Aldrich, Winthrop
Allen, Oscar Kelly
Allen, Robert
Alesia (ship)
American Bankers Association
American Stock Exchange
American Sugar Refining Company
American Telephone & Telegraph
Amos ‘n’ Andy (radio show)
Anaconda Copper
Anderson, William
Anti-Saloon League
Association of Stock Exchanges
Auerbach, Jerold

Baff, Barnett
Baker, George (banker)
Baker, George Barr (journalist)
Baker, Hugh
as president of National City Company
resignation as president of National City Company and aftermath
testifies on day three of Pecora hearings
testifies on day four of Pecora hearings
testifies at Pecora hearings following resignation
Baldwin, Samuel
Ballantine, Arthur
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Bank of Jamestown, New York
Bank of United States, New York
Banking Act of 1933. See Glass-Steagall Act
banking crisis
effect of Pecora hearings on
FDR’s actions
Glass banking reform bill
as opportunity
runs, closings, holidays, and withdrawal restrictions
banks and bankers. See also City Bank (now Citigroup); Glass-Steagall Act; Mitchell, Charles E.; Morgan, J.P., Jr.
blamed for crash and Great Depression
comparison of commercial and investment banks
comparison of nationally-chartered and state-chartered
deposit insurance
reputation at time of Pecora hearings
Banton, Joab H.
Barrett, Edward
Baruch, Bernard
bear raids
Beard, Charles
Billingsley, Logan
Bimson, Walter
Blackmer, Harry
Blyth & Co.
bonds, foreign
Bowery Savings Bank
Branch, Claude R.
branch banking
Brandeis, Louis
Brazil. See Minas Geraes bond offerings
Broderick, Joseph
Brookhart, Smith Wildman
Brooks, John
Broun, Heywood
Brown, Edgar D.
Bryan, William Jennings
bucket shops
Buffett, Warren
Bull Moose (Progressive) Party
Byrnes, Ronald

Campen, John S.
Capone, Al
Cary, Guy Fairfax
Central Republic Bank and Trust Company of Chicago
Cermak, Anton
Chapin, Roy
Chase National Bank
Chicago and North Western Railway
Citigroup. See also City Bank (now Citigroup)
City Bank (now Citigroup)
comparison with Bank of United States
compensation and bonuses for executives
and Cuban sugar industry
formal investigation launched by Attorney General
and Glass-Steagall Act
history and growth
loans to executives
main branch office
merger of Citibank with Travelers Group
minute books for bank and securities affiliate
Mitchell becomes president
Mitchell heads securities affiliate
Mitchell resigns from board
Mitchell subpoenaed to testify at Pecora hearings
Mitchell taps Rentschler as heir apparent
pledges to get rid of National City Company
public shock at disclosures during Pecora hearings
relationship to National City Company
reputation at time of Pecora hearings
treatment of lower-level employees
City Trust Company
Cleveland Trust
Clinton, Bill
Cohen, Benjamin
Cohen, Joseph
Cohen, Mrs. Joseph
Colby, Bainbridge
commercial banking, comparison with investment banking
Commercial National Bank
Comstock, William
Continental Bank
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Irving Ben
Corcoran, Thomas
Corn Exchange Bank
Costigan, Edward
Coughlin, Father Charles
Couzens, James
Covington, James
Cox, Father James
Craig, Charles
Crain, Thomas C. T.
Creech, Harris
Cuban sugar industry
Curry, John

Davis, John W.
Dawes, Charles G.
day loans
Democratic Party, and Pecora
deposit insurance
Depression. See Great Depression
Dewey, Thomas
Dillinger, John
Dillingham Commission
Dominick & Dominick
Dulles, John Foster

Eakin, Constant
Emanuel, Rahm

Farmers’ Holiday Association
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
federal deposit insurance
Federal Reserve
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Ferrari, Francesco
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (2010)
First National Bank
First National Bank of Tennessee
First Security Company
Fisher, Irving
Fletcher, Duncan
Flynn, Edward
Flynn, John
Foley, James
Ford, Henry
Ford Motor Company
foreign bonds
Frankfurter, Felix
Friedman, Milton
Frost, Robert

