Adams, Eddie

Adams, Everett

Adams, Joe

Adamson, Jack

Alexander, Thomas, see Bradley, James

Alfrey, Pauline

Allen, Henry J.

American Bankers’ Association

American Protective League

Amos, Bob

Amos, Cleon

Amos, John

Amos, Marvin

Anderson, Joe

Ash, Beulah Baird (Juanita)

Ash, Freida

Ash, Rose Baird

Ash, Sadie (Mother)

Ash, Wallace

Ash, Walter

Ash, William

Atkins, Jack

Audett, James (Blackie)

Azar, Robert


Bailey, Harvey

Baird, Beulah, see Ash, Beulah Baird

Barker, Donnie Clark (Ma)

Barker, Fred

Barnes, George Kelly (Machine Gun Kelly)

Barrett, Charles

Barrow, Clyde

Barrow, Melvin Ivan

Bash, Thomas B.

Bates, Goldie

Baum, James

Bennett, Cecil

Berryhill, Jesse

Billingsly, Frank

Billy the Kid

Birch, Clyde

Birdwell, Flora Mae (Bob)

Birdwell, George

Birdwell, Jack

Birdwell, Robert

Birger, Charles

Bischoff, Lynn

Biscup, Walter

Bishop, Luther

Bitzer, Ernest V.

Bonham, Jack

Booth, Ben

Booth, Willis

Bradley, James

Bradshaw, Ford

Brady, Bob (Big Boy)

Brandon, Ruby Dobson

Brown, D. C.

Brown, Roy, see Bradley, James

Brown, Vivian

Burks, Curtis

Burns, C. A.

Burns, Clayton

Burns, Robert

Burns, William

Burns, William J.

Burns Detective Agency

Bureau of Investigation, see FBI


Caffrey, Raymond J.

Callahan, John

Cannon, V. S.

Capone, Al (Scarface)

Carollo, Charley

Carpenter, O. P.

Carroll, John

Carter, George, Jr.

Cash, Wilbur Joseph

Casteel, Marvin

Castner, Ralph (Zibe)

Caulfield, Henry S.

Chambers, Annie

Chandler, Glenn M.

Chaney, Harry B.

Cheatham, George

Cheek, George

Cherokee Bill, see Goldsby, Crawford

Chuculate, Clyde

Chuculate, Perry

Clark, Barnard

Clark, Jim

Clark, Tom, see Bradley, James

Cobb, Ty

Conkle, Ellen

Conley, Patrick

Cook, Fred J.

Cooper, A. B.

Costello, Roy

Cotton, Bert

Counts, William

Cox, James M.

Cramer, Charles

Crowe, Billy

Cummings, Homer

Curry, Paul


Dail, Hubert

Dalton, Emmett

Danielak, Joe

Daugherty, Emmet R.

Daugherty, Harry M.

Daugherty, Walter

Davis, Ed

Davis, Russell

Dawson, Frank A.

DeLora, Frank

Dempsey, Jack

Denning, Homer and Maurice

Denny, Nellie, see Maxwell, Marie

Denton, Bill

Diamond, Jack (Legs)

Diamond, A. D., Jr.

Dillinger, John Herbert

Draper, W. R.

Dunn, Myrtle

Durrell, Grover

Dyke, Stewart and Florence, xiv


Echols, E. W.

Echols, Emma

Edgar, Charles B., see Nash, Frank

Edwards, Andy (Cowbell)

Edwards, John Newman

Egan, Jellyroll

Elliot, Lon

Elliott, Aussie

Erwin, William


Farmer, Aud

Fascone, Gus


Flegenheimer, Arthur (Dutch Schultz)

Fintelman, Billy

Fitzsimmons, Bob

Five Points Gang

Fleagle, Jake

Floyd, Bayne

Floyd, Bessie Watson


Bayne and Wayne




Floyd, Beulah Wickett

Floyd, Carl Bradley

Bonus Army

marriage: Bessie Watson

military service

move to Earlsboro

working oil fields

Floyd, Charles

Floyd, Charles Arthur (Pretty Boy)


