. 3.

223 London, CG&UI, June 10, 1779. vol. XVI, no. 813, p. 4.

224 Extract of a Letter from Gibralter, July 25, Brought by a Swedish Man of War, the Mars, PP, Nov. 27, 1779, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Capt. John Hastie, of the Privateer Hawke, Belonging to Clyde, to the Owners, VG, Dec. 18, 1779, no. 45, p. 1; BG, Dec. 20, 1779, no. 1321, p. 2; London, August 30, IL, Dec. 20, 1779. vol. II, no. 80, p. 2; CC, Dec. 21, 1779, no. 778, p. 1; AJ, Dec. 23, 1779. vol. I, no. XLI, p. 1; London, September 2, CJ, Dec. 22, 1779, no. 634, p. 1.

225 The following Letters Were Found on Board of the Packet from Falmouth to New York, Taken by Capt. Taylor, PP, Aug. 21, 1779, p. 3; Extract of Another Letter from the Same Place, Aug. 14, IL, Sept. 13, 1779. vol. II, no. 66, p. 2; Philadelphia, August 31, AJ, Sept. 23, 1779. vol. I, no. XXVIII, p. 4.

226 Latouche, p. 86.

227 London, June 17, NYG, Sept. 6, 1779, no. 1455, p. 2.

228 London, June 19, NYG, Sept. 6, 1779, no. 1455, p. 1.

229 Latouche, pp. 86–88.

230 Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, July 5, NYG, Sept. 27, 1779, no. 1458, p. 2.

231 London, June 17, NYG, Sept. 6, 1779, no. 1455, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, July 5. NYG, Sept. 27, 1779, no. 1458, p. 2.

232 Philadelphia, July 6, Prensa, July 13, 1779. vol. VI, no. 303, p. 2.

233 Extract of a Letter, Et Sia, July 20, 1779, in Lat 46, Long. 15, from the Captain, NYG, Nov. 29, 1779, no. 1467, p. 2.

234 CJWA, Aug. 5, 1779, no. CLXXXVI, p. 2.

235 Philadelphia, July 29, VG, Aug. 14, 1779, no. 27, p. 2.

236 New York, Sept. 6, PEP, Sept. 18, 1779. vol. V, no. 629, p. 230.

237 Paris, Aug. 20. PP, Dec. 25, 1779, p. 1; CG&UI, Jan. 26, 1780. vol. XVII, no. 846, p. 1; AJ, Jan. 27, 1780. vol. I, no. XLVI, p. 2.

238 PJ, Nov. 3, 1779, no. 1312, p. 2; London, August 2. Extract of a Letter from the Hague, July 7, NJG, Nov. 3, 1779. vol. II, no. 97, p. 2; London, July 20. PP, Nov. 4, 1779, p. 2; London, August 21. PP, Nov. 27, 1779, p. 2; London, August 30, IL, Dec. 20, 1779. vol. II, no. 80, p. 2; London, September 3, VG, Dec. 25, 1779, no. 46, p. 2.

239 Corunna, August 4. PP, Feb. 26, 1780, p. 2; Genoa, July 10, NJG, Mar. 1, 1780. vol. III, no. 114, p. 3; Toulon, August 21, VG, Mar. 18, 1780, no. 58, p. 1; CC, Mar. 28, 1780, no. 792, p. 4; Spain, MS, April 13, 1780. vol. IX, no. 466, p. 4.

240 PJ, Nov. 3, 1779, no. 1312, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Sunday Evening, August 22. PP, Nov. 4, 1779, p. 2; New York, November 8, PEP, Nov. 16, 1779. vol. V, no. 638, p. 249; London, August 2. Extract of a Letter from the Hague, July 7, NP, Nov. 16, 1779, no. 319, p. 2; London, August 2, IL, Nov. 22, 1779. vol. II, no. 76, p. 4; Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, September 1, 1779, VG, Nov. 27, 1779, no. 42, p. 1; NP, Dec. 28, 1779, no. 325, p. 1; London, September 8. PP, Jan. 6, 1780, p. 2; Extracts from English Papers, Dated in July and August Last. London, NJG, Jan. 19, 1780. vol. III, no. 108, p. 2.

241 Paris, le 4 septembre, NYG, 17 avril 1780, no. 1487, p. 2.

242 London, Aug. 7, NP, Dec. 28, 1779, no. 325, p. 1; NYG, Oct. 25, 1779, no. 1462, p. 3; Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, September 1, 1779, VG, Nov. 27, 1779, no. 42, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from Dover, to a Gentleman at Folkstone, Aug. 24, NYG, Nov. 15, 1779, no. 1465, p. 2; London. to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, VG, Dec. 4, 1779, no. 43, p. 1.

243 PP, Dec. 28, 1779, p. 2.

244 PJ, Nov. 3, 1779, no. 1312, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Sunday Evening, August 22, PP, Nov. 4, 1779, p. 2.

245 Letter of September 2, 1779 to the Ministry of the Navy. Log of the Hermione, Archives Nationales de la Marine B4 158; Latouche, p. 98.

246 New York, Sept. 15, PEP, Sept. 29, 1779. vol. V, no. 630, p. 234; PJ, Oct. 6, 1779, no. 1308, p. 3; New-York, September 13, NYG, Sept. 13, 1779, no. 1456, p. 3.

247 London, Aug. 7, NYG, Oct. 25, 1779, no. 1462, p. 3; London. to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, VG, Dec. 4, 1779, no. 43, p. 1.