Garner, John Nance
Gates, Bill
General Sugar Corporation
Gerard, James W.
Glass, Carter. See also Glass-Steagall Act
banking reform bill
charges Mitchell with responsibility for
stock market crash and Great
feud with Pecora
loses Senate debate to Huey Long
pre-Pecora consideration of banking reform
on Senate Banking and Currency Committee
Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act of 1933). See also banking crisis; Glass, Carter
gold standard
Gould, Dr. J. W.
Gould, Jay
Graf, Lya
Graham, Katharine
Gray, William A.
Great Depression. See also banking crisis
in Detroit
in New York City
at time of FDR’s inauguration
Great Recession (beginning in 2007)
Green, Mary Eloise
Green, Silas
Guaranty Trust
Guardian Trust

Halsey, Stuart & Co.
Hands, J. Baldwin
Happy Hot Dogs (nickname)
Harding, Warren G.
Harrison, George L.
Havemeyer, Henry O.
Hennock, Frieda
Hibernia Bank and Trust Company
Higham, John
Hoover, Herbert
and banking crisis
and banking reform legislation
as commerce secretary under Harding
defeat in 1932 election
Father Coughlin’s view
at FDR’s inauguration
Mitchell as advisor to
Norbeck’s view
observation about Great Depression
reaction to Pecora hearings
role in City Bank investigation
role in Wall Street investigation
view of short sellers
Howe, Louis
Hughes, Charles Evan
Hussey, Ambrose W.

Ickes, Harold L.
anti-immigrant attitudes
Dillingham Commission
Impellitteri, Vincent
Inaugural Address, FDR
Inauguration Day, 1933
Insull, Samuel, Jr.
Insull, Samuel, Sr.
Insull companies
Internal Revenue Bureau (later IRS)
Investment Bankers Association
investment banking. See also Investment Bankers Association; National City Company; securities affiliates
City Bank’s affiliates structure
industry opposition to separation from commercial banking
need for separation from commercial banking
securities-selling methods
Italian immigrants
discrimination against
Pecora as

J. R. Schmeltzer & Co.
Jackson, Robert
Johnson, Hiram
Johnson, Hugh
J.P. Morgan (company)

Kanzler, Ernest
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kirst, Helen
Knox, Philander
Kreuger, Ivar
Kreuger & Toll
Kuhn Loeb (investment bank)

La Guardia, Fiorello
Lafitte, Jean
Lamont, Thomas
Landis, James M.
Lane, Christopher
Lashins, Ivan
Lautaro Nitrate Company
Law, Harry
Lee Higginson (investment bank)
Legion for American Unity
Lehman, Herbert
Lehmann, Frederick
Lindbergh, Charles A. (aviator)
Lindbergh, Charles A. (father of aviator)
Lippmann, Walter
Livermore, Jesse
Logan, Marvel
Long, Huey

MacArthur, Douglas
MacNeil, Evaline
MacVeagh, Franklin
Manhattan Board of Commerce
Mansfield, Richard
Marcus, Bernard
Marrinan, John
McCormick, Anne O’Hare
McDonough, James
McEnroe, Phil
McFadden Act
McMullin, James
Medalie, George Z.
media. See Wall Street, press coverage
Meehan, Frank
Meehan, Mike
Mellon, Andrew
Mencken, H. L.
Meyer, Agnes
Meyer, Eugene
Mills, Ogden
Minas Geraes bond offerings
Mitchell, Charles E. See also City Bank (now Citigroup)
aftermath of Pecora hearings
arrives for Pecora hearings
becomes head of National City Company
becomes president of City Bank
conversation with Pecora
demeanor at Pecora hearings
as a director of New York Federal Reserve
fall from grace
first appearance in Wall Street investigation
joins City Bank
question of income tax evasion
resignation from City Bank and aftermath
as scapegoat for crash and Great Depression
significance of his confrontation with Pecora at Senate hearings
subpoenaed by Pecora
testifies about City Bank bonuses at Pecora hearings
testifies about City Bank investments at Pecora hearings
testifies about sale and buy-back of City Bank stock at Pecora hearings
testifies on last day of Pecora hearings
testimony to Senate Finance Committee on foreign loans
Mitchell, Elizabeth
Mitchell, William D.
Moeur, Benjamin
Moley, Raymond
Moore, A. Henry
Morgan, J.P., Jr.
appears before Pecora hearings
initial meeting with Pecora
opposes Glass-Steagall legislation
private view of Pecora
Morgan, J.P., Sr.
Mount Rushmore
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (movie)
Murphy, Charles
Murphy, Frances

