James entered one of the meeting rooms of Woodstone Church a few minutes before seven on a Thursday night. At the end of the prior Sunday’s service, Pastor Preston mentioned to the entire congregation that he would be holding the inaugural meeting of a new proactive outreach group he had decided to name the Anointed. He explained that his goal for this outreach group was to be as involved in the community as possible, and to help spread the word of Christ to nonbelievers through action. He extended an open invitation to anyone who wanted to know more.
James took a seat along with a few other people, only one of whom he recognized from church, in a small grouping of chairs directly in front of Pastor Preston. Pastor Preston looked at his watch and said, “Okay, folks, thanks for coming out tonight. It does my heart good to see that there’s real interest in helping spread the word. So many Christians think they can come to church on Sunday and that’ll make them right with God, but real Christians know you have to praise his name every day, all day. And let’s not forget that all of you are here tonight because it’s part of God’s plan. He wants you here just as much as you want to be here, or you wouldn’t be here at all. Keep that in mind as we proceed tonight. So again, thanks for coming tonight. Now, before I get into the nitty-gritty of what this is all about, I thought we could go around and say a little about ourselves. Just because we all worship at the same church doesn’t necessarily mean we know each other. To get the ball rolling, I’ll start. I’m Pastor Gary Preston. I first heard my calling when I was just a little boy, and now I’m fulfilling it here at Woodstone. God has blessed me with four lovely children, twelve, eight, four, and seven months, and a beautiful wife. And all of them have their own deeply personal relationships with Jesus Christ. When I’m not here at the church, I like to golf and watch KU football. Go Jayhawks. Other than that, I’m just humbled every day by the beauty that my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, bestows upon me.”
With that, Pastor Preston nodded to the man seated to his left, indicating that he should speak next. The man said, “Hello, everyone. I’m Phil Hagerman. I’ve been coming to Woodstone for about a year now, I guess. Me and my family—wife and six-year-old daughter—moved here for my job, and a few of our neighbors recommended this place. So far we like it a lot, and I just thought I’d get more involved, seeing as how we’re trying to be better Christians and set a good example for our daughter now that she’s getting a little older and dealing with other kids at school, who are, you know, not really Christian. It’s just kind of scary, you know? There’s a kid in one of her classes who’s Hindu or something. I just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to keep her safe.”
The world was a scary place, filled with countless potential evil influences and life-threatening situations. The only way to avoid these things was to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and pray to him for protection and guidance. The price of gas, putting food on the table for your family, and when your wife would next allow you to have sex with her were the only things worth worrying about. Although contraception was a sin, the consideration of being able to properly financially support the endeavor of bringing a child into the world warranted using it. No one should have more children than they were financially capable of caring for. People who did were one of the chief reasons America was in such turmoil. He hoped God would help America, but he knew better than to question his motives for initiating the current state of affairs. These were things that Phil understood to be true.
Pastor Preston said, “Very good, Phil. Glad to have you out tonight.” He nodded to the man sitting next to Paul. “What about you?”
The man said, “My name’s Brad Fine. I have two children, both grown and out of the house. Uh, this next part is still kind of fresh and hard to talk about, but I feel I’m among friends here, so . . . I’m newly divorced, and I’ve recently come back to the church after a long time away. I kind of figured out that the reason my marriage was having so much trouble was that I was having so much trouble spiritually. I wish it didn’t have to end the way it did, but I understand God has a plan, and I don’t question it. If it took the end of one relationship to repair my relationship with God, then I’m thankful. Now I’m just looking to throw myself into Christ, and do everything I can to show him that I’ll never turn my back on him again.”
Although there was no positive, concrete evidence of his existence, God was very real. It was this absence of evidence that made faith such a difficult thing to adhere to, but it’s also what made it so powerful and personal. Even though God never intervened in human affairs, he was constantly watching and judging, so that everything a person did, no matter how small, was noted and cataloged for the final day of judgment, when all souls would be granted access to heaven or condemned to spend eternity in hell. Science had its place, but only as a supplement to faith, only where technology could enhance our understanding of the spiritual world. Sexual intercourse was a gift that was given to us by God Himself to be shared between a loving man and wife. The perversion of this act, when engaged in without love, without commitment, or between two people of the same gender, led to spiritual ruin. Children were God’s way of letting a small piece of our spirits live on after we are called back to heaven. These were things that Brad understood to be true.
