Chapter Twenty-five
I was the king of the world. That’s what I felt like anyway. Shit was getting back on point for me. I had my dope game back up and running, so I was gettin’ that paper. This little life sentence was starting to feel like a little cake walk. I had Chocolate Flava and Adrienne doing the running for me, and that shit was going smooth as hell. Flava had Adrienne doing all kinds of shit for her. Yeah, Wolf didn’t know it, but Flava had turned that chick out. Flava told me she called her up, and they hung out as girls. She said she bought her and her kids some things they needed since her ex-husband wasn’t doing shit for them and Wolf couldn’t. That next weekend, she invited Adrienne to her house for a little girls’ night out type of deal. They got tipsy, and she got her to spread them legs for her. She said that bitch was pouring like buttercream. Ha!
Flava said that Adrienne was a little embarrassed the next day, saying she’d never done that before with a female, and that she only did it because she was hot and lonely waiting on Wolf to get out. Flava told her not to worry about it, and they could keep it between them. Lo and fucking behold, this bitch agreed. So, Flava was gettin’ a taste of that buttercream any time she wanted. Flava said that shit was so good that she made sure she did a little something for her kids once a week just to make sure that bitch kept them legs spread. She even convinced Adrienne to do a threesome with me once I got released. Since I was the mastermind that kept everybody paid, Adrienne agreed and begged us not to tell Wolf she’d agreed to it. The shit muthafuckas do for money.
Here on the inside, I had my little clique that kept me protected and made sure we collected our ends in a timely manner. I kept it simple. My clique had five niggas, including myself. I called ’em, lieutenants. The main chief officer was my man Wolf. He had that inside connection with the guards, you know, to make sure nobody ever saw shit going down. Then, it was my dude Pit from the laundry room. After he made good on that original demand, I knew I could trust him. And I liked the fact that that nigga was discreet as a muthafucka. The warden still didn’t know who had offed the phone dude. Pit was my payment collector, so to speak. Then, there was the dude across the hallway, who hipped me to the fact that Cock Diesel was gay. His name was Nitro, but I called him Info. That nigga kept his ears to the floor and his eyes on the prize. He always knew who was plottin’ or plannin’ before that shit was even finalized. It made it real easy to infiltrate and put a halt to anyone tryna take over my operation. Lastly—and I know this may come as a surprise—was Cock Diesel. I didn’t particularly care for his undercover gay affairs, but I saw this dude knock out two muthafuckas that were twice his size in one fight. I mean, one-hitter-quitter muthafucking punches. Literally. So, nut muncher or not, I had to put this nigga down on my team. But I had made it clear: save your nut-bumping activities for your cellmate. He was a little embarrassed that I knew, so he agreed without further discussion. Good. It was hard enough knowing that shit without having to debate it ’cause he wanna be in denial. Cock Diesel was the clique protector. Enough said.
Now that I had a few ends to break off to Lisa, she was tryna throw that pussy to me left and fucking right. This bitch got so slick with it that she would be hiding in the supply room after her shift ended so that when I went to pick up my meals that she hid, I could get some pussy then too. Instead of dinner and a movie, I was getting dinner and some pussy. I mean, she was throwing that gushy stuff so much that I even turned it down once. Now, I’m all for risk-taking, but this bitch was losing her mind over this king dingaling and money. Some shit had to be exercised with caution. I had to make sure my only link to pussy kept gainful employment with the federal prison system, and the way this bitch was gettin’ loose, she’d be fired before my appeal could get approved. Once I broke it down to her, she understood. No lie, I wanted to get down with her every day, hell three and four times a day, but more importantly, I needed to get out of this muthafucka, so I didn’t need more dings on my record.
Everything was looking up for me. I had a new dope boy clique, three bad bitches doing whatever the fuck I wanted and needed, and my paper was stacking up real nice. Now I was meeting with my attorney to see what the deal was with my plea bargain. Yep, I was pulling a bitch-ass move by being a snitch, but this wasn’t no five-to-ten, out-in-three-for-good-behavior type of bullshit I was doing. This shit was life plus more, so you can call me a snitch if you want. I called this shit survival.
“Vernon.” My attorney greeted me as I sat down at the table in front of him.
I grabbed his hand and shook it. “’Sup, Stein,” I said as the guard shut the door. “What’s good?”
“Nothing much. Have you been taking care of yourself?” he asked.
“As best I can for a locked-up nigga. So, tell me, is that gonna change?” I asked him, trying to move this conversation to the point.
He sat back and inhaled nervously. “We had a minor setback—”
I sat forward, shaking my head. “I don’t wanna hear no bullshit, Stein. This deal was as solid as pure gold. Platinum, in fact. Ain’t that what you told me?”
He loosened his tie. “Yes, and I believe it still is—”
I put my hands up. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the fuck you mean you believe it still is? What the fuck happened, Stein? You said this shit was 99.99% guaranteed.”
“Vernon, if you just let me explain—”
“Explain what!”
“Judge Watson denied it. He wasn’t convinced that you had enough information on the person to force a trial or conviction,” Stein stated. “That doesn’t mean that we can’t try again. You just have to give up more information.”
With a sinister laugh, I looked at him like he was a fool. “Are you shittin’ me? I’m already dodging the grid for this bullshit I was already tryna do. Ain’t no fuckin’ way I can give you any more information. Besides, I’m positive Tot is laying low now that I got busted. Shit.” I hit the table, creating a loud thud.
“Vernon, I’m trying everything possible to make this happen for you.”
“So, what about my appeal?”
“Those things take time—”
Anger coursed through my veins, and I jumped up and grabbed him by his collar. “I don’t want to hear about time and shit. Get that appeal done like yesterday and get me outta here.”
