There's moreā€¦

In QML, there are eight different types of property animation you can use, and these are as follows:

  • Anchor animation: Animates changes in anchor values
  • Color animation: Animates changes in color values
  • Number animation: Animates changes in qreal-type values
  • Parent animation: Animates changes in parent values
  • Path animation: Animates an item along a path
  • Property animation: Animates changes in property values
  • Rotation animation: Animates changes in rotation values
  • Vector3d animation: Animates changes in QVector3D values

Just like the C++ version, these animations can also be grouped together in an animation group to play the animations in sequence or in parallel. You can also control the animations using easing curves and determine when to play these animations using state machines, just like we did in the previous section.