National Banking Act
national banking holiday
National City Bank of New York. See City Bank
National City Company. See also Baker, Hugh; securities affiliates
advertises securities
aggressively pushes securities sales
and Anaconda Copper
and Boeing Company
Charles E. Mitchell becomes head
formation of
Minas Geraes bond offerings
Peruvian bond offering
pushes sale of City Bank’s stock
relationship to City Bank
role of foreign bonds in driving growth
National Origins Act
National Recovery Act
New York Federal Reserve
New York Law School
New York Stock Exchange . See also Whitney, Richard
New York Stock Exchange Reform Committee
New York University (NYU)
newspapers. See Wall Street, press coverage
Nicander, A. H.
Norbeck, Peter
and 1932 elections
as chairman of Senate Banking and Currency Committee
hires Pecora
loses chairmanship of Senate Banking and Currency Committee
style in confronting NYSE president Whitney
style in confronting Samuel Insull, Jr.
view of FDR
view of Hoover
view of Pecora
Norris, George
Nue, James
N.W. Halsey (company)

Obama, Barack
O’Hanlon, J. F.
Oliver Farm Equipment
Olson, David
Olvany, George
Other People’s Money (Brandeis)
over certifications
Overfield, Chauncey

Panic of 1893,
Panic of 1907,
Patman, John
Peabody, Endicott
Pearson, Drew
Pecora, Ferdinand
appointed assistant district attorney in Manhattan
appointed to New York Supreme Court
appointed to Securities and Exchange Commission
attempted bribes
attends New York Law School
candidate for Manhattan district attorney
candidate for mayor of New York City
compensation as Senate Banking and Currency Committee counsel
completes requirements to become lawyer
courtroom attributes
critics of
cross-examination skills
determination to succeed
examines Richard Whitney
explores City Bank’s investment in Cuban sugar industry
explores compensation and bonuses of City Bank executives
explores Insull
explores loans to City Bank executives
explores National City foreign bond offerings
explores National City securities selling methods
explores Port Authority bond offering
explores relationship between City Bank and National City securities affiliate
explores trading in City Bank stock
as family man
feud with Glass
first tangles with Wall Street
hired by Norbeck for Senate’s Wall Street investigation
impact on FDR’s inaugural address
interest in politics
meets and marries Florence Waterman
memoir of Senate hearings
personal life
and press
pronunciation of his name
prosecutorial career
as Protestant Italian
as public speaker
and question of graft
and question of racism
reappointed senate counsel
at start of City Bank hearings
subpoenas Charles E. Mitchell
and Tammany Hall
as womanizer
wrap-up of City Bank hearings
Pecora, Florence (wife)
Pecora, Louis (son)
Pecora, Luigi (father)
Pecora, Rose Messina (mother)
Pecora Commission. See Pecora, Ferdinand; Senate Committee on Banking and Currency
Pelosi, Nancy
People’s National Bank
Perkins, James H.
Pershing, John “Black Jack,”
Peruvian bonds
Plummer, A. Newton
Port Authority of New York
Potter, W.C.
press. See Wall Street, press coverage
Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
Pujo Committee
Purnell, William

