Andrew caught up to Kelly in the elevator. He’d seen her go into Jack’s office and wanted a chance to talk to her.
She tucked her hair behind one ear nervously as he entered and pushed the button for the lobby.
He waited for the doors to slide shut before turning to her. “How’s everything going? You settling in at Jack’s”
“I am.” The smile she gave him was tentative. “It’s a beautiful house.”
Andrew knew it was beautiful. He wondered if she would really be willing to give it up after a year. Prenuptial agreement or not, if she decided to fight Jack, she could easily threaten to go public with the agreement if Jack didn’t let her stay. Or give her a big payoff. There were any number of ways this could go wrong.
“It is,” he said as the elevator lowered. “Jack seems pretty happy with things. I take it everything is going well?”
As he said the words, he realized he’d really understated things. Jack had been more than happy lately. His friend seemed different. Relaxed. He was going home at a decent hour and more often than not, he had a smile on his face when he walked the halls of the company.
Hell, Andrew had walked into a negotiation the other day to find Jack joking with the people across the table. That wasn’t something that happened. Ever.
Kelly turned to Andrew, facing him fully and he saw the steel in her eyes this time. She might be nervous around him, but she apparently wasn’t going to let that stop her speaking her mind.
“Mr. Weston, I appreciate that you’re concerned about Jack and I’m glad he has a friend to watch his back like that, but I’m not going to talk to you about our marriage or his personal business.”
Andrew’s smile was slow but it was genuine. He wasn’t willing to completely write off his concerns, but he liked that she would stand up for Jack that way and respect his privacy.
He nodded. “Good enough for me.”