13. CA, 20-21. On 19 June Boothby returned to the same argument in a letter to Churchill.

14. Chamberlain Diary, 10 May, NC 2/24 A.

15. Pownall, Chief of Staff, with an excellent introduction by Bond. General Pownall was very intelligent but not always a good judge of men. In 1939 he praised the French general Huntziger: “a very good head on his shoulders” (214). Huntziger was responsible, among other things, for the neglect of the French defense preparation at the Ardennes and the Meuse. About Leslie Hore-Belisha, the minister of war 1938-39, he wrote, “an obscure shallow-brained, charlatan, political jewboy” (203). About Churchill, in 1936: “Churchill of course is hopeless.”

16. War Cabinet 65/7,17 May.