Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
ABO blood group maps, 113
“Academic Vigilantism and the Political Significance of Sociobiology” (Wilson, E. O.), 191
Africa: Galton in, 17–18; migration from, x
African Americans: cultural depictions of, 59; demographic shifts of, 60; Du Bois on, 99–100; intelligence testing and, 9, 84; migration of, 68; race relations with, 59–60; racial science and, 9; violence towards, 164; white ancestry of, 145. See also blacks
allele frequencies, 207–8
American Anthropologist, 133, 169
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 126–27, 177, 193
American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 70, 133–34, 168, 173
An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy (Myrdal), 140–43
American Eugenics Society, 108, 131
American Genetics Association, 46
American Historical Review, 107
American Journal of Anatomy, 54
American Journal of Public Health, 211
American Medicine, 54
American Mercury, 70
American Museum of Natural History, 33, 43, 45–47; eugenics exhibit at, 49–51
American Naturalist, 37, 39–40
The American Negro: A Study in Race Crossing (Herskovits), 83
American School of Anthropology, 20
American Society of Human Genetics, 145
American South, race relations in, 59–60
American Zoologist, 157
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 101, 136
“An Anthropometric Study of Hawaiians of Pure and Mixed Blood” (Dunn), 127
anti-immigrant movement, 32–34
antimiscegenation laws, 93; genetics and, 38
anti-Semitism, 120; genetic variation and, 25; Grant and, 47; Pearl and, 70
Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 10
Applied Eugenics (Popenoe and Johnson, R. H.), 15, 38
“The Apportionment of Human Diversity” (Lewontin), 197–98
The Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 71
Arndt, C. H., 147
Atlanta University, 49, 97–98
autogenesis, 173
Avery, Oswald, 201
Ayala, Francisco, 121, 179
Baker, Lee, 6, 49
Banton, Michael, 20
Barash, David, 181–82, 187
Barkan, Elazar, 115, 156–57
Barzun, Jacques, 105–9
Bateson, William, 102
Beaglehole, Ernest, 149
Bean, R. Bennett, 53–54
“Behavior of Physical Traits in Race Intermixture” (Wissler), 72–73
Bell, Alexander Graham, 46
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (Herrnstein & Murray), 188
Benedict, Ruth, 105–6, 133
Bennett, Dorothea, 129
Bentley, Madison, 86
Bilbo, Theodore, 94, 143
biological distinctiveness, 13
“Biological Eugenics: Relation of Philanthropy and Medicine to Race Betterment” (Cole, L. J.), 61–62
“A Biological View of Race Mixture” (Dunn), 127
“A Biologist’s View of the Negro Problem” (Davenport), 36
“The Biology of the Negro” (Stern), 143–48
Birth of a Nation (film), 59
Black Folk: Then and Now (Du Bois), 104–5
blacks: definition of, in 1851, 35; pathologization of, 58. See also African Americans
black-white differences, 55–56; claims of fixity of, 82; Davenport and, 36, 92. See also racial differences
blood, racial differences and, 25
Blumenbach, Johann, 27–28
Boas, Franz, 5, 48–49, 133; Conference on Racial Differences and, 78–79; Du Bois and, 97–99; intelligence testing and, 84; NRC Committee on the Study of the American Negro, 76; population thinking and, 80; racial orphanages and, 87; UNESCO and, 148
body type, 79
Bork, Robert, 141
brain structure, 54
Brattain, Michelle, 158–59
Brave New World (Huxley, A.), 136
Brigham, Carl, 72
