XIV. Relations between the Army and the People

The army must become one with the people so that they see it as their own army. Such an army will be invincible. . . .

“On Protracted War” (May 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 186.

Every comrade must be helped to understand that as long as we rely on the people, believe firmly in the inexhaustible creative power of the masses and hence trust and identify ourselves with them, we can surmount any difficulty, and no enemy can crush us while we can crush any enemy.

“On Coalition Government” (April 24, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. III, p. 316.*

Wherever our comrades go, they must build good relations with the masses, be concerned for them and help them overcome their difficulties. We must unite with the masses; the more of the masses we unite with, the better.

“On the Chungking Negotiations” (October 17, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 59.

The army in the Liberated Areas must support the government and cherish the people, while the democratic governments must lead the people in the work of supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to the families of soldiers fighting Japan. In this way relations between the army and the people will become still better.

“On Coalition Government” (April 24, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. III, p. 311.*

In the army the task of supporting the government and cherishing the people should be handled through the ideological education of every commander and fighter, so that they all thoroughly understand its importance. As long as the army on its part does this job well, the local government and the people will also improve their relations with the army.

“Policy for Work in the Liberated Areas for 1946” (December 15, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 77.*

In the course of these campaigns,3 the army on its side and the Party and the government on theirs should thoroughly examine the shortcomings and mistakes of 1943, and should resolutely correct them in 1944. From now on, such campaigns should be launched everywhere in the first month of every lunar year, and in the course of them the pledges to “support the government and cherish the people” and “support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of soldiers fighting Japan” should be read out time and again, and there should be repeated self-criticism before the masses of any high-handed behavior by the troops in the base areas towards the Party or government personnel or towards civilians, or of any lack of concern for the troops shown by the Party or government personnel or the civilians (each side criticizing itself and not the other) in order that these shortcomings and mistakes may be thoroughly corrected.

“Spread the Campaigns to Reduce Rent, Increase Production and ‘Support the Government and Cherish the People’ in the Base Areas” (October 1, 1943), Selected Works, Vol. III, p. 135.*

3 Campaigns to “support the government and cherish the people” and to “support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of soldiers fighting Japan.”—Tr.