


Food and Beverage

Three simple words: Keep it light! A spell on a full stomach is not recommended. A heavy meal can leave you sleepy or uncomfortable. Avoid meat the day of your spell, if you can. Stick with fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Fish—baked, but not fried or in a heavy sauce—is a good option. Wait at least two hours after eating to begin your spell.

Try to avoid caffeinated or carbonated beverages; distilled water is an excellent choice because the impurities have been removed. A cup of caffeine-free herbal tea is soothing and relaxing. Try a blend of chamomile and passionflower. Although some of the spells include a sip of wine or fruit juice during the actual spell, do not take it to extremes.


As with food and drink, here, too, three simple words apply: natural, loose, and clean. One hundred percent cotton is a wise choice. A loose white gauze garment is nonrestricting and gives you a sense of cleanliness and purity. Some individuals enjoy taking the time to find certain color garments for special spells. The same colors listed in the candle color chart (see page 63) can be used for clothing as well.

If you do not have a cotton garment, choose something as close as possible, like a cotton blend. Comfort is important: Tight jeans and belts do not allow your body to relax. However, wear jeans if they are the most comfortable thing you own—and most jeans are 100 percent cotton. If you are in a private place, you may decide to just wear a robe, towel, or oversized T-shirt. You may even opt for nudity. The choice is yours.

Before you get dressed, make every effort to take a bath or shower. Start fresh and clean. Think as you are showering or bathing that you are washing any negative energy off your body. A bath is an excellent idea, especially if you use music and candlelight.

If you’re doing a group spell, bathe or shower before leaving the house or before the group arrives. If you can’t shower, at least wash your hands and face. If you can wash your feet, that’s even better. If water is not available, shake your hands and visualize negativity being removed.


Music has the ability to create a sense of peace—providing it’s the right music.

By virtue of the fact you are reading this book, I feel safe in saying you most likely are a seeker of peace and well-being. In all likelihood, you already have in your possession music that soothes you. Slow classical music or New Age music seems to be the most popular. Drumming and chanting recordings are also something to consider. Nature tapes offering gentle background music can be found in most department or music stores.

After purchasing any new tape or CD, listen to the entire recording before using it for spell work. The first two selections may be ideal, but if song number three goes up thirty decibels and a wolf starts howling, it could send you crashing down from your altered state.

If you have the time, visit your local music or New Age store. Most provide headsets and demonstration tapes that give you the opportunity to listen before you buy. The recording you choose should be long enough to last your entire spell.

Music that suddenly stops in the middle of a ceremony will also break the mood. If you have no choice and you must turn a tape over, at the very least have your sound system close to you so you do not have to leave your spell area. Music is the sound of the soul: If you can include it in your rituals, all the better.