Hamilton, Jack

Mitchell, Frank

Sanders, George


Akron, Ohio

Kansas City, Kansas

Kansas City, Missouri

Pueblo, Colorado

Sallisaw, Oklahoma

Aussie Elliott and

baking pies

Beulah Baird Ash (Juanita) and



burglary of Akins Post Office



defends teacher









pranks: baby swap





memento mori

picks gravesite

public reaction

in Earlsboro, Oklahoma



Echols farm

Elizabeth Hill

liquor warehouse raid

after Maud bank robbery

train to prison

Tulsa shootout

as fugitive

air search


Conkle farm

Fort Smith



rewards offered




gun battles

Bennett farm

Bowling Green

Echols farm

Elizabeth Hill

liquor warehouse

Haycock ambush

Maud bank robbery


Union Station, Kansas City

impersonators and lookalikes

influence of Emmett Dalton

interview with Vivian Brown

in Jefferson City State Penitentiary

disciplinary action for drugs

disciplinary action for striking guard

parole from

John Callahan and


employment with

in Kansas City, Missouri

kidnapping Sherriff Jack Killingsworth


Ash brothers

Burks, Curtis

Carpenter, O. P.

Castner, Ralph

Kelley, Erv A.


myths and unproven allegations

association with Fred Barker

avenging father’s death

at Birdwell’s funeral

kidnapping of Frank Phillips

kidnapping of H. W. Nave

killing Booth and Wilson


shooting Harland Manes

Union Station Massacre

Young Brothers Massacre



Pretty Boy

Sagebrush Robin Hood


Amos, Bob

Atkins, Jack

Birdwell, George

Bradley, James

Hildebrand, Fred

Maxwell, Marie

Miller, Willis

Richetti, Adam S.

the press and

relationship with father

relationship with son

robberies, banks

Bowling Green

Castle State

Citizens Bank of Shamrock

Conowa First National

Dover State


Farmers & Merchants, Sylvania

Marlow State

Maud First National


Morris State

Mount Zion Deposit


Sallisaw State

Stonewall State

Whitehouse, Ohio

robberies, cab drivers

robbery, cookie theft

robbery method

robbery of Kroger payroll

robbery of Wewoka dance hall

Ruby Hardgraves and




surrender attempt

swaps for first gun

in Toledo jail

escape attempt from

traveling on the road

arrives in Wichita


kicked out of Kansas City

leaves home


working oil fields


Floyd, Charles Dempsey (Jackie)

Floyd, Charles Murphy

Floyd, Chester Lee

Floyd, Cleatus

Floyd, E. W.

Floyd, Emma Lucille




marriage to Clarence Lessley

Floyd, Glendon

Floyd, John Buchanan

Floyd, Mamie Helena Echols


Charles Arthur

Chester Lee

Floyd, Mary Delta

marriage: Percy Lattimore

Floyd, Patience

Floyd, Ruby Hardgraves


birth: Charles Dempsey



Charles Floyd

Leroy Leonard


Floyd, Ruby Mae

marriage: Silas Spear

Floyd, Ruth

birth: Frances

marriage: Tom Wofford

Floyd, Walter Lee

gives Charles alibi




road worker

shot to death

standoff with sheriff

trucking business

Floyd, Wayne

Floyd, William

Floyd, William J.

Floyd family

first car


move to Akins, Oklahoma

move to Hanson, Oklahoma


Foster, Frank

Fraley, Arthur

Franklin, L. E.

Franks, Orphus

Fritch, E. D.

Fryman, Joseph

Fultz, John H.


Galatas, Richard

Galliher, Carl (Shorty)

Gandee, J. Sherman

Gannon, Bertha

Gannon, Bill

Gardner, Earl

Gaston, L. U.

Gay, Hugh and Lydia

Gibson, Furman

Gillis, Lester M. (Baby Face Nelson)

Glass, Charles (Pete)

Goldsby, Crawford (Cherokee Bill)

Goodall, Luther

Gore, Thomas P.

