Source acknowledgements
The author and publishers are grateful to the following writers and publishers for their permission to reprint from materials for which they hold copyright. Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders: we apologise for any remission in this regard.
C. Given-Wilson, The Chronicle of Adam Usk, 1377–1421 (Oxford, 1997). By kind permission of Professor Given-Wilson.
C. Hibbert, Agincourt (London, 1964). By kind permission of Mr Hibbert.
J. Keegan, The Face of Battle (London, 1976). Copyright John Keegan 1976.
The National Archives for documents in its custody.
Note on translations
It is to be remembered that translation is not an exact art and that this book is not intended as a full critical edition of any of the sources. Thus it is possible that similarities and differences have not been detected and that they are not reflected fully in the translations. As many of the chronicles are interlinked, a comprehensive and critical study of the texts in their original languages would be necessary to be completely certain of how the wording of one work related to that of another. In sixteenth-century materials there has been some modernising for the sake of clarity but the names of people and places have been left in their original spellings where identification is not certain and ‘earl’ has been retained as in the works themselves, rather than substituting ‘count’. There are occasional problems of identification in some of the medieval texts also.