THIS BOOK WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE without the generous assistance of many people. Eric Kampmann and Al Regnery at Republic Book Publishers believed in this book and saw the importance of investing in a kind of deep journalism that seems to have gone out of fashion.

David Freddoso provided superb editing and welcome advice. Jimmy Finkelstein, Bob Cusack, Frank Craig, and my colleagues at The Hill were patient and supportive throughout. Hugo Gurdon and my former colleagues at the Washington Examiner launched me on this journey under the banner of The Race to 2020 reporting project.

My twin brother, Jordan Allott, joined me during much of the first year of this journey and was an invaluable sounding board. He also took most of the wonderful photos featured in the book. Gary Bauer provided valuable advice and support. And Emily Leayman, Nicole Rizkallah, and Deirdre McQuade each helped with research, planning, and photography at various stages.

Many family members, friends, and colleagues offered encouragement, advice, and inspiration at just the right moments during the long journey. I’d like to especially thank: Laurel Allott, Richard Allott, Susan Dreghorn, Susan and Phillip Jones, Carol Klein and the Denkenberger family, Rayhan Asat, Bannaros Atichattumrong, Gisela Diaz, Andrew Doran, Chieu Duong, Christine Guluzian, Ana Raquel Heredia, Monica Herman, Elnaz Nazemi, George Neumayr, Johnny Oram, Anjelica Tan, Leslie Walton, Mike Walsh, and Theresa Kelly Winters, Chris Wright.

I am grateful for the hundreds of people I met on the road who invited me into their homes, communities, and lives. I would especially like to thank Mike and Rachel Gooder and their family, Ali AlAbbasi, Hiba and Jasmine Alsabunji, Bo Biggs, Catherine and Clara Bolder, “the unsinkable” Danny Britt, Karina Brown, Chris and Sandy Chilson, Cindi Corbin, Henry and Noel Filla, Joe Heim, Sandi Hodgden, Darryl Howard, Laura Hubka, Ken and Paul Jereczek, Cathy Kulig, Ricki Leigh, Mark Locklear, Eddie Lopez, Jarrod Lowery, Sharlee Mullins Glenn, George Martin, Trent Mason, Michelle Mazarei, Todd Mensink, Geri and Ed Mosher, Jason Passmore, Jake Rouch, Brenda Sams, Jon Schultz, Spiff Slifka, Phillip Stephens, Dale and Darlene Thompson, Mitch and Angel Vice, Bryan Ward, and Jim Wertz.