Aeraevest—watchfulness of self. Also the name for the sentry posts at The Fortress that face out to the sea.




The Dryans—the poorer area of the city at the back of the valley near the pass into the mountains.

Electii—transgender individuals who serve the outer perimeter of The Fortress. Some enter The Fortress as women.

Eshtakai—a Vaik who features among the foundation myths of The Fortress. Eshtakai fended off a maritime attack on The Fortress by winning over the women onboard the ship. The women poisoned the men and threw them overboard. Those who survived were taken as prisoners into The Fortress.


Goosen’s Trial—a tenacious weed common to the gardens of The Fortress. It has thorns that, if they pierce skin, release a toxin that causes a burning rash.

Isvestyii—the unredeemed; literally “self dissolving to nothing.” These men can never leave The Fortress. The Woman has the power of life and death over those declared isvestyii.

Masjythra—the robes worn by the men at The Fortress. The different colours serve to differentiate their roles.

Mistaelnet—one of the herbs grown at The Fortress. It has multiple medicinal applications.

Norsling—a plant with purple fruit grown in the shaenet. Used for bringing on contractions.

Olöck—a ground-dwelling bird at The Fortress, known for its ability to sense changes in atmospheric pressure and predict a sestyatesh.

Oorsel—a bean grown in the fields at The Fortress.

Sestyatesh—literally “seventy-year wind”: the powerful, destructive storms that happen a handful of times in a generation.

Shaenet—the “body garden” where medicinal herbs and recreational drugs are grown at The Fortress.

Sterysh—a drink made from crushed mistaelnet seeds. It induces feelings of euphoria.

Vaik—the native women of The Fortress. Also the name of the language that they speak.

Vaikray—literally “speaking blackly of the Vaik,” Vaikray means to criticise Vaik ways and laws, to attempt to usurp or overthrow Vaik power and authority, or to speak in ways that demean or belittle the Vaik. In the past those found guilty were strapped to a mast at low tide, cut with a Vaik blade at the nipples and left either to the sharks or to drown. The law against Vaikray has been repealed but a cultural hangover of sorts remains.

Vende—a plant grown in the shaenet. The peppery-tasting stalk is used in cooking. It strengthens the immune system and promotes blood flow to the genitals.

Verrglet—a Vaik drink of celebration, reserved for the most special occasions.

Vest—the Vaik word for “self.”