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‘YOU know, Em is awake and asking for you?’ Jane points out as she places a cup of tea in front of me.
I have been at Jane’s house for over a week, and still no sign of Dakota. Where the hell could he be?
Em is recovering really well according to Sam, who has obviously forgiven Jane.
‘Did you know about Sam?’ I enquire.
Jane stops what she is doing and sits down at the table next to me. Her hand pats mine.
‘No,’ she shakes her head. ‘Is that why you haven't been back to the hospital?’ She places her hands in front of her on the table.
‘She—’ I look up at the ceiling. Oh God, how can I say this? I close my eyes and hang my head.
‘Sam is Em's mother,’ I utter.
The chair scrapes across the floor.
Jane stands next to me, patting my back.
‘Emerson is still your sister,’ she claims.
‘No— not by blood ... I mean how can she be?’
‘Now, you listen to me, Avander Mercury Michelson ...’ Jane scolds.
I widen my eyes.
She places her hands on her hips. ‘That little girl in hospital is still your sister, no matter what the circumstances are. She only knows you as her sister and nothing else. Now stop with this oh-poor-me attitude and go and see her.’ Jane goes back to whatever she was doing before I interrupted her.
I feel empty, as though I'm missing something.
I run across the road and enter Sam’s house. It’s dark and still. No-one has been in here for weeks. I can smell the dust that has settled on everything.
I walk into my room and find some jeans and a T-shirt. Walking into the bathroom, I hang a towel on the hanger and start to undress. Jane scolded me this morning and made me realise that no matter what— Emerson is still my sister.
Tap, tap. Someone raps on the door. Maybe Jane followed me over. I wrap the towel around me. I still have on my bright green bra and panties.
‘Jane, I'm going to—’ is all I could get out of my mouth.
Dakota is standing in the hallway with a wide stance. He leans with one hand pressing against the door and the other braced against the door jamb, his body filling up the whole area.
‘Where have you been?’ I look at his chest when I ask.
His hand lifts my chin up.
‘We have to take the younger ones away before the full moon. I am still learning and won't be able to control myself until I am twenty-four years old or so. That's the age all werewolves become adults.’
My heart swells and starts beating fast. The piece that I was missing earlier has become whole again.
Sweat drips down his body, and his shorts hang low. I want his lips on mine, but I don't make a move.
Dakota smirks, and his dimples pop out. His woodsy smell fills the room as he walks up to me in two strides.
His hands run through my hair as he leans his head down.
‘I missed you.’
Dakota’s nose brushes against mine before we breathe each other in.
All my pain fades away.
His hand is at the base of my neck while the other one holds my towel in place, because; both of my hands reach up and wrap around his neck.
My back hits the cold tile wall. Dakota turns on the hot water and lets it steam up the room. His hand leans on the wall behind me, as he brings his nose back to mine, inhales and closes his eyes. His other hand lets go of the towel, and I let it fall to the floor. His hand runs along my shoulder and down my back. My breathing hitches.
Dakota is standing under the running hot water with his clothes still on. The wet shirt hugs his body, showing the toned muscle underneath. My lips part, and my skin feels flushed, but I don’t know if it’s from the water or if it actually got hotter in the bathroom. He opens his eyes, and they are a yellow-green colour. ‘We're not taking our clothes off.’ His voice is low and husky.
Holy shit that sounded sexy.
I swallow and nod my head.
My eyes wander down. Yep, he is still dressed.
Dakota’s hand lifts my chin up, so that I meet his eyes. They’re the yellow-green colour of the flames when newspapers are burned. He leans his head down closer to my lips.
I am really hanging out for those lips to be on me. His nose rubs against mine, and I open my mouth slightly. He chuckles. I scowl and jut out my bottom lip. Dakota smiles, and then he bites my lip. He pushes his knee in-between my legs.
My skin feels like it's blazing hot.
His lips barely touch mine, but I can smell his honey breath. His tongue runs along my bottom lip in a slow and exasperating move. My eyes roll into the back of my head.
I close my eyes, trying to control my breathing and the pace of my beating heart.
