You just thought you knew Sleeping Beauty! Sandra D. Bricker has done it again by bringing a story to life that we loved as little girls and made it for the big girl who lives inside us all. What a great bedtime story!
EVA MARIE EVERSON, award-winning author, The Road to Testament
What do you get when you combine Laugh-Out-Loud humor with the promise of a fairy tale happy ending? You get a Sandra D. Bricker novel, that’s what! My advice to readers: Make room for Rise and Shine on your keepers shelf.
LOREE LOUGH, bestselling, award-winning author, including Saving Alyssa of the A Child to Love series
When you think of fairy tales with a modern twist, no matter what you envision, it won’t come close to the well-told tale author Sandra D. Bricker spins from the place where her imagination dances. Clever, warm, rich with meaning, and so like life—laugh a little, cry a little. Bricker’s Rise and Shine promises and delivers a story that reads like entertainment but settles deep in the heart.
CYNTHIA RUCHTI, author of When the Morning Glory Blooms and All My Belongings
Sandra D. Bricker does it again. She pulls out all the stops with her latest romantic comedy, Rise and Shine, which offers a fresh twist on the familiar. With an abundance of references to fairy tales, vintage sitcoms, and fun films, be prepared to giggle at the most unexpected times.
DEBBY MAYNE, author of the Class Reunion series and Dixie Belle
Sandra D. Bricker is one of the few authors I’ve read who can use a light hand to address a hard subject, and she proves it in Rise and Shine. I was hooked right from the beginning, and there’s such an appealing and unique lilt to Bricker’s writing voice that I had to keep reading toward that Happily Ever After for which she’s known. I highly recommend this fun and heartwarming novel.
JANICE HANNA THOMPSON, author of the Weddings by Bella series