Pastor Preston said, “Brad, it means a great deal that you’re willing to be so open with us here and now—and not just to me, but to Christ.” Pastor Preston got up from his chair and patted Brad on the shoulder, then said, “And how about you?” nodding to James.
James explained that he was single, with no children, and that he was still waiting for God to deliver into his life the soul mate he knew was out there somewhere, waiting for God to bring James into her life. He said that he wasn’t in a hurry, because he knew God had a plan, and part of that was understanding patience. He went on to say that he had never heard the sound of God’s voice, that God had never spoken to him, but he knew that meant he just needed to listen harder, and that’s why he was there. He felt that every act he could do in God’s name would bring him one step closer to hearing his voice.
Pastor Preston said, “Well, James, that certainly is a very thoughtful and, um, personal introduction. Thank you. Let’s keep going.”
The woman next to James said, “Hi, everybody. I’m Brenda Tammer. I’ve been spiritual all my life, and I’ve always felt like I had a really great relationship with Christ, but my family is a different story. My husband and my kids, I mean, all they do is watch TV and play video games. I just really want them to have what I have with Christ, you know? I mean, it’s the greatest feeling in the world to be that loved and to know that he’s there with you in everything. I just want them to have that. So when I saw the flyer for this group in the hallway last Sunday, I kind of felt like maybe instead of trying to force a stronger relationship with Christ on my family, I should strengthen my own and show them what they’re missing.”
Jesus Christ was the best man who had ever lived. He was perfect in every way, and unyielding faith in him was the only way to heaven. But while on Earth, a relationship with him was the most fruitful and fulfilling relationship a person could have, and it would strengthen all other relationships in a person’s life if they allowed it. Christ had the power to do anything, but he left it up to people to make their own choices and come to him of their own free will. Scientific endeavors and matters of academia were things that the average person had no business thinking about. Sex was something that could have dire consequences if the participants weren’t right with God before they engaged in the act. Ideally, sex should only happen within the context of marriage, but sex outside marriage was acceptable as long as the people involved intended to marry at some point in the near future. Having a child was a blessing from Christ himself. Children were magical and to be protected at all costs. The best way to protect them was to introduce them to Jesus Christ. These were things that Brenda understood to be true.
Pastor Preston said, “I think it’s great that you’re taking it upon yourself to help your family get closer to God. Really great. Thanks for coming tonight. And how about yourself?” Pastor Preston indicated the next person in the group, an older woman.
She said, “I’m Gail Lafleur. Honestly, I haven’t been involved with this church or any other church for a while. I, um, got some bad news earlier this year, that my dad was diagnosed with cancer, and I’ve been taking care of him for the past few months, and I’ve started to feel much more in touch with spiritual things. I’ve been coming to Woodstone a few days a week to services, and that’s been helping me a lot. So I thought I’d see if coming to something like this could help me even more. That’s about it.”
Life was so complex, and filled with so many conflicting emotions and thoughts, that there certainly had to be some kind of God who created it all. And each human soul was too precious to end in death. There had to be something more—a heaven, a hell, maybe reincarnation, just something more. Everyone deserved to see the people they loved in life again after death. While medical science had certainly advanced enough to prolong lives, it never really saved anyone. All people died, and science would never be able to stop that from happening, so before you died it was a very good idea to let God know that you put your faith in him. Sex was something that could be engaged in for a wide variety of reasons, and in a wide variety of circumstances, none of which would prohibit you from going to heaven. As long as you were a good person, you would get in. These were things that Gail understood to be true.
Pastor Preston said, “As we begin to see our loved ones near their time to journey back into God’s glorious kingdom, sometimes it reminds us that we need to be a little more aware of God ourselves. I’m happy to have you here tonight.” Pastor Preston nodded to a man sitting next to Gail and said, “And I know this next great guy here, but no one else does, so tell us about yourself, please.”