Dakota's lips press against mine— so soft— as his hand cups my face. His red and black mist swirls around us, making us one. My lips move in sync with his. My arms reach around his back, and I pull him closer. I can’t seem to get enough of him. Dakota growls; it vibrates in my mouth and spreads through my veins. His hands are placed firmly on my hips. My back arches into his touch.
Maybe we should shower under cold water to tame the burning sensation on our skin?
* * *
MY LIPS ARE STILL TINGLING after that fiery kiss in the shower. I pull my jeans up and slip the shirt over my head. I grab a hair tie, and wrap my hair up on top and tie it up with a hair fastener.
Dakota leans against the door; his arms are folded over his chest, and he is wearing jeans and a black T-shirt. His hair looks as though he has run his fingers through it a million times. It's still wet from the shower. His heart is beating faster than mine. His breathing is even. He takes a few steps, stopping in front of me in an instant.
I place my hand on his chest.
‘Am I turning into one?’ I ask to gain more insight into this bond we have.
‘No, not yet.’ Dakota looks away trying to hide the pain I see in his eyes. ‘Because you’re human, you have to die to become a full werewolf. Remember? That's how it happened in the beginning, and that's how it will happen always, for mortals anyway. That is, if I make the changes speed up, they will happen. Whereas female werewolves can bite a human and the victims turn into a werewolf almost immediately, without the whole dying process.’ He shrugs his shoulders.
That’s a lot to take in so I ask about the minor stuff, like my senses and agility.
‘So, what about the hearing and smelling? All of my senses are heightened sometimes.’
‘I forget that you’re new to all of this. Once we find our life partner, everything changes.’
‘How?’ I ask.
Dakota shrugs his shoulders.
‘It's a lot to take in.’ He rubs his forehead.
‘I have time!’ I raise an eyebrow.
‘Okay, all the breathing and touching of noses is causing the changes you’re already experiencing. Each pack has ranks; the higher the rank, the more potent the wolf breath. My werewolf magic is being imprinted into your DNA as we speak—’
‘Ah shit,’ I interrupt Dakota. ‘I um ... have to get to the hospital.’ How could I forget about Em?
Dakota scowls.
‘Hospital?’ he asks.
I move away from him, pick up my phone off Em's bed and tuck it in my bra.
‘Uh, yeah,’ I scratch my head. ‘Em's been admitted in to the hospital.’ I slip on my low-cut socks and joggers.
Dakota stops me and holds onto my shoulders.
His forehead creases.
‘What do you mean?’ he asks.
‘I’ll tell you on the way,’ I promise. I grab his hand from my shoulder and drag him out of the house. We jump the back fence and run through the forest. ‘The school bus should be here soon.’
‘You know, I could always dinky you on a bike.’ He smirks and I purse my lips.
Now that would be something different!
* * *
‘GOTTEN OVER YOURSELF, I see,’ Sam sniggers. She is waiting out in the hallway of the hospital.
‘Mother of the year,’ I mutter, jutting my hips out, looking Sam up and down. ‘I don't care what you say. Em ... is still my sister.’
I edge closer to Sam and a hand holds me firmly in place. I look at Dakota's hand and then up at his face. His stunning green eyes crease at the corners; he looks amused.
I cross my arms over my chest.
‘I’m going to get a drink,’ Dakota whispers in my ear.
‘Mhmm,’ I murmur as I take a seat.
The doctors walk in with Em, who is being pushed on her bed into the small room. Sam and Jeremy rush in after her. Sam reaches up to brush a strand of Em's hair behind her ear, and Em smiles up at her. They look like the happy little family you see in movies. Em's cheekbones and chin are like Jeremy's. Is he her father? The doctors are talking to the both of them, and they nod their heads while still watching Em, their eyes never leaving her face.
I wish they would tell me why she is still in hospital.
I can't watch them anymore. I feel sick to my stomach, knowing that they have been right there with Em all this time.
I hug myself and walk towards the entrance.
