Several Masonic library catalogues were consulted for the preparation of my work. These catalogues list very few primary materials about eighteenth-century Masonry, but refer to many histories published about the Craft. Sir Algernon Tudor-Craig published a Catalogue of the United Grand Lodge of England (London, 1938). This work is indispensable for Masonic researchers, listing significant studies in the Grand Lodge of England Library about eighteenth-century British, French, and Habsburg Masonry. Most of the works found in Tudor-Craig about eighteenth-century Masonry are listed in the Catalogues of the Library of the Grand Lodge of Iowa (Iowa City, 1878–) and in the Masonic Catalogue of the Library of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, 1881). A survey of the Catalogue de la bibliothèque du Grand Orient de France (Paris, 1879) indicates that few primary sources have been published regarding eighteenth-century Parisian Masonry. This catalogue, however, refers to dated histories of French Masonry during the eighteenth century. No comprehensive catalogues or bibliographies have been published about eighteenth-century Viennese and Prague Masonry. What is needed are contemporary catalogues and bibliographies concerning English, French, and Habsburg Masonry.
Several dated bibliographies list materials about secret societies and Freemasonry. M. E. Jouin and V. Descreux published Bibliographie Occultiste et Maçonnique (Paris, 1930). This bibliography refers to few works about eighteenth-century Masonry, but emphasizes primary and secondary materials about the Rosicrucians. James Hughan, Masonic Bibliography (London: Kenning, 1896) mentions numerous nineteenth-century works about Modern and Ancient Masonry in eighteenth-century England. Hughan only mentions several studies about French and Habsburg Masonry. August Wolfsteig, Bibliographie der freimaurerischen Literatur (3 vols., Leipzig, 1911–1913) has published the most comprehensive reference tool concerning the Craft. This topically arranged work for the most part lists primary and secondary sources about Masonic lodges and rites during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Some works mentioned by Wolfsteig were helpful for the writing of this work.
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