Numerology is the study of the meanings of numbers. Each number is said to have a special vibration, which equates to a different message and definition. The most common starting point in numerology is to add together the numbers from your date of birth and reduce them to a single digit for the purpose of revealing your path of life. Each number has a special meaning and gives you insights and direction. Pay attention and you may be surprised how accurate numerology can be.
Numerology goes beyond solely determining your path in life. It can also assist you in determining such things as where to live from a mere street address. You can also use your name to garner further information about your life.
Numerology is simple to learn, and after a while, you may find yourself adding up numbers on everything numerical you come across. One can add up the number of a motel room to test whether or not they will have a good time or unusual happenings. You can total dates and phone numbers or anything you choose. Numerology is fun and something that can be learned quickly for your personal use. Of course, to be a professional numerologist, as with anything, it requires more time and study of the vibrations of numbers.
How to Find Your Life Path/Destiny
The basic idea is to calculate your date of birth down to one single number or digit.
There are two exceptions to this rule. If the sum of your date of birth should add up to 11 or 22, they stand as they are. They are not further reduced because these are considered master numbers.
You first add together the number of the month you were born, add it to the calendar day number you were born, and then to the year you were born. You should have a four-digit number. Add these four digits together to get a two-digit number. Lastly, add the two-digit number (unless it is 11 or 22), and you will come up with a single-digit number, which is your life path number.
Example: Mary Jones was born on May 15, 1958, which is numerically 5/15/1958 and will be added like this:
Month of birth: 5
Day of birth: 15
Year of birth: 1958
Total: 1978
Reduce these numbers further by adding them separately:
1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 25
Now reduce the last number, 25, to find a single number:
2 + 5 = 7
Mary Jones’s life path number is 7.
Example of an exception: John Smith was born on January 29, 1963, which numerically is 1/29/1963 and will be added like this:
Month of birth: 1
Day of birth: 29
Year of birth: 1963
Total: 1993
Reduce these numbers further by adding them separately:
1 + 9 + 9 + 3 = 22
The number is 22 is a master number, so in this case you leave it at 22. Remember, only 22 and 11 are exceptions; all other numbers would be added further to arrive at a one-digit number.
Number Interpretations
These number definitions are the standard interpretations.
1 (One)
Personal interpretation: One represents individuality. This is the number of a trailblazer and pathfinder. You lead and do not follow, doing better in your own business as opposed to working for someone else. Ones are self-sufficient and honest and have a natural flare for inventions. People that vibrate to this number always finish their plans or projects.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—independence, unity, new beginnings, organization, creativity, unconventionality, communicative. Negatives aspects—laziness, selfishness, overly aggressive.
2 (Two)
Personal interpretation: Two represents joint action. You are a team player and do not like working or living alone. You enjoy community work and give without expecting anything in return. You are the peacemakers of the world and are loved for your kindness and good will. Twos can be shy at times and would rather live with someone than live alone.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—cooperation, diplomacy, duality, gentleness, security, kindness and love, patience. Negative aspects—too passive, overly self-supportive, hypersensitivity.
3 (Three)
Personal interpretation: Three represents creativity. You are popular and work better mentally than physically. You are the writers, artists, and musicians in the world. Kindness and intuition best describe your nature. You bring happiness to others and love to build and create. You follow your dreams and achieve them. You enjoy nature and see the beauty in all things.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—enthusiasm, imagination, creativity, leadership, talent, merriment, sexuality, inspirational. Negative aspects—jealousy, overexpectations of others.
4 (Four)
Personal interpretation: Four represents organization. You are practical, logical, and get the job done without complaining. You are a homebody and do not take foolish chances. Responsibility is your nature and everyone counts on you to make things right.
You do not like surprises and like to have everything in its place. You are an excellent provider and are the epitome of the word stable.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—organized, solid, no nonsense, industry, serious, detailed, protection, and safety. Negative aspects—overwork, impatience, boring, and stubborn.
5 (Five)
Personal interpretation: Five represents freedom. You enjoy change and do not want to be tied down to anything or anyone. You are an adventurer and “want to do it all.” Fives like dealing with the public and are anxious to learn. You make friends quickly and are not apprehensive about trying new ideas. You are at no time a couch potato and like excitement in your life, so you seek it.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—change, versatility, energetic, unique, travel, the unconventional. Negative aspects— overindulgence, irresponsibility, not stable.