Brown v. Board of Education, 8, 94, 139–43
Bunche, Ralph, 121–22, 165
Bush, Vannevar, 163
BusinessWeek, 182
Campbell, Clarence, 109
Capeci, Dominic, Jr., 102
CAR. See Committee Against Racism
Carnegie, Andrew, 97
Carnegie Corporation, 63
Carnegie Foundation, 141
Carnegie Institution, 31–32, 51, 61–62, 90, 128
Castillo, Edward, 213
Castle, William, 91–92, 151
Cavalli-Sforza, L. Luca, 198
Celera Genomics, 203
“Changes in Immigrants” (Boas), 78–79
Chargaff, Erwin, 201
Chicago Daily Tribune, 169
chromosomal theory, 81, 144
citizenship, 2
civil rights, 163–64; groups, 59; laws, 165
The Clansman (Dixon), 59
Clark, Harvey E., 164
Clark, Kenneth, 8, 140
Clark, Mamie, 140
climatological theory, of racial differences, 27
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 31–32; Carnegie Institution and, 128; Eugenics Record Office of, 34, 61–62; Station for Experimental Evolution, 62
Cold War, 164
Cole, Fay-Cooper, 78, 84, 135; racial orphanages and, 87
Cole, Leon J., 61–62
Collins, Francis, 203–5
colonialism, 2
Columbia University, 48, 57, 128
Comas, Juan, 149
Committee Against Racism (CAR), 192–93
Committee on Eugenics, 51
The Comparative Abilities of White and Negro Children (Peterson), 72, 84
Comstock, R. Dawn, 213
“Conference on Racial Differences,” 77–79, 82–86; race-crossing and, 89–90
Congoids, 168
Cook, Robert, 131
Coon, Carleton, 167–74
Cowan, Ruth Schwartz, 24
Cox, Earnest Sevier, 94
Cox, Oliver Cromwell, 106
craniometry, 2
Crick, Francis, 201
The Crisis, 103–5
Current Anthropology, 170–71, 174
CYP2C9 allele, 207–8
cytochrome p450, 207–8
Dahlberg, Gunnar, 153–54
Dain, Bruce, 3
Daniels, Norman, 213
Darlington, C. D., 132–33, 156
Darlington, Philip, 182
Darwin, Charles, 16, 179, 181
Darwin, Erasmus, 16
Darwin, Leonard, 46
Darwinism, synthesis of, 81
Davenport, Charles, 13, 16, 70; black-white differences and, 36, 92; Carnegie Institution and, 62; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and, 31–32; Conference on Racial Differences and, 78; definition of race by, 40–41; education of, 31; eugenics research and, 56; intelligence testing and, 84; interracial relationships and, 42–43; Johnson, A., and, 34–35; Jordan and, 39; miscegenation and, 41, 92–93; “Negro problem” and, 38–39; NRC and, 67–68; NRC Committee on the Study of the American Negro, 76; Pearl and, 70; race-crossing and, 86–94; Second International Congress of Eugenics and, 45; segregation and, 37; typology and, 80–81
Dawkins, Richard, 181–82
Deniker, Joseph, 97
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 201, 206–7
The Descent of Man (Darwin), 181
desegregation, of military, 164–65
determinism, 192
Dietrich, Michael, 201
“Distribution and Increase of Negroes in the United States” (Willcox), 55
Dixon, Thomas, 59
DNA. See deoxyribonucleic acid
The DNA Mystique: The Gene as a Cultural Icon (Nelkin & Lindee), 184
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 7–8, 81, 95–96, 112, 114; Coon and, 169–73; Darlington, C. D., and, 132–33; death of, 179; Dunn and, 126–27, 129–31; molecular biology and, 201–2; Montagu and, 133–35; race and, 122–23, 160; race concept and, 114–26; race concept legitimacy and, 212; training of, 116–17; UNESCO and, 149–54, 157–58
Dodge, Raymond, 67
Dorr, Gregory, 6
Draper, Wickliffe, 56, 90–91, 93–94, 188
Drosophila studies, 51, 124–25, 143–44
