Jack frowned at the doctor. “I’ll have private security on her door.”
He’d contacted a private security firm run by former military special ops guys Chad had recommended. HALO Security had people on the way already.
The doctor seemed like he might argue, but Jack’s look stopped him. No way in hell was Jack taking any chances. The kidnappers had been arrested at the scene, but this had to go further than the men who’d been in that room.
He looked over to the bed where Kelly slept. She had bruises on her face and abrasions on her wrists, and she was being monitored in case she went into shock.
He wanted to growl every time anyone went near her. He didn’t care if these were the doctors and nurses taking care of her. He was in full-blown protection mode.
The FBI had questioned her, but Jack didn’t let that go on for too long. As far as he was concerned, they could postpone the rest of their questions for a day or so. They had enough to track down with the men they’d arrested and the computer they’d confiscated at the apartment.
He got his way. They’d agreed to question her after she had a chance to rest.
The doctor left and Jack sat next to the bed, looking at the face of the woman he loved. Battered and bruised, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He didn’t know if she’d want to make this marriage real, but he was going to do everything he could to show her he loved her. He wanted to spend the rest of his life by her side.
The door opened and Kelly’s mom and dad came in, followed by her sister and brothers. He stood, moving to the side as they hurried to the bed. Kelly didn’t stir.
“They gave her a sedative,” he whispered. “The doctor said she’d probably sleep for most of the day.”
He didn’t know how Kelly’s family would feel about him right now. It was his fault their daughter was lying in that hospital bed. If he hadn’t married Kelly, no one would have had a reason to target her.
Would they hate him? Wish Kelly had never met him? Would they push Kelly to run far and fast from him?
Mrs. Bradley turned to him and her next words answered all his questions. “Come here, Jack.”
She opened her arms and pulled him in, and damn if he didn’t want to cry right there.
“You brought her back to me.”
Kelly’s mom was crying, he realized.
Mr. Bradley came over as soon as his wife released Jack from her hold. He offered his hand. “You’re officially my favorite son-in-law.”
Jack grinned, feeling hopeful for the first time in hours. “I’m your only son-in-law.”
Kelly’s mom moved back to the bed and brushed the hair back from Kelly’s face.
Her father again. “Mrs. Poole and the others are out in the hallway. I should give them an update.”
“I’ll go,” Jack said. He didn’t want to go too far, but he wanted to check to see if the security people had arrived.
He was immediately pulled into another hug as soon as he left the room. Mrs. Poole’s arms enveloped him in soft warmth and he took a minute to let himself sink into it and soak it up.
When he pulled back, it was obvious from the expectant looks that he’d better start talking or else. Chad, Andrew, and Mabry were waiting for answers.
“She’s okay. Bruised, and they want to keep her for observation, but she’s fine. She’s sleeping.”
As he said the words, the strain of holding it together hit Jack all at once. He let his back slide down the wall and he landed, sitting on the floor as his hands started to shake uncontrollably.
He’d almost lost the woman he loved. The person who mattered the most to him in all the world.

Jack held Kelly as she slept. She’d come home the day before, but he’d had a hard time convincing himself she was there to stay. She had slept most of the time she’d been home, and he’d stayed by her side or held her most of the time.
Of course, since he had yet to talk to her about how he felt, it wasn’t actually a sure thing that she would stay. She might not feel the way he felt. She might not love him the way he loved her.
He felt his love for her grow stronger and bigger with each moment that passed. He saw their future together as he watched her sleep. A home, children, grandchildren—together. To come so close to losing her scared him to death. It was time for him to tell her how he felt.
As he watched, Kelly’s eyes fluttered open with the rising sun. She turned to him and smiled, and that smile made him feel like his heart would burst.
“Hi,” Jack said quietly to her.
“Hi,” she said back and rested her head on his chest silently for a few minutes. Then, “I was so scared, Jack.”
“I know, sweetheart. I’ve got you now, and I won’t let anyone hurt you again.” He held her tight and pressed his lips to her temple. “Kelly?”
“Yes, Jack?”
“Please don’t ever leave me.” He took a long slow breath. “I love you, Kelly. I love holding you. I love laughing with you, arguing with you, and just plain being with you. I love the way you accept everything about me without trying to change me. I love making love to you and holding you when you sleep. And I don’t ever want to give that up. Not in a year, or two years, or ever. When I’m with you, I know I finally found the kind of love my parents had—the kind of love that will last forever.”
She gasped and raised her head to look at him with tear-filled eyes.
He looked into her eyes and saw his answer there, clear as day for him. “Will you marry me, Kelly?” he asked.
When she laughed, he added, “For real, this time? Marry me, again?”
Kelly laid her head back down on his chest as though he wasn’t holding his breath. As though he hadn’t just asked her the most important question of his life.
“Yes, Jack. I’ll marry you for real.”