248 RG, Nov. 27, 1779, no. 330, p. 3; PJ, April 19, 1780, no. 1336, p. 1.

249 NBBAS. vol. 1 p. 309; PAG, October 20, 1779, March 22, 1780.

250 PJ, April 19, 1780, no. 1336, p. 1.

251 Extract of a Letter from Jamaica, June 12, NJG, Jan. 12, 1780. vol. III, no. 107, p. 2.

252 Charlestown (S. C.) September 4, VG, Oct. 9, 1779, no. 35, p. 2; Charlestown, (South-Carolina) Sept. 15, PP, Oct. 19, 1779, p. 2, PEP, Oct. 19, 1779. vol. V, no. 634, p. 241; PJ, Oct. 20, 1779, no. 1310, p. 2, IC&UA, Nov. 5, 1779. vol. XII, no. 585, p. 3; Charles town, Sept. 29, Prensa, Nov. 2, 1779. vol. VI, no. 319, p. 2; RG. Dec. 1, 1779, no. 331, p. 3; Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Ariel.

253 Extract of a Letter from Falmouth, September 10, PP, Dec. 30, 1779, p. 2; Extracts from Rebel Papers London, September 15, RAG, Jan. 18, 1780, no. CCXLV, p. 1; London, September 15, CG&UI, Feb. 9, 1780. vol. XVII, no. 848, p. 2.

254 Extract of a Letter from Pembroke, September 15, PP, Jan. 6, 1780, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Bristol, Sept. 22, IC&UA, Jan. 13, 1780. vol. XII, no. 594, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Shields, to His Friend in Edinburg, September 20, VG, Jan. 15, 1780, no. 49, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Newcastle, Dated September 20, AJ, Jan. 20, 1780. vol. I, no. XLV, p. 2; London, Sept. 25, IL, Jan. 24, 1780. vol. II, no. 85, p. 2; London, September 29, NP, Jan. 25, 1780, no. 329, p. 1; Extract of a Letter Dated St. Ives, in Cornwall, September 18, CG&UI, Jan. 26, 1780. vol. XVII, no. 846, p. 1; London, Sept. 10, IL, Feb. 21, 1780. vol. II, no. 89, p. 1.

255 Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, September 15, PP, Jan. 6, 1780, p. 3; London, September 21, PP, Jan. 8, 1780, p. 2; London, September 25, AJ, Mar. 23, 1780. vol. II, no. 54, p. 1.

256 New-York, September 18, RG, Sept. 18, 1779, no. 310, p. 3.

257 Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, September 15, PP, Jan. 6, 1780, p. 3; London, September 21, PP, Jan. 8, 1780, p. 2; London, September 25, AJ, Mar. 23, 1780. vol. II, no. 54, p. 1.

258 London, September 27, PP, Dec. 16, 1779, Supplement 1; Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Shields, to His Friend in Edinburgh, September 20, AJ, Jan. 20, 1780. vol. I, no. XLV, p. 1.

259 Extract of a Letter from Dover, September 24, PP, Dec. 18, 1779, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Shields, to His Friend in Edinburg, September 20, VG, Jan. 15, 1780, no. 49, p. 2; London, Sept. 25, IL, Jan. 24, 1780. vol. II, no. 85, p. 2; London, September 25, AJ, Jan. 27, 1780. vol. I, no. XLVI, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Port-Glasgow, Sept. 23, PP, Dec. 18, 1779, p. 3; From The London Gazette of Sept. 25, Prensa, Dec. 28, 1779. vol. VI, no. 327, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Port-Glasgow, Sept. 23, NJG, Jan. 5, 1780. vol. III, no. 106, p. 2; IL, Jan. 24, 1780. vol. II, no. 85, p. 2; Extract of a Letter from Port Glasgow, Sept. 25, VG, Jan. 15, 1780, no. 49, p. 2; AJ, Jan. 27, 1780. vol. I, no. XLVI, p. 3; London, September 28, CC, Feb. 1, 1780, no. 784, p. 4; Boston, March 9, MS, Mar. 16, 1780. vol. IX, no. 462, p. 3; PG, Mar. 18, 1780. vol. XVII, no. 846, p. 3; CG&UI, Mar. 22, 1780. vol. XVII, no. 854, p. 2; PEP, Mar. 27, 1780. vol. VI, no. 656, p. 34.

260 London, Sept. 25, Prensa, Feb. 29, 1780. vol. VII, no. 336, p. 1; Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, September 9, PP, Jan. 1, 1780, p. 2.

261 Extract of a Letter from Deal, September 21, NHG, Jan. 29, 1780. vol. XXIV, no. 22012, p. 1.

262 London, September 27, PP, Dec. 16, 1779, Supplement 1.

263 PJ, Oct. 27, 1779, no. 1311, p. 1; Basseterre, (St. Christophe) Sept. 22, Prensa, Nov. 2, 1779. vol. VI, no. 319, p. 2; MS, Nov. 11, 1779. vol. IX, no. 445, p. 1.

264 Lloyd’s List, Sept. 7, 1779, NYG, March 6, 1780 p. 1.

265 PJ, April 19, 1780, no. 1336, p. 1;

266 Jean Boudriot (John Paul Jones and the Bonhomme Richard: a reconstruction of the ship and an account of the battle with H.M.S. Serapis. English translation by David H. Roberts. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1987. p. 82, thinks that Jones probably said, “I may sink, but I’m damned if I’ll strike!”.

267 John Henry Sherburne. The life and character of John Paul Jones, a captain in the United States navy. During the revolutionary war. New York: Adriance, Sherman & co. 1851, pp. 126–129 in Commager pp. 947–949.