6 (Six)
Personal interpretation: Six represents harmony. You have an artistic nature and love family and friends. You are a giver and would rather give than receive. Sixes are responsible and humanitarians. Entertaining and sharing what you have with others is also of your nature. You are a partnership type as opposed to being a loner.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—responsibility, beauty, nature, loving, social, and security. Negative aspects—pride to a fault, interference, and stubbornness.
7 (Seven)
Personal interpretation: Seven represents understanding. You are very wise and a seeker of knowledge. You enjoy your own company and do not mind being alone and reflecting about life. Sevens lean toward metaphysics and the paranormal. Spirituality is part of your life’s journey. Psychic work would well suit you and sometimes you can be misunderstood and considered a bit unusual.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—meditation, learning, professionalism, teaching, counseling, and intelligence. Negative aspects—laziness, apathy, daydreams, and addictive behavior.
8 (Eight)
Personal interpretation: Eight represents power. You are an achiever and successful. Eights figure out how the universe works and use it to get what they want in life, without being greedy once you learn balance. You have a tendency to take everything to its utmost and do not do anything halfway. Public speaking is a forte and you are a good communicator, not only verbally but also in written form.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—business, money, ambition, charity, metaphysical, accomplished. Negative aspects— extravagance, narrow-mindedness, harsh.
9 (Nine)
Personal interpretation: Nine represents completion. You are compassionate, loving, caring, and sensitive. Nines are well suited for giving intelligent advice and guidance.
You have high levels of natural intuition and are best to follow your own thoughts and feelings. You share your knowledge and insights with others as this brings you great pleasure. Forgiving and forgetting is instilled in you, for you have journeyed far above petty things.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—intuitiveness, fulfillment, peacefulness, creativity, and brilliance. Negative aspects— moodiness, occasional selfishness, and shyness.
11 (Eleven)
Personal interpretation: Eleven is a master number of illumination. You should be up on stage teaching, educating, and making a difference in the world. Elevens are philosophical and of them much is expected. You could be everything from a famous artist to a politician. The options are limitless, and you have the ability to make people think. People watch what you do and follow you, so be careful in all you do and say.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—ability, psychic knowledge, inspirational. Negative aspects—conceit, skepticism, and coolness toward others.
22 (Twenty-two)
Personal interpretation: Twenty-two is the number of self-mastery.
You are the master of any trade or profession you pursue and should use your expertise to benefit others and work on a large scale in what you have chosen. You do not open a small-town business—instead you put together a major worldwide corporation.
You do not receive a letter of recognition, but win the Pulitzer Prize. Your path is universal and expansive.
General interpretation: Positive aspects—leadership, visionary, achievement, and fame for helping others. Negative aspects— vanity, stress, and insensitiveness.
Here are a few additional quick and fun things to experiment with in numerology:
• Add up your address at your own home and see the results.
Example 438 Elm Street. Add: 4 + 3 + 8 = 15. Then, 1 + 5 = 6. If this were your address, you would simply look up the number 6 in the interpretation list and see if it pertains to the way you feel in your home or about a potential home.
• Add up the number of your motel room the next time you go on vacation.
Example: Room #91, 9 + 1 = 10. Then, 1 + 0 = 1. Look up the number 1 and see if it gives you some interesting bits of information about what kind of vacation you will have.
If a room is only one number such as 3, simply look up the number 3.
If you would like to add up the numbers in your name, refer to the alphabet below and use the same standard method. Always use your full name that is written on your birth certificate, even if you do not use it in public. If you are adopted, still use your original birth name if you know it.
The name on your birth certificate carries the strongest vibration. Do not use nicknames, stage names, married names, or anything containing Junior or Jr.
Barbara J. Bishop tells us in her book Numerology that the use of Junior or Jr. is “only a designation given with a name and not used in numerology.” She also advises when figuring the name of a business, do not include the word corporation, corp., or inc. as a part of the company’s full name.
Alphabet and Corresponding Number Chart
Find the corresponding number for each letter in your name and calculate as you did with your birth date.
Example of a full name: C A R O L M A R I E J O H N S O N
Corresponding numbers: 3 1 9 6 3 4 1 9 9 5 1 6 8 5 1 6 5
Add the numbers together:
3 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 22, 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 28,
1 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 5 = 32 .
Add totals: 22 + 28 + 32 = 82
Continue to add down until you reach a single number:
8 + 2 = 10
Finally: 1 + 0 = 1