Du Bois, W. E. B., 5, 15, 49, 217–18; on African Americans, 99–100; Boas and, 97–99; eugenics and, 104–5; genetics and, 102; historicizing race and, 105–9; on Hoffman, 55; Myrdal and, 143; on race concept, 99–100; race concept legitimacy and, 211; race relations and, 60; racial differences and, 95; racial science and, 103; racism and, 103; Stoddard and, 103–4; writings of, 95–104
Dudziak, Mary, 164
Dunbar, Robin I. M., 189
Dunlap, Knight, 84, 86–87
Dunn, Leslie Clarence, 114, 116, 120, 126–32; death of, 179–80; eugenics and, 128–29; genetic diversity and, 95–96; race and, 130, 160; Second International Congress of Eugenics and, 46; UNESCO and, 153–56
Dusk of Dawn: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept (Du Bois), 217–18
Duster, Troy, 184
East, Edward, 82, 119
Edinburgh Review, 20
“The Effects of Inbreeding on Guinea Pigs” (Wright), 53
“The Effects of Race Intermingling” (Davenport), 40–41, 70
11/22/63 (King), 6
ELSI Research Program. See Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research Program
English, Daylanne, 104
Enlightenment, 25–26
environment, heredity versus, 79, 86
Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program, 203
ethnic group, 135, 151–52
ethnocentrism, 184, 186–87
Ethnological Society of London, 20
Eugenical News, 108
Eugenic Research Association, 109
eugenics, 3; at American Museum of Natural History, 49–51; decline of, 8–9; Du Bois and, 104–5; Dunn and, 128–29; Galton and, 22–23; history of, 13–15; immigration and, 32–33; Ku Klux Klan and, 41–42; NRC and, 66; philanthropy and, 61–62; research, 55–56; segregation and, 6; statistics and, 101
Eugenics Education Society of Great Britain, 46
Eugenics Research Association, 69
evolution: acceptance of, 111; autogenesis and, 173; mechanisms of, 21; research, 31–32; source of, 107
“Evolution and Mortality” (Pearl), 71–72
evolutionary biology, 4, 7–8; authority of, 161–62; molecular biology and, 202
evolutionary synthesis, 81; emergence of, 112–14; genetic variation and, 119; history of, 111; taxonomy and, 111
evolutionary theory, 16
Evolution: The Modern Synthesis (Huxley, J.), 112, 181–82
Falger, Vincent, 188–89
Feldman, Marcus, 199
Fields, Barbara, 4
Fields, Karen, 4
Firth, Rosemary, 107
Fisher, Ronald A., 81–82, 155, 159, 181
fossil record, 167
Franklin, Rosalind, 201
Fraser’s Magazine, 19
Frazier, E. Franklin, 140, 149
Fresno Bee, 146
Friedman, Lawrence, 141
“Frontiers in Population Genomics Research Meeting,” 209
Fullilove, Mindy, 211
Gaither, Frances, 143
Galton, Francis, 13, 16–30; in Africa, 17–18; education of, 17; eugenics and, 22–23; population thinking and, 112–13; race and, 18–19; on racial differences, 24
Galton Society, 51, 107
Gardner, John, 176–77
Garth, Thomas, 50–51
Gates, Henry Louis, 183
Gates, R. Ruggles, 131–32
The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection (Fisher), 81, 181
The Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change (Lewontin), 198–99
genetic diversity, 95–96; race as measure of, 217; research, 205–10. See also human diversity
genetics, 1–3; antimiscegenation laws and, 38; authority of, 161–62; Du Bois and, 102; experimental, 111; race and, 108; reductionism in, 214; segregation and, 38; sociobiology and, 184
Genetics and the Origin of Species (Dobzhansky), 112, 115, 120–23, 127, 133, 179
Genetics Society of America, 127
genetic variation, 7, 197–98; anti-Semitism and, 25; evolutionary synthesis and, 119; Mendelism and, 82; Wright, S., and, 119
