How to do it…

Animating QML objects is really easy if you perform the following steps:

  1. Create a Rectangle object and add a scale animator to it:
Rectangle {
id: myBox;
width: 50;
height: 50;
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
color: "blue";
ScaleAnimator {
target: myBox;
from: 5;
to: 1;
duration: 2000;
running: true;
  1. Add a rotation animator and set the running value in the parallel animation group, but not in any of the individual animators:
ParallelAnimation {
ScaleAnimator {
target: myBox;
from: 5;
to: 1;
duration: 2000;
RotationAnimator {
target: myBox;
from: 0;
to: 360;
duration: 1000;
running: true;
  1. Add an easing curve to the scale animator:
ScaleAnimator {
target: myBox;
from: 5;
to: 1;
duration: 2000;
easing.type: Easing.InOutElastic;
easing.amplitude: 2.0;
easing.period: 1.5;
running: true;