Green, Frank (Tickey)

Grooms, W. J.

Gum, Eugene


Haines, Thomas E.

Hall, Dave

Hamer, Frank

Hamner, Fred

Hardgraves, Albert

Hardgraves, Ben F.



Sarah Adel Edwards (Deller)

Hardgraves, J. B.

Hardgraves, Jess

Hardgraves, Pauline

Hardgraves, Ruby, see Floyd, Ruby Hardgraves

Hargreaves, George

Hargus, Charles

Harreld, John W.

Harrison, Walter M.

Havens, Glenn

Haycock, Bert

Hayes, George E.

Hell’s Half-Acre

Henry, O., see Porter, William Sydney

Henson, Estel

Herman, Hollis

Higgins, Thomas J.

Hildebrand, Fred (The Sheik)

Hill, C. L.

Hlavaty, Joseph

Holden, Thomas

Holland, Dick

Hoover, J. Edgar

Hopton, W. E. (Bud)

Hotchkiss, H. G.

Houston, Robert

Hovey, John

Howard, Ed

Howell, Joe

Huber, John


Iffland, John C. and Martha

Isely, Bliss

Israel, Lon

Jacobs, E. G.

James, Frank

James, Jesse

Jameson, J. D.

Jefferson City State Penitentiary

Jenkins, Bud

Jennings, Al

Jennings, T. W.

Johnson, Jack

Johnston, Henry S.

Jones, R. B. (Blackie)


Karpis, Alvin

Keating, Francis

Keesee, Troy

Kelley, Erv A.

Kelley, Howard

Kelly, Curtis

Kelly, Machine Gun, see Barnes, George Kelly

Kennedy, R. G.

Killingsworth, Jack

Kimes, George and Matthew

King of the Osage, see Spencer, Al

Knights of Liberty

Kovach, Sergeant

Ku Klux Klan


LaCapra, James

Lackey, F. Joseph

Ladner, John

Lairmore, Milton L.

Lattimore, Pat

Lattimore, Perry Floyd

Lattimore, Perry Lee

Lazia, John

Leonard, Leroy

Lessley, Charlene

Lessley, Clarence, see Lessley, Samuel Clarence

Lessley, Dorthene

Lessley, James Lea

Lessley, Lawton

Lessley, Samuel Clarence

Lessley, Samuel James and Sarotha

Licavoli mob

Lindsay, S. F.

Link, Samuel

Little Dixie

Long, Alice Nash

Long, Crockett

Long, John

Love, Phil

Lovett, Red

Lyle, W. O.

Lynn, Wiley

Lyons, Robert


Maddi, Victor

Majors brothers (Dudley, Roy, and Ray)

Maledon, George

Malone, William J.

Manes, Harland

Masterson, James (Soap)

Mathews, E. M.

Maxwell, Marie

Maxwell, Nellie, see Maxwell, Marie

McAlester State Penitentiary

McAnally, W. J.

McBee, William D.

McClung, D. C.

McCormick, H. C.

McCormick, Langston

McCormick, Robert R.

McDermott, Hugh J.

McDonald, Alva

McDonnell, Edward J.

McElroy H. F.

McElroy, Mary, kidnapping of

McGee, Walter

McKee, Sam

McMullin, George

McWilliams, Sam (Verdigris Kid)

Means, Gaston Bullock

Merrifield, C. F.

Michaels, Herbert

Miles, Clyde and Nellie

Miller, Joseph (Alabama Joe)

Miller, Verne

Miller, Willis (Billy the Killer)

Mills, Jim

Miskall, Ed

Mitchell, Frank, see Floyd, Pretty Boy

Montgomery, Glen (Curly)

Montgomery, Tom

Moran, George (Bugs)

Moran, Roy

Morgan, Frank

Morgan, Ruth Ring

Morgan, W. H.

Munroe, Thomas I.

Murray, William Henry (Alfalfa Bill)

Myers, Homer


Nash, Francis Luce

Nash, Frank (Jelly)

Nash, Jay Robert

Nathan, R. G.