genomics, ix–xi, 214
“Geographical Variation in Lady-Beetles” (Dobzhansky), 118
George, Wesley Critz, 143
Glass, Bentley, 82, 131, 136
Godzilla (film), 163
Gould, Stephen Jay, 114–15, 182–83, 191–92
Grant, Madison, 32–33, 51–53, 108; anti-Semitism and, 47
Great Chain of Being, 26
Great Depression, 87
Greater Liberia Act, 94
Great Migration, 60
Griffith, D. W., 59
group intelligence, 85
Haldane, J. B. S., 81, 153–54
Hamilton, Jennifer, 207
Handlin, Oscar, 143
Hankins, Frank, 91, 136
Harriman, E. H., 40
Harrington, Michael, 165
Hartford Courant, 151
Harvard Crimson, 197
Harvard Educational Review, 175
Harvard University, 55
“Health and Physique” conference, 97–98
The Health and Physique of the Negro American (Du Bois), 95–104, 211
health outcomes, 215–16
Hearst’s International, 42
hereditarianism, 83
Hereditary Genius (Galton), 18, 21
Hereditary Talent and Character (Galton), 16, 18
heredity: chromosomal theory of, 81; environment versus, 79, 86; inheritance and, 24; race and, 79–80; race concept and, 79; of skin color, 40–41
Heredity, Race, and Society (Dobzhansky & Dunn), 116, 126, 129–31
Heredity of Skin Color in Negro-White Crosses (Davenport), 40, 62
“Heredity of Skin Pigmentation in Man” (Davenport), 37
heritability, quantifying, 32
Herrnstein, Richard, 188, 196
Herskovits, Melville, 82–83
HGDP. See Human Genome Diversity Project
Hill, Osman, 152
historiography, 6
Hoffman, Frederick, 55, 100–101
Holmes, Samuel J., 67
Homo erectus, 168
homology, 132
Homo sapiens, 167–68
Hooton, E. A., 54–55, 76, 84
Hoover, J. Edgar, 143
House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, 34
Howard University, 59
“How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?” (Jensen), 175–76
Hrdlička, Aleš, 37, 76, 86, 135
Hubbard, Ruth, 192
Hubby, Jack, 197
Hulse, Frederick, 169
Human Ancestry: From a Genetical Point of View (Gates), 131–32
human diversity, 99, 197, 210; rethinking, 211–12. See also genetic diversity
Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP), 6, 205–6
Human Genome Project, 5, 202–3
Huxley, Aldous, 136–37
Huxley, Julian, 112–14, 136, 149, 154, 180–82
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 136
immigration: Americanization and, 58; eugenics and, 32–33; non-European, 35
Immigration Restriction League, 51
INCAR. See International Committee Against Racism
“Incidence of Disease According to Race” (Pearl), 83
“Individual and Racial Inheritance of Musical Traits” (Seashore), 53
inheritance: chromosomal theory of, 144; heredity and, 24; mechanisms of, 124; Mendelianism and, 37; physical, 72
Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development (Galton), 22–23, 28–29
Instauration Magazine, 195
intelligence, 175–76, 188
intelligence testing, 64, 84–85; African Americans and, 9, 84; Jensen and, 167
International Committee Against Racism (INCAR), 193
International Eugenics Congresses, 43, 45–46, 127, 148
International HapMap Project, 206–7
“Internationalizing or Universalizing Mental Measurements” (Brigham), 72
interracial relationships, 42–43. See also miscegenation
intraspecies diversity, 121
IQ and the Meritocracy (Herrnstein), 196
IQ testing. See intelligence testing
Isis, 136
Jackson, Walter, 143
Jamaica, race-crossing in, 89
Jefferson, Thomas, 4–5
Jenks, A. E., 64, 76
Jensen, Arthur, 167, 175–76
