I never believed I could really write a book until receiving a tweet, of all things, from Lauren Gardner at Bell Lomax Moreton, from which this book began. Thank you so much, Lauren, for being the most supportive, encouraging and inspiring agent a new author could ever hope for. You have expertly guided me every step of the way, and it was your faith in me that made me believe in myself.
Huge thanks to James Hodgkinson, my fantastic editor at John Blake Books, who was willing to take a risk with a junior doctor activist, and whose unwavering belief in the importance of the book kept me going. All your wise observations on the writing (not to mention your emergency GIFs, when required!) helped me no end. Thanks too to Emma Stokes at John Blake, and Lizzie Dorney-Kingdom, September Withers and everyone else at Bonnier Publishing for your help and expertise.
Thanks to Taryn Youngstein, Denis Campbell, Tim Littlewood, John Reynolds, David Oliver, Jane Grundy and Rebecca Inglis for your incredibly helpful comments on the manuscript. I really appreciated you taking the time to read it and help shape its finished form.
The government’s dispute with junior doctors galvanised not only us juniors but also our consultant, GP, nursing and other NHS colleagues. Thank you so much to all those NHS staff who stood by us. It meant so much to us that you showed us solidarity. Thank you, Johann Malawana, for bringing juniors together, inspiring us to take a stand. Thanks to Neena Modi, Jane Dacre, Simon Wessely, Taj Hassan, Philippa Whitford, Partha Kar, Stella Vig, Rob Galloway, Trish Greenhalgh and Alistair Hall for your particular support of juniors. Phil Hammond, you were so kind and supportive throughout. Most of all, thanks to all those members of the public who backed us in person, in the media and out on the picket lines. It wasn’t easy reading anti-doctor spin most weeks in the press – and your support genuinely helped us keep going.
One of the great positives of what was, at root, a profoundly demoralising and destructive dispute was forming new and enduring friendships with so many other impromptu junior doctor activists. Marie, Nadia M, Ben W, Amar and Fran – the five indefatigable junior doctors who organised the most successful crowd-funded case in UK legal history, taking on Jeremy Hunt in the High Court – and Paola, Lolly, Amrita, Ruhe, Aislinn, Azra, Mei, Reena, Aoife, Ben D, Nadia R, Matteo, Roshana, Zoe, Hoong-Wei, Jeeves and Matt: it has been my privilege to campaign with you and come to call you friends. In particular, Taryn and Dagan, the intelligence, passion and commitment with which you fought for what you believed in has been a constant source of inspiration. Dagan, special thanks for those two memorable nights we shared – on the Department of Health’s doorstep.
Huge thanks to my Mum, an NHS nurse and health visitor, and my Dad, an NHS doctor, who raised me to believe that working hard, trying your best, being kind and looking out for others were the things that really mattered. Every day, I see your qualities writ large across the NHS – they are both commonplace and priceless. Dad, I have always tried to emulate the doctor you were to your patients – I hope I’ve managed to come close.
Finn and Abbey, I am sorry your mum spent two years so distracted by something as baffling and dull as domestic politics. One day, I like to believe you too will stand up for what you believe is right, but for now, my sincere apologies.
Above all, Dave, my heartfelt thanks. Your love, support, patience and encouragement have meant so much to me, every step of the way. Thank you for always believing in me.