
Two things in this world gave me a mind-bending high. One was meth, obviously. The other was Vanessa.

Did we play rough? Yeah. Did she recoil from my touch? Actually, yeah, sometimes. Did I leave her a trembling mess from orgasms after we played? Always. Every damn time. I wouldn’t finish until she had a mind-bending high of her own.

I loved her, and I made sure she knew it.

Vanessa awoke a beast in me. One that still couldn’t look at her without wanting to rip her clothes off. One that still snuck up on her to catch her off guard, to feel that moment of fear before I fucked her. I wasn’t the only one who had a beast, though.

Mine roared and hers purred.

After she finished school, I didn’t know what was next for us or what would become of us. I didn’t know if she’d ever get sick of my addiction to her. I only knew that she was the single most important thing in my life. My savior. And I’d do anything to keep her happy.

I’d never have guessed that an act done during the lowest moment of my life would take me to heaven instead of hell and make an angel fall in love with a demon. Or awaken a beast that played so well with hers.

* * *

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