Jews: atrocities against, 120; Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 and, 33; racial differences and, 25
Jim Crow laws, 35–36, 164; advent of, 59–60; resistance to, 102
Johnson, Albert, 32, 34–35
Johnson, Charles, 165
Johnson, Roswell Hill, 15, 38
Johnson-Reed Act of 1924, 10, 32–35
Jones, Camara, 213
Jordan, H. E., 38–39
Journal of Heredity, 127, 131, 171
Kawachi, Ichiro, 213
King, Stephen, 6
kin selection, 186–87
KKK. See Ku Klux Klan
Kluckhohn, Clyde, 136
Knight, Jack, 102
Krieger, Nancy, 212–14
Krogman, Wilton M., 169
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 41–42
Lagemann, Ellen, 62
Laughlin, Harry, 32, 34, 50, 94, 108–9
Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, 67
Leclerc, Georges-Louis, 27
Lederberg, Joshua, 177
Lee, Catherine, 215
Lee, Philip, 176–77
Lee, Sandra Soo-Jin, 215
The Leopard’s Spots: A Romance of the White Man’s Burden, 1865–1900 (Dixon), 59
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 149
Lewis, David Levering, 102, 105, 217
Lewontin, Richard, 121, 179, 185, 189–99; population genetics and, 197–98; race concept legitimacy and, 212
Lillie, Frank, 67
Lindee, M. Susan, 184
Lindsay, Suzanne, 213
Linnaeus, Carolus, 25–26
Livingstone, Frank, 174–75
Logan, Rayford, 59
London Daily News, 21
London Times, 21
The Lonely Crowd (Riesman), 162
Lorenz, Konrad, 181–82
Louverture, Toussaint, 22
Lush, Jay, 131
lynching, 164
Lynd, Robert S., 86
Lynn, Richard, 194–95
MacLeod, Colin, 201
Macmillan’s Magazine, 16, 18
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 133
Mall, Franklin, 54
Man, 152
Mankind at the Crossroads (East), 82
Mankind Evolving (Dobzhansky), 172–73
Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race (Montagu), 132–33, 135–36, 211–12
Marranos, 25
Marxism, 193–94
Mayr, Ernst, 80, 112–13, 169, 180; Coon and, 171–72; genetic variation and, 119
McCarthy, Joseph, 133
McCarty, Maclyn, 201
Mead, Margaret, 177
“The Meaninglessness of the Anthropological Conception of Race” (Montagu), 135
Memory of My Life (Galton), 18
Mencken, H. L., 70
Mendel, Gregor, 16
Mendelism: genetic variation and, 82; skin color and, 37–38; synthesis of, 81
mental tests, 64
Métraux, Alfred, 154–57
migration: from Africa, x; of African Americans, 68; race and, 72
military, desegregation of, 164–65
Mill, John Stuart, 19
Miller, Kelly, 59
Mills, C. Wright, 162
miscegenation, 15, 90; Davenport and, 41, 92–93; NRC and, 75–76. See also antimiscegenation laws; race-crossing
molecular biology, ix–x, 201–2
Le Monde, 194
Montagu, Ashley, 5, 114, 131–37, 180; anti-Semitism and, 120; Coon and, 173–74; race and, 160–61; race concept and, 135; race concept legitimacy and, 211–12; UNESCO and, 149, 151–54, 157–58
Morange, Michel, 202
Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 46, 114, 127, 144
Morris, Desmond, 181
“Mortality in the Cities” (Wright), 97
Morton, Samuel, 4–5; polygeny and, 20; racial distinctiveness and, 25
Mourant, A. E., 153–54
Muller, H. J., 149, 159
Murphy, R. C., 112
Murray, Charles, 188
Myrdal, Gunnar, 5, 140–43, 149
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 61
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 48, 59, 70, 103
National Front, 195–96
National Human Genome Research Institute, 203, 209
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 209–10