My chest aches. It feels like it's breaking. My shoulders curl over my chest as I make my way to the bench furthest away from the hospital doors.
Dakota finds me sometime later, curled up on the bench.
‘Can you please hold me?’ I ask Dakota.
His arm comes around my waist, and his warmth comforts me as we walk towards the trees in the distance. He lifts me into his arms and carries me towards the forest. I snuggle up closer to his warm chest.
Once we pass the first few trees, he starts to increase his speed at supersonic rate. The trees zoom past in a blur; making me feel dizzy. Though the smell of moss, dirt and leaves comfort me. It's his woodsy smell engulfing me—, stronger and wilder out here in the forest.
Why haven't I noticed that before? Ah maybe it's because I haven't been this close to him in the woods!
I raise an eyebrow at my snarky self.
‘It's because I am one with nature,’ Dakota answers simply.
I tilt my head back and look up at Dakota’s handsome face.
‘What!’ I narrow my eyes.
He stops running and sets me on my feet.
‘I’m answering your thoughts,’ His whole face smiles.
‘Okay, see— that right there— is freaky,’ I acknowledge. ‘So, can all the others hear me too?’ I prod.
Dakota crosses his arms across his chest.
‘No.’ He frowns like even the thought of someone else hearing what my mind is thinking disgusts him.
‘So this is a wolfy thing between us.’ I wave my hand between his chest and mine.
‘Yes.’ He takes my hand, and starts walking again.
‘The next time you leave, can I come with you?’ I request. Another full moon is due in a few weeks, and I want to be a part of it, with him.
‘No— it won't be safe.’ His hand reaches up and runs down the side of my face. ‘I need to know that you will be all right.’ His thumb skims across my lips. ‘Promise me that!’
‘Of course. I have never put myself in danger before,’ I appease.
He smiles down at me. Dakota takes a seat on a fallen log and pulls me into his lap.
‘When we’re around a full moon, we can't be trusted. The power of the moon is too strong. When you're young it controls all of your emotions. I am young, but not like the others. I can control at least some of it.’
‘Do you change on a full moon?’
‘No, I can change at will. Remember? The younger ones can only do it on a full moon. They become agitated and aggressive, which is why we leave town for a few days.’
‘You were gone for almost two weeks,’ I accuse.
Dakota pulls me in tighter.
‘I know, and I'm sorry. It's hard being a part of a pack and leaving my other half behind. But I need you by my side at all times. I am incomplete when I'm away. You make me whole again,’ Dakota confesses.
I search his eyes and all I see is truth in them. That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.
‘I know that I have no right in asking, but where is your mum? Has she been to the hospital at least?’
‘No, my mum lives in Avalon.’ I see the surprise on his face. ‘I know. We just came from there, but she um ... suffers from bipolar depression.’ A dry cough leaves my mouth. ‘When I was younger, I think I was about nine, my mum— ah, set our house on fire during one of her episodes. I don’t remember much after the fire. I was so alone without my mum being there, and then Em came along, my world became complete. I had a little sister to look after and a family. Child services gave us to Sam,’
I shrug. I remember watching the flames through the window and all the smoke streaming out of the roof. The fire brigade arrived quick; they also threw a blanket over Mum as she was dancing around naked.
‘And your dad?’ I look up at Dakota and then look out into the lush, dense woods.
I hesitate and take a deep breath. ‘I think that I’ve told you enough of one parent for today.’ I get up off his lap and start walking towards Butler.
Dakota catches up real quick, and we walk towards home in silence.
I didn't mean to shrug him off like that, but when it comes to my dad, I just can't bring myself to talk about him. Yeah, it has been years since I saw him last, but this is a major part of my life that I’m not ready to tell.
‘Do you wanna go and hang out on the beach?’ Dakota asks after a while.
‘Beach?’ I mock.
He rolls his eyes, and it's the cutest thing I have ever seen.
‘Yeah, Donny's Rock,’ he states matter-of-factly.
‘Oh, um, sure why not,’ I shrug. I put my hands in my back pockets as we change direction and walk towards the cliff face of Donny's Rock.