A Tip of Porkpie Hat

The editors would like to thank the following people for supplying the stories collected in this volume. They include: Mickey Spillane, Jim Traylor, Jess Nevins, Jim Steranko, Denis Riley, Randy Scott and his team at the Special Collections Department at the University of Michigan, Doug Hodges, Mark and Judy Cooke, Richard Halegua, and Rich Harvey.

Lastly, the editors would like to give a special thank you to Charles A. Bixler for taking the time to go through his massive collection of early comics and furnishing both lost stories and helping to put the finishing touches on the Spillane bibliography.

The editors also wish to thank Jane Firestone and Erin Mohl who managed to assemble the final manuscript from photocopies, scans, and sometimes even the priceless original comic.

A final and special thanks to Scott Beatty at Heritage Auctions, Christopher W. Boyko. and especially to Joseph C. Hsieh, for providing the original manuscript to “A Turn of the Tide.”