National Research Council (NRC), 53, 56; Committee on Human Migration, 64; Committee on Race Characters, 57–58, 64, 66–67; Committee on Racial Problems, 58, 74, 85–86; Committee on the Study of the American Negro, 74–77, 89; Conference on Racial Differences, 77–79; Davenport and, 67–68; Division of Anthropology and Psychology, 63–64; eugenics and, 66; history of, 60–61; Joint Commission on Racial Problems, 57; miscegenation and, 75–76; philanthropy and, 61–63; racial differences and, 65–66, 88–89; racial intermixture and, 67–69; research by, 65–67
National Urban League, 59
natural history, 111
Natural History (Leclerc), 27
natural selection, 111
Nature, 21, 91
nature-nurture debate, 129
Nazi racial theory, 15
Nazism: Dobzhansky and, 120; rise of, 108
Neanderthal, x, 167–68
The Negro American Family (Du Bois), 96
The Negro Church (Du Bois), 96
The Negro in Business (Du Bois), 96
“Negro Physique” (Boas), 97
“Negro problem,” 38–39
Nelkin, Dorothy, 184
Nelson, Alondra, 215
New Deal, 87
New York Review of Books, 190–91
New York Times, 150, 182
NIH. See National Institutes of Health
“Notes on the Body Form of Man” (Bean), 53–54
NRC. See National Research Council
“Observations and Queries as to the Effect of Race Mixture on Certain Physical Characteristics” (Hooton), 54–55
Omi, Michael, 184
On Human Nature (Wilson, E. O.), 180, 185
On the Natural Variety of Mankind (Blumenbach), 27–28
“On the Non-Existence of Human Races” (Livingstone), 174–75
The Organization Man (Whyte), 162
The Origin of Races (Coon), 167–74
The Origin of Species (Darwin, C.), 179
orphanages, 57; racial, 86–88
Osborn, Frederick, 131; UNESCO and, 148
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 33, 45, 47; Davenport and, 67; scientific language of race and, 55
Painter, Nell, 60
Painter, Theophilus S., 51
The Passing of the Great Race (Grant), 47, 51–52, 108
Pearl, Raymond, 67–73, 83, 85
Pearson, Karl, 16–17, 91
People, 182
Perez v. Lippold, 93
Peterson, Joseph, 72, 84, 86
Pfeiffer, John, 182
phenotype, 79
The Philadelphia Negro (Du Bois), 96
philanthropy, 61–63
phrenology, 2
Phylon, 143, 169
Piaget, Jean, 84
Pioneer Fund, 56, 90, 94, 131, 188
Plecker, Walter, 93
Plessy v. Ferguson, 140
Polanyi, Michael, 163
polygeny, 2, 5, 20, 24; rejection of, 152
Popenoe, Paul, 15, 38, 65
population genetics, 8; emergence of, 121; Lewontin and, 197–98; theoretical, 111
population thinking: Galton and, 112–13; typology versus, 80–82
“Possible Metallurgical and Astronomical Approaches to the Problem of Environment versus Ethnic Heredity” (Shockley), 176–77
poverty, 100–101
Powell, Jeffrey, 199
The Power Elite (Mills), 162
“The Problem of Negro-White Intermixture and Intermarriage” (Hoffman), 55
“The Problem of the American Negro” (Boas), 48
“The Problems and Results of Negro Intelligence” (Peterson), 84
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 40–41
Promethean Fire: Reflections in the Origin of Mind (Wilson, E. O.), 194
Provine, William, 37–38, 46, 156–57
Psychology Today, 182
public health, 212–13
public schools, segregation in, 139–43
Putnam, Carleton, 171–72
Quarterly Review of Biology, 131, 136, 182, 199