Ramsey, John
Raskob, John J.
Rayburn, Sam
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
Recovery Party
Reno, Milo
Rentschler, Gordon
Reynolds, Robert
Ricci, Lawrence
Richey, Lawrence
Riis, Jacob
Ripley, Joseph
Ritchie, Albert
Roberts, Owen
Roche, Olin Scott
Rockefeller, Percy
Rockefeller family
Rogers, Will
Rolph, James
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
actions before inauguration
arrives in Washington.C. for inaugural
assassination attempt
declares national banking holiday
first hundred days
gives first fireside chat
as governor of New York
and Herbert Hoover
names first SEC commissioners
Norbeck’s view
opposes deposit insurance
relationship with Pecora
and Samuel Untermyer
view of Huey Long
view of Mitchell and City Bank
view of Pecora hearings
view of securities market reform
Roosevelt, Theodore
Ross, Edward A.
Rummel, Fred
Ryan, John D.

Saperstein, David
Scapegoats (Sherrod)
Schlesinger, Arthur
Schoepperle, Victor
Seabury, Samuel
SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
securities. See also investment banking
Pecora proposes broadening Senate investigation
reform legislation
Securities Act
securities affiliates. See also investment banking; National City Company
City Bank’s structure
eliminated in Glass-Steagall bill
impact of McFadden Act
inadequacies of laws
and Lehmann opinion
National City Company under Perkins
Pecora’s view
product sales methods
relationship of investment to commercial banking
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
effectiveness as administrative agency
FDR names first commissioners
Securities Exchange Act. See also Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Seligman, Joel
Senate Committee on Banking and Currency. See also Norbeck, Peter; Pecora, Ferdinand
description of hearing room
Fletcher as committee chairman
Insull investigation
Kreuger investigation
Norbeck as committee chairman
pending consideration of Glass’s bill
problems at start of Wall Street banking investigation
role of senators at Pecora hearings
Walcott initially picked to head Wall Street investigation
Senate Committee on Finance, hearings on foreign bond sales
Sheaffer, W. A.
Shearman & Sterling (law firm)
Sherrod, Julian
short sellers
committee investigation of
Hoover’s view
Silver, Julius
Singer, Saul
Smith, Al
Smith, Ben “Sell ‘Em,”
St. George’s Episcopal Church, New York City
St. James Episcopal Church, Hyde Park
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, New York
St. Stephen’s College
state banks. See also banking crisis, runs, closings, holidays, and withdrawal restrictions
Statue of Liberty
Steagall, Henry
Sterling, John
Steuer, Max
Stewart, James (actor)
Stewart, James (Senate committee staff member)
Stillman, James, Jr.
Stillman, James, Sr.
Stokes, Thomas, L.
Stone, I. F.
Strong, Benjamin
Stuart, Harold
Swedish Match King
Swope, Gerard
Sylvester, Horace

Taft, William Howard
Tammany Hall, New York City
Teapot Dome scandal
Thompson, Eugene
Thorne, Oakleigh
Train, George
Trust Company of New York
Truth in Securities Act. See Securities Act
Tucker, Ray
Tugwell, Rexford

Union National Bank
Union Trust
Untermyer, Samuel
United States Chamber of Commerce

Vallée, Rudy
Valley Bank and Trust Company
Vandenberg, Arthur
Vanderlip, Frank
Villard, Oswald Garrison

Wagner, Robert
Walcott, Frederic
Walker, Jimmy
Wall Street. See also banks and bankers; investment banking; short sellers
Couzens’s view
Hoover’s view
before Pecora hearings compared with after
press coverage
and public reaction to investigation
question of abuse of power
Wall Street under Oath (Pecora)
Walsh, David
Warburg, James Paul
Warder, Frank H.
wash sales
Waterman, Florence Louise. See Pecora, Florence (wife)
Western Electric
Wheeler, Burton K.
Whitman, Charles
Whitney, George
Whitney, Richard
Wickersham, George W.
Wiggin, Albert
Willis, H. Parker
Wilson, Edmund
Wilson, Woodrow
Winkler, Max
Winston, Garrard
Wise, Stephen Samuel
Woodin, William
Wright, Malcolm

Young, Owen D.

Zangara, Giuseppe