
Abrahams, Chris Interview, 9 September 2000

Application by John David Lewthwaite for Determination of Life Sentence, 3 April 1992

Baillie, Inspector Bill Interview, 22 March 2000

Barry, Cheryl Interview, 10 September 2000; Letter to Joint Select Committee on Victims’ Compensation, 20 December 1999

Barry, Nathan Interview, 2 December 2000

Berry, Constable David Interview, 11 February 2000

Box, Sergeant Shane Interview, 8 April 2000

Brown, Howard Interview, 13 September 1996

Collins, Delma and Graeme Interview 1, 8 April 2000; Interview 2, 10 June 2000; Interview 3, 10 September 2000

Collins, Tom Interview, 1 October 2000

Daily Mirror Headlines, page 1, 26 August 1975

Darcy, Sarah Interview 1, 5 August 2000; Interview 2, 11 September 2000

Day, Constable Whayne Interview, 16 April 2000

Edwards, Margaret and Barry Interview, 2 December 1999

Enkhuyzen, Henk Interview, 11 May 2000

Ford, Clive and Audrey Interview, 7 June 1996

Groves, Bill and Mary Interview, 30 November 1999

Hanns, Anthony Interview, 24 April 1996

Hanns, Gwen Interview 1, 13 March 1996; Interview 2, 24 April 1996; Interview 3, 1 June 1996; Interview 4, 18 June 1996; Interview 5, 29 July 1996; affidavit, testimony, Supreme Court of NSW, Criminal Division, 23 September 1986

Hanns, Peter Interview 1, 18 June 1996; Interview 2, 29 July 1996; affidavit, testimony, Supreme Court of NSW, Criminal Division, 23 September 1986

Jabour, Martha Interview, 22 September 2000

Kemble, Rebecca Interview 1, 7 August 2000; Interview 2, 11 September 2000

Lane, Allan Interview, 11 July 2000

Marchanic, Carol Interview, 18 July 2000

Mayhew, Reverend Neil Interview, 3 April 2000

McCann, Kevin Interview, 25 August 2000

McKissock, Dianne Interview, 15 January 2001

Merrick, John Interview 1, 30 September 1999; Interview 2, 24 January 2000; Interview 3, 21 June 2000; Interview 4, 31 August 2001

Morris, 1st Class Constable Bill Interview, 7 March 2000

Mura, Detective Sergeant Joe Interview, 15 June 2000

Newborn Screening Program, Westmead Hospital, New South Wales

Pateman, Detective Sergeant Col Interview 1, 25 November 1999; Interview 2, 1 April 2000

Porta, Detective Senior Constable Michael Interview, 21 July 2000

Potter, Harry Interview, 16 May 2000

Regina v John David Lewthwaite, Supreme Court of NSW Criminal Division, 13 July 1992

Robinson, Susan (alias) Interview, 9 August 2000

Scully, Carl Speech to NSW Legislative Assembly, 15 October 1992

Serious Offenders Review Council, Long Bay Correctional Centre, 30 May 1994

Serious Offenders Review Council, Long Bay Correctional Centre, 8 June 1994, transcript of interview with ‘Norm’

Sheather, Detective Senior Constable Russell Interview 1, 9 October 2000; Interview 2, 26 October 2000; Interview 3, 27 November 2000; Interview 4, 24 September 2001

Simpson, Christine Interview 1, 12 May 1999; Interview 2, 28 October 1999; Interview 3, 4 March 2000; Impact Statement tended at Andrew Garforth’s sentencing, 9 July 1993

Simpson, Peter Interview 1, 29 January 2000; Impact Statement tended at Andrew Garforth’s sentencing, 9 July 1993

Submission to Offenders’ Review Board on John Lewthwaite on behalf of Mrs Gwen Hanns and family, 18 July 1994

Taylor, Peter Interview, 11 July 2000

Tildsley, Reverend Wayne Interview, 31 March 2000

Tranter, Monica Interview, 4 April 1996

Trial/Review Board transcripts of Regina v John David Lewthwaite, Supreme Court of NSW Criminal Division, 9 December 1974

Unnamed psychologist Interview at Goulburn Correctional Centre, 6 December 2000

Unnamed Yass police officer Interview, 10 November 2000

Wilken, Dr Bridget Interview, 16 August 2000

Winterflood, Detective Sergeant Mark Interview 1, 9 June 2000; Interview 2, 10 September 2000