race: comparisons of, 21–22; definition of, by Davenport, 40–41; Dobzhansky and, 122–23, 160; Dunn and, 130, 160; ethnic group compared to, 135; etymology of, 27–28; eugenic hierarchy of, 23; Galton and, 18–19; as genetic diversity measure, 217; genetics and, 108; geographical, 125; heredity and, 79–80; historicizing, 105–9, 159; migration and, 72; Montagu and, 160–61; postsynthesis approach to, 131; proposed divisions of, 150; relations, with African Americans, 59–60; reporting, 209–10; scientific language of, 55; as social construct, ix, 2–5; sociobiology and, 183–89; taxonomy of, 26, 118; thinking, 106; as trigger word, 217; typology and, 173–74; UNESCO and, 148–59
Race, Evolution, and Behavior (Rushton), 187–88
Race and Reason (Putnam), 171
Race: A Study in Modern Superstition (Barzun), 106–9
race concept: biological nature of, 125; criticism of, 105–9; Dobzhansky and, 114–26; Du Bois on, 99–100; Dunn and, 130–31; emerging consensus on, 142; heredity and, 79; HGDP and, 205–6; history of, 1–2; legitimacy of, 211–12; Montagu and, 135; skin color and, 13; Wilson, E. O., and, 185
The Race Concept: Results of an Inquiry (UNESCO), 159
racecraft, 4
Racecraft (Fields, B. & Fields, K.), 4
race-crossing, 55, 70, 86; Davenport and, 86–94; disharmonious, 91
Race Crossing Jamaica (Davenport & Steggerda), 39, 41, 56, 68, 89–94
race relations, 59–60
race riots, 164
Race: Science and Politics (Benedict), 105
“The Races of Man” (Boas), 48–49
The Races of Man (Deniker), 97
Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro (Hoffman), 55, 100–101
racial classifications, 216
racial differences, 3; assumptions about, 58; blood and, 25; climatological theory of, 27; Du Bois and, 95; Galton on, 24; measurement of, 64–65; NRC and, 65–66, 88–89; pathology and, 71; quantitative data on, 100; racial orphanages and, 86–88. See also black-white differences
racial geometry, 28
racial hybridization. See race-crossing
racial hygiene, 108–9
Racial Integrity Act of 1924, 93
racial intermixture, 67–69; effects of, 72–73
racial orphanages, 86–88
racial science: African Americans and, 9; attacks on, 103–4; decline of, 115; Du Bois and, 103; Grant and, 51; historiography on, 115; legitimacy of, 91; Pearl and, 71; philanthropy and, 61–63; Pioneer Fund and, 94; response to, 56
racism: Du Bois and, 103; East and, 82; scientific, 69–70, 157–58; scientific evidence and, 96; sociobiology and, 185–86, 195–96; Stern and, 146–47
Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature, 184
Reardon, Jenny, 5–6, 206
Rebbeck, Timothy, 210
The Retreat of Scientific Racism (Barkan), 156
Reynolds, Vernon, 188–89
Riesman, David, 162
Risch, Neil, 204
The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy (Stoddard), 41–42
r/K selection, 188
Robertson, Wilmot, 195
Robinson, Dean, 213
Rockefeller Foundation, 61–63
“The Role of Social Selection in the Establishment of Physical Type” (Herskovits), 82
Romm, H. J., 147
Rosenberg, Charles, 10
Royal Anthropological Institute, 152
Royal Geographic Society, 17
Ruse, Michael, 199
Rushton, J. Philippe, 187–89
Sahlins, Marshall, 182
Sarkar, Sahotra, 214
Saturday Review, 21
Save the Redwoods League, 51
Schultz, A. H., 51
Science, 91–92, 163, 169
Science for the People, 190–92
Science for the People, 192
Scientific American, 144–46, 170
scientific authority, challenges to, 162–63
Scientific Monthly, 92, 123–25
“The Search for Specific African Body Features” (Todd), 83
Seashore, Carl E., 53, 84
Second International Congress of Eugenics, 43, 45–46, 127
Segerstråle, Ullica, 199
segregation: Davenport and, 37; eugenics and, 6; genetics and, 38; Mendelian, 38; in public schools, 139–43; as social adaptation, 15
self-identified race or ethnicity (SIRE), 210
