Rose listens in silence as Chloé quickly explains her association with the Radcliff’s. When she is done, she asks to speak to Michael. Chloé hands over the phone.
“Yes, Tavish is related to Malcolm. They’re brothers.”
“Christ!” he runs his hand through his curls, causing them to stand up. “Rose, you must stay away from him.”
“No. Look Michael, I appreciate you and Chloé’s concern, really. But Tavish is the opposite of Malcolm. Kind and sweet.”
“Seems Malcolm was too, at first.”
“He warned me about him. Told me to stay away. That he was the only one capable of handling him. He knows how bad he is.”
“He’s a monster!”
“Agree. I’m so sorry about what Chloé went through at his hands. Tavish has wept over some of what his brother did and does. They’re not the same.”
“I truly hope so, for your sake. It cost her, you know? To tell me. To tell you. A lot. She did that to protect you. So, I do pray the costs is worth it.”
“Please put Chloé back on.” He does, but sits within arm reach, should she need him.
“Thank you for sharing all that. I can't imagine the courage it took. As I told Michael, they are brothers, but Tavish is nothing like him. He told me about him, warned me. Wept over what he has done. I didn’t know you were one of his victims...”
“Survivor.” Chloé corrected.
“You are. I’m sorry for all he has put you and others through. I wish I could fix it. I also appreciate, more then you know, you finding the courage to warn me. It means a lot. But, I’m alright. Tavish is the polar opposite of Malcolm.”
“Rose, Malcolm was sweet and kind at the beginning too. Please, keep your eyes open.”
“I will.” They ring off and Chloé seems to deflate on the couch. To courage and strength that was holding her up, gone.
“We did as we could.” Michael softly says.
“Yes. No one was around to warn me away. We at least did that. But, she still thinks him a good guy.”
“He may be,” She just gives him a look from where she lies, legs up. “It is possible. Look, you trust Iris?”
“You know I do.”
“Okay. I will see if she and Devin will check him out for us. Maybe a dinner with him and Rose.”
“That would be good. I’m sorry with all that happened, that she left you. That you’re hurting.”
“Thanks Chloé. It does but, I know it could be worse.”
“If he is anything like his brother, it is.” Michael nods and rings his uncle.
“They will have dinner with them sometime this week. Uncle Devin was right shocked to hear of our breakup.”
“Oh God Michael! I-I didn't mean to add my trauma to your heartbreak.”
“Hush Chloé. You cannot control reacting to that type of…” his hands clench into fists. He makes himself unclench them. She doesn’t need that. He will work this out in a run later. “Bastard.”
“Bastard what?”
“Sorry. Bloody bastard.”
“Yes, and you’re right. But I was to be comforting you.”
“How about we comfort each other?”
“Are you, okay?”
“I’m not sure,” She adjusts, sitting up some. “Reliving that was like returning to my worst nightmare. No one outside Iris and my old therapist knew. But, it was also a bit of a relief. A bit of painful lancing.”
“Christ! I’m sorry for it all. I thank you for seeking to protect Rose.”
“I couldn’t let anyone else suffer like that. I pray he’s the nice guy she thinks he is.” Her eyes get wide and her hand lands on her mouth. Michael quickly pulls himself off the floor and joins her.
“What is it, Chloé?” He takes her hand, enfolding it securely between his own.
“I’m sorry. I just… do you want him to be bad so she will return to you?”
“No,” he rubs the warmth back into the hand he holds. “No, how could I wish her miserable? I love her too much to do that.” He takes her other hand, doing the same. “I do wish she had never met him but, now that she has, well, I can do naught but wish her well.”
“You’re an amazing man, Michael Franklin.”
He twists his mouth up, his hands continue the tender massage of hers. “You’re an amazing courage woman, Chloé Laurent. Courage is no small thing.”
“I guess it isn’t. Is surviving courage? I feel I should’ve pressed charges on him.”
“You did as you could. Yes. It is. Huge courage.” She sighs and relaxes as he massages up her wrist and lower arms. “You don't mind?” Should have asks sooner, he thinks.
“No. It feels wonderful. I've not had a man touch me for such a long time.” He swallows hard. Christ lad. You just had your girlfriend leave you and she is beyond fragile. Her friend.
He massaged back up, getting her back and neck. She melts into it. Her soft sounds of pleasure are driving him a bit crazy but he doesn’t stop. This is what she, his friend, needs. She falls asleep and he moves away, covers her with a throw, and cleans up from their interrupted whisky and ice cream party. He then heads out for a run, locking the door behind him.