From now on, I am non-teaching.

There is something that bothers me majorly about any form of communication: as soon as you say one thing, you exclude all the others.

That is the nature of words – they define.

If I tell you that relaxation is good for you, I immediately create a judgment of all that is not relaxation. Then whenever you feel stressed, as well as feeling stressed, you now think that you are doing badly.

If I tell you that living in the moment is a great thing, then not living in the moment starts to become a bad thing, to be avoided.

If I tell you that being in qi energy is very healing and, even worse, I show you what that it is like so you learn all the lovely sensations and ways to connect to it, then when you are not there, you feel like you are in some way failing.

It is practically impossible to mention an idea without creating a tension in people.

If I talk about the beauty of not trying, then everyone sets off trying not to try.

That is beautiful and also totally unavoidable.

So from now on, I am non-teaching.

This could look like me simply cleaning my house instead of talking to you. Yes, that is a pretty successful form of non-teaching. But as I love being with people in this non-telling-them-what-to-do-to-become-a-better-person-kind-of-way (as I know that all is okay and doesn’t need fixing), then I will non-teach.

And after that I’ll offer you some non-dinner.