The man seated next to Gail said, “I do indeed know the good Pastor here, because I’m a pastor myself over at Forrest View—Pastor Jacobs. You can call me Ron. I’ve been a pastor there for almost seven years. I have a wife and two sons, who I love like Christ loves me—unconditionally, unless they get out of line, and then I show them wrath just like God does me. Just kidding. Just a joke. Anyway, I know that Jesus wants me to be the best pastor I can be, and I really think that means being as involved as I can be in as many Christlike things as I can be. So I try to stay active in as many different church groups as I can, especially groups outside my own church. I think you can lose sight of being a good Christian if you get locked into your own little spot, and you forget that there are other Christians outside your church who might do things a little differently. Anyway, I just want to help as much as I can, and when Pastor Preston told me he was starting up this group, I told him he could count on me to be here. So here I am.”
Every person on the planet who has ever lived or would ever live had a calling from Jesus Christ and his father, God Almighty. Following that calling to the best of your ability would lead to eternity in paradise. Ignoring that calling to engage in personal pursuits was a sin punishable by eternal damnation. Science that was more complex than things like phones, televisions, cars, and other functional technologies that aided in daily life was clearly indulged in by people who were ignoring their callings. The primary function of sex was obviously reproduction, and it was something that only a man and wife should engage in, but once the man had his wife, he alone dictated everything that happened in the sexual relationship. No matter how depraved an act might seem, his wife had no choice but to obey her husband and grant him every demand, as long as it involved no other partners or outright denunciations of Christ. These were things that Pastor Jacobs understood to be true.
Pastor Preston patted Pastor Jacobs on the back and said, “It’s great to have you here, Ron. Thanks for coming. And, last but not least, who do we have here?” Pastor Preston looked at a young woman sitting in the final chair.
She said, “I’m Catherine Hobart. My friends call me Cathy. I’m twenty. I currently attend Allen Community College, where I’m the president of our local Intervarsity group. As president, I’ve taken it upon myself to be as involved as I can be with my church and really lead by example for the other Christian students in my Intervarsity group. Tonight I thought I’d see what this is all about, and if you don’t mind, maybe I could bring some other students to the next meeting?”
God granted all children the unmatched gift of being clean from sin at birth. It was up to those children, as they grew up, to keep themselves clean. And if a child could avoid sinning until death, or at least avoid committing too many sins and sincerely repent before death, then he or she would go to heaven. There were certain unforgivable sins, including murder, rape, and sex before marriage, that no amount of repenting would erase. Children were sacred. Having a child and introducing that child to Jesus Christ was the most important thing a woman could do in her life. It was what God made women to do. Science and the contemplation of things like the origin of the universe were wastes of time and human resources. The world would be much better off without science. These were things that Catherine understood to be true.
Once everyone was introduced, Pastor Preston said, “It’s good to see we’ve got hope for the next generation through Christ. All right, everyone, thank you from the bottom of my soul for coming here tonight. I’m sure you’re all wondering what exactly this group is all about. So where to start? I suppose we should start with the name. I’m calling this group the Anointed. Does anyone here know what that means?” No one made any indication that they did.
He said, “Fair enough. It’s a kind of an obscure and old term. It basically means that you’re consecrated, made holy, made sacred in the eyes of God, and that’s what I want to do with all of you tonight.” Pastor Preston went to a cupboard at the back of the room and removed a small vial of oil. He said, “In the olden times, Christian priests would pray over soldiers before battle and ask God to grant them strength to crush their enemies and drive Satan out of this world. They would also anoint the soldiers and their weapons to make them invincible. And to do this, they’d invoke the spirit of Christ into oil, and then they’d rub the oil on the soldiers and their swords and their shields and their armor. It would bond them together in the name of Christ, and it would make them impervious to any enemy attacks. Tonight I’d like to anoint every one of us, which is going to be very beneficial for the things I have planned for this group.”
James looked around at the other people gathered there that night. Some were clearly uncomfortable with this idea. Brad specifically looked like he was thinking about objecting, but after looking around himself and finding no real perceived support for his objection, he remained silent along with everyone else.
Pastor Preston went to each member of the group, dipped his fingers in the oil, and made the sign of the cross on each person’s forehead. James closed his eyes as he received his anointing, and tried to listen for God’s voice as he felt the oil drip down his forehead onto his nose. He heard nothing, but it seemed as though he felt something deep within him stir and move in a way he had never felt before. He hoped this was the Holy Spirit moving within him and reasoned that it couldn’t be anything else.