Nelson, Baby Face, see Gillis, Lester M.

Nelson, E. L.

Nelson, William Rockhill

Nichols, Jesse Clyde

Nortrup, Naomi


Ogg, Ike

O’Hanlon, David

O’Hare, Kate Richards

Ohio State Penitentiary

Oklahoma Bankers’ Association

Oklahoma State Crime Bureau


Packo, Joe

Palmer, Alexander Mitchell

Parker, Bonnie

Parker, Isaac Charles

Patterson, C. C. (Champ)

Patterson, George

Patterson, Pat

Pendergast, Thomas Joseph

Peterson, Theodore

Phantom Terror, see Spencer, Al

Philpott, Walter

Pierpont, Harry

Pinkerton, Allan

Pinson, Thomas

Pittman, Charles

Poffenberger, Major and Minor

Popp, Bob

Porter, William Sydney (O. Henry)

Possehl, Arthur

Post, Wiley

Potts, Homer

Pratt, Bruce C.

Purple Gang

Purvis, Melvin H., Jr.

Randall, Bob, see Bradley, James

Rascoe, Burton

Ray, O. P.

Reber, C. M.

Reed, Otto

Richards, Margaret

Richetti, Adam C.

Richetti, Joseph

Ries, Harry

Riggs, Bob

Riley, W. W.

Ring, Jess Lee

Ring, Lavona

Ring, Tempie Laura Edwards

Robertson, Governor James B.

Robinson, Robert

Rockett, W. E.

Rose, Wonetta, see Ash, Beulah Baird

Ross, Will

Roth, Herman

Rumpf, Chris, Jr.

Rumpf, Chris, Sr.


Salee, Ed

Schultz, Dutch, see Flegenheimer, Arthur

Scolla, Sam

Scott, Lon

Self, Troy

Shelton Gang

Shipman, Otis

Shull, Jeannette

Simmons, Bernice

Singleton, Ed

Smalley, Blackie

Smalley, L. C.

Smalley, Marie

Smalley, W. A.

Smith, Chester C.

Smith, Frank C.

Smith, J. A.

Snyder, Stanley

social banditry

Spencer, Al (Phantom Terror / Wild Rider of Oklahoma)

Starr, Douglas

Starr, Henry (Bearcat)

Streckmesser, Kent Ladd

Steele, Elmer

Sterling, William W.

Stewart, George

Stone, Harlan Fiske

Stormont, Jim

Sturgis, E. G.

Sturgis, Ernie

Sullivan, Diamond Joe

Sustic, Henry and Minnie


Taft, William H.

Terrill, Ray

Thayer, Earl (Dad)

Thompson, D. L.

Tilghman, Bill

Toledo jail

Torrio, John

Tower, Byron

Trapp, Martin E.

Trotter, Tom

Turner, D. J.

Turner, Margaret


Underhill, Wilbur


Vail, Tommy

Van Glahn, Ralph

Van Meter, Homer

Verdigris Kid, see McWilliams, Sam

Vetterli, Reed E.


Waddle, Ed

Wagman, Carl

Walker, Bert, see Bradley, James

Wall Street Crash of 1929

Walton, John Callaway (Jack)

Watson, Sam and Ellen

Weisberger, George

Weissman, Solly

Weissman, William

Wellman, Paul

Wells, Henry

West, Lottie

White, James

White, Thomas

Whitney, Lonnie

Whittmore, Vol and Thelma Kennedy

Wild Rider of Oklahoma, see Spencer, Al

Willard, Jess

Wilson, Earl

Wilson, Mabel

Wilson, Roger

Wilson, W. E.

Wofford, Bud and Fanny

Wofford, Frances

Wofford, Thomas B.

Woll, J. C.

Woll, James

Wolsey, John

Wood, E. W.

Woods, Bill

Woodward, Welborn


Young, Harry

Young, Jennings

Young, Vinita

Young Brothers’ Massacre

Younger, Cole


Zickefoose, S. W.