“Oh . . . oh, okay,” Stein said nervously as I let him go. He gathered his things. “I’m going to call Sonja on Monday with an update.”
“Bet,” I said angrily, and I sat back down.
Once he left, the CO came to get me and walk me back to my cell. How dare that fuckin’ judge deny me? Did he know who the fuck I was? As soon as I got out, I swore I was putting a hit out on that fuckin’ peckerwood. My blood was fuckin’ boiling. This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, and now it was the worst. The only thing that could truly calm me down was gettin’ my dick rocked. That would relieve some pressure. But Lisa didn’t work weekends and Flava wasn’t coming up this weekend, so I was gon’ be a pissed off all weekend.
When I got back to my cell, I nearly lost my fuckin’ lunch. Back in the corner, where the guard couldn’t see behind the bunks, Wolf was letting Cock Diesel suck his dick.
“What the fuck?” I hollered as they scrambled up. “Come on, man. Not you too, Wolf?”
“I’m sorry, Pooch, man. I was on a dry spell. I just needed to relieve some pressure. I swear the whole time I was picturing Adrienne doing it,” he said nervously.
Cock Diesel just laughed. “Pooch, you need to chill, dude. We all gotta ass of time to serve, and I look at the shit like this—a hole ain’t nothing but a hole as long as my dick gettin’ serviced. Wolf needed a favor. I serviced it.”
I shook my head as I peeped Wolf’s seeds on the floor. “Y’all is a bunch of gay muthafuckas around here. Fuck that,” I said, turning to the bars. “Do y’all. I gotta get up outta here. Guard.”
“Pooch, don’t say nothing,” Wolf pleaded.
“I ain’t ruining the rep of my clique. Just stay away from me right now. Guard,” I yelled, and this woman walked up. “Who are you?”
“A CO, fool,” she said.
“I see that,” I said smartly. “You big ugly bitch,” I mumbled under my breath.
“What did you say?”
“I’m here to help on the weekends. What do you want, inmate?”
“To go to the yard.”
“Okay, but you shoulda let your CO take you when you came back. I’ll be nice this time,” she fussed as I backed up. Suddenly, I had an idea, and I reached up to feel if my package was still in place. It was there.
Once she let me out to escort me to the yard, I turned to her. “You ever fuck with any of the inmates?”
“Hell no. Besides, I like pussy.”
“So, you ain’t never had no dick?”
“Yes. Shut up. Why am I talking to you?” she said, shaking her head.
Okay, it was time out for playing with this bitch. “Look, I got five hundred bones. You can have it if you let me fall in that kitty right now.” Yes, I was desperate. I was all set to give that grip to Stein, but after I got his news, he wasn’t gettin’ shit.
She laughed. “Yeah, right.”
I patted my chest. “Check it.”
She paused, then she reached up and saw the funds. The next thing I knew, we were headed to the stock room. “I can suck it. My girlfriend will know if I’ve been with a nigga. You clean, right?”
“Shit yeah,” I said, thinking to myself, Hell, I’m sacrificing too, ’cause you uglier than a summa bitch.
She pulled down my pants and eased that shit in her mouth. I grabbed the back of her head, and my eyes rolled back as I pretended that this was Trinity. My mind floated back to my last birthday with Trinity. Gawd damn. I think I shot off so much I walked around with the limp dick for at least three days. That girl knew she could put a hurtin’ on me. I missed her ass something awful. She knew just what to do to make me feel—
“Damn, inmate. You taste real good and sweet,” the CO said, breaking into my thoughts.
“Fuck. Shut up and keep working it. You fucking up my concentration,” I said angrily, squeezing my eyes tighter. The last thing I needed was to hear her loud, manly voice talking while I was trying to get my dick rocked.
She got quiet again, and I put my thoughts back on Trinity. Within seconds, my nuts drew up, and I knew it was ’bout time to explode. Big Bull tried to move back, but I gripped her head in place. For five hundred bones, she was gon’ drink all of this to the last drop.
“Ahhh, Trinityyyyy,” I hollered as I forced all my nut down the back of her throat.
She jumped up, coughing. “Muthafucker, you damn near choked me. Oh my God, and you made me swallow it. Where’s my fucking money?”
I zipped up my pants, laughing. “Right here.” I threw it at her.
She counted it. “Who the fuck is Trinity? My name is Danielle.”
“Don’t worry about who Trinity is. And to me,” I said, looking at her nametag, “you are just CO Brown.”
“Whatever. You ready to go to the yard?”
“Yep. Thanks for the service.”
“Let me know if you need that service again, especially for that kind of grip,” she said as she let me outside and walked off.
Hell no, I thought as I cringed at what I’d done. I couldn’t believe I was so hard up that I let Big Bull put any part of her body on me. But I was so pissed about my news that I needed a release or else I’d probably murder somebody up in there. Damn. I had to hurry up and spring this camp. I was used to fucking dime pieces and now, I was reduced to women who looked like men. Damn. It made me wonder how long it would be before I had my jimmy shoved down Cock Diesel’s throat like Wolf and his cellmate. Hell no. Never. Big Bull and a dime piece did at least share the fact that they were women and had pussies.
Despite everything, I was still stressed. I couldn’t believe that fucking Judge Watson didn’t take my plea bargain. These fuckers were serious about making me rot in this bitch, but it wasn’t going down like that. Something had to be done, but what? I kept pacing and thinking to myself about what I could do when it hit me. I had to stack this paper up quicker. I had to get Stein to extend Watson an olive branch and give Watson some paper. Like I said, there wasn’t shit a muthafucka wouldn’t do for money.