Once all were anointed, Pastor Preston moved back to the front of the group and said, “Dear Lord, I ask that you watch over these anointed few and guide them safely through their trials so that no harm may come to them while they are in your service. I ask that you use them as you use me, to do your bidding, and allow us to vanquish the dark forces that Satan would use against us and against your glorious kingdom. Amen.”
They all repeated “Amen” and Pastor Preston continued, “Okay, I know what you’re thinking: ‘I got some oil on my head. Now what?’” They all laughed, some clearly happy to have a lightening of mood and a moment to acknowledge collectively, passively, that this was a little out of the ordinary compared to any other kind of church group they had ever joined. He said, “The reason I wanted to anoint you guys tonight—sorry, guys and gals—is that I feel we are truly at war with dark-side forces that are threatening our way of life. The dark one has been and always will be trying to destroy this world and all human souls that reside on it, but I feel we are living very near to the end times, which is when he is at his greatest power, and it’s up to us to stay strong and fight with all our might against everything he set in motion. So why did I anoint you tonight? Because you are now soldiers of Christ Jesus, and you are in a war.”
James looked around and saw that Brad and some others were getting a little uncomfortable again, but he wasn’t at all. This made sense to him in a way that nothing he’d ever thought or felt about Christ had. He began to think that perhaps the reason he’d never heard God’s voice before was that he’d been doing the wrong thing. He’d been living a life so far from God’s plan, so far from his calling, that God didn’t even know how to talk to him. He was a soldier, a warrior for God, not a floor sweeper. Maybe he had been too humble in his life, while God had planned for him to be brazen, to stand in the face of evil and fight against it in Christ’s name. Thinking of himself in this way, James began to feel a new sense of purpose, and he knew that, just as Pastor Preston had said, his presence in that meeting was part of God’s plan.
Pastor Preston said, “Come on, now, you’re all soldiers! Getting anointed is a heck of a lot better than having to go through boot camp, isn’t it? Can I get a hallelujah?”
A few of the attendees, James included, said, “Hallelujah.”
Pastor Preston said, “That’s it? God can’t hear you all the way up in heaven. Shout it out. Hallelujah!”
This time everyone joined in. Pastor Preston said, “That’s it. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Soldiers of Christ, hallelujah!”
Soon everyone in the room was chanting “hallelujah” at a high volume. It gave James a new sense of power and pride. Pastor Preston said, “And now, my soldiers, it’s time for our first mission, which is obviously completely voluntary, but I think it’ll be fun for everyone. It’ll be in a few weeks and we’ll have doughnuts. It’ll just be a good time.
“So here’s what it is. As I’m sure you’re all aware, one of Satan’s most successful military campaigns in recent years has been his attack on the sanctity of marriage. Thank Almighty God that our glorious state hasn’t fallen. But, as you know, our neighboring state can’t say the same. Now, this doesn’t mean that we can’t take up the fight for our Christian brothers and sisters who live only a few hundred miles away. We have to be willing to go to where the fight is, instead of waiting for it to come to us, because by that time it might be too late. And on top of that, we’re soldiers. Soldiers get deployed to wherever they’re needed most. So we’re deploying in two weeks, and then we’re going to march.”
Pastor Preston carried on, giving the details of the march, which he had planned to lead to the steps of a city hall in their neighboring state, where several gay marriages were to be officiated by the mayor. He urged every newly anointed soldier of Christ to act as a general for Christ as well and recruit as many people as they could to join them in this march, in this protest, in this fight to save marriage from the clutches of Satan himself.
Once the plan was outlined, Pastor Preston directed everyone to a sign-up sheet he had posted in the back of the room. James indicated that he would attend. He found this to be one of the most exciting moments of his life.
As he left the meeting, James overheard Brad and Gail discussing their uncertainty about what they had witnessed that night. They claimed to be Christian, but this was a little too much for them. James didn’t engage with them. He couldn’t understand how anyone could ever question anything done in Christ’s name. Jesus had suffered and died for every sin man would ever commit, and all that was being asked in that moment was to drive a few hundred miles and stand in front of a building holding signs that championed the plan God had for us all. He knew in that moment that these people were hypocrites, and he dismissed them, knowing that God would deal with them in the end.
Before he went to sleep, James read the following, and he felt at peace: Corinthians 11:13–15: For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.