The Selfish Gene (Dawkins), 181–82
semantic deference, 10
separatism, 195
Shapiro, Harry, 135
Shockley, William, 176–77, 196–97
sickle-cell trait, 174
Silvers, Robert, 190
Simpson, George G., 112, 172, 180
SIRE. See self-identified race or ethnicity
skin color: heredity of, 40–41; Mendelism and, 37–38; race concept and, 13
slavery, 2
Smedley, Audrey, 26
Smocovitis, V. B., 161
Snow, C. P., 161
Social Darwinism, 2, 190
Social Forces, 91
socialism, 14
sociality, 186
social justice, 183–84
social science, 141, 160–62
Social Science Research Council (SSRC), 76
sociobiology: ascent of, 180–83; debates, 189–200; genetics and, 184; intelligence and, 188; race and, 183–89; racism and, 185–86, 195–96; typology and, 200
“The Sociobiology of Nationalism” (Lynn), 195
Sociobiology: The New Synthesis (Wilson, E. O.), 180–83, 189–200
The Souls of Black Folk (Du Bois), 96
SSRC. See Social Science Research Council
Stanton, William, 8
Station for Experimental Evolution, 62
statistics, 101
Steggerda, Morris, 39, 41, 56, 68, 89–94
sterilization laws, 14
Stern, Curt, 114, 120, 143–48, 180
Stoddard, Lothrop, 32, 41–42, 103–4
Stratton, G. M., 75–76
Strauss, William L., Jr., 172
Sturtevant, Alfred, 119
Svirsky, Leon, 145
Systema Naturae (Linnaeus), 25–26
Systematics and the Origin of Species (Mayr), 112
Talented Tenth, 104
taxonomy, 25–26; evolutionary synthesis and, 111; of race, 26, 118
Tempo and Mode in Evolution (Simpson), 112
Terry, Robert J., 75–76, 85–86, 89–90
Them (film), 163
The Thing from Another World (film), 163
Todd, T. Wingate, 76, 83
Truman, Harry, 164–65
Tuskegee Experiments, 9
Tuskegee Institute, 97
“Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male,” 57, 88
“The Two Cultures” (Snow), 161
typology: evolutionary synthesis and, 112–14; genetic diversity research and, 207–8; population thinking versus, 80–82; race and, 173–74; sociobiology and, 200
“Understanding the Role of Genomics in Health Disparities: Toward a New Research Agenda,” 209
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 5, 148–59
University of Heidelberg, 108–9
University of Texas, Austin, 50–51
University of Wisconsin, 61–62
urbanization, 55
van den Berghe, Pierre, 186–87
Venter, Craig, 203–4, 208, 216
Verrall, Richard, 195
Vindija Cave, x
Vine, Ian, 188–89
Wailoo, Keith, 215
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 21
Wallace, George, 197
Walters, Ronald, 162
Warburg, Felix, 47
Warren, Earl, 139–40
Washburn, Sherwood, 155–56
Washington, Booker T., 97
Watson, James, 201
We Europeans (Huxley, J.), 113
West-Eberhard, Mary Jane, 182
The Whispering Within (Barash), 181–82
White, Walter, 48, 70
White America (Cox), 94
white ancestry, of African Americans, 145
White House Office of Management and Budget, 210
whiteness, 99
“Why Do People Differ?” (Stern), 145
Whyte, William, 162
Wildlife Conservation Society, 51
Wilkins, Maurice, 201
Willcox, W. F., 55
Wilson, Edward Osborne, 180–83; criticism of, 189–200; kin selection and, 186–87; race concept and, 185
Wilson, Woodrow, 59, 61
Winant, Howard, 184
Wissler, Clark, 58, 67, 72–73, 86, 97; Barzun and, 107
Woodworth, Robert S., 57, 76, 86
A World View on Race (Bunche), 121
Wright, R. R., 97
Wright, Sewell, 46, 53, 81, 117–18, 156, 180; genetic variation and, 119
xenophobia, 184, 186
Yale Review, 48
Yerkes, Robert M., 64, 67, 70
Zoological Society of London, 152