Chapter Seventeen
When Skye woke the next morning and stretched out her limbs, the first thing that assailed her was the smell. It was as if she just walked out of a fish and chip shop after liberally dousing herself in vinegar. Her skin felt tingly and tight and there was a heavy weight curved round her waist. Opening her eyes, she took in her surroundings. She was in a bedroom and it wasn’t her own.
The bedsheets half covering her body were white, contrasting against the heavy mahogany of the bed frame. The room seemed similar to her own, but there was something more masculine about it. The warm weight against her skin tightened and pulled her closer.
‘You’re awake,’ he murmured in her ear. ‘How do you feel?’
Trying to force herself to relax, she pulled away and sat up. Realising all she was wearing was her underwear, she snatched up the sheet to cover herself, blushing as she did so.
‘Uh, fine,’ Skye answered. ‘Fine. The stings don’t hurt so much now.’
She heard the bed creak as Coop sat up. He had to resist the urge to reach out and smooth away her hair from her face. He could feel himself hardening and moved further away to try to avoid alarming her.
He cleared his throat, hoping his voice sounded normal. ‘That’s good. I’ll nip down to the village and get some antibiotic ointment though. You were hurt pretty badly.’
Skye drew her knees into her chest. ‘Thank you,’ she said quietly.
‘For what?’
‘Helping me. You didn’t have to.’
‘You didn’t think I’d just leave you there, did you?’
Skye half-shrugged, a little embarrassed.
Coop watched her carefully. ‘I’m going to make him pay for what he did,’ he said finally.
She blinked. ‘You mean Apollo?’
‘Who else?’ There was a grim note to his voice.
‘Coop, you can’t,’ she said flatly.
‘Of course I can.’
‘No, you can’t. Unless you put a stop to this, it’ll never end. You shot him so he threw me into the sea. Now you’ll do something else, then he’ll do something else and it’ll just escalate until someone gets hurt.’
‘Someone already got hurt,’ he growled.
‘I’m fine.’
‘There was no reason for him to pick on you, Skye.’
‘He thought I was in on the plan,’ she pointed out.
‘I told him…’
‘Coop,’ she interrupted, ‘just leave it. Please?’
He stared at her. The green flecks in her eyes were pleading with him. Sighing heavily, he acquiesced. ‘Fine.’
She smiled softly. ‘Thank you.’
Coop looked down and traced a shape on the smooth sheet. ‘You know, it might be best for you to stay here for a while. Until we’re sure the jellyfish stings have gone away.’
Skye looked down at her body. The marks were already starting to fade. Last night seemed like nothing more than a bad dream.
‘You’re right,’ she found herself saying. ‘Maybe I should wait. It would be best to make sure they’ve completely healed before I travel.’
Coop tried to keep the smile out of his voice. ‘I’ll go and see if the pharmacist is open. The ointment will probably help with the pain.’
Skye nodded slightly, listening as he sprang up, bell ringing as he did so. Then the bedroom door opened and closed and she heard him padding off into the distance. She hugged her knees closer to her chest. Why had she done that? There was nothing to stop her from leaving now. It was hardly a long flight back to the wet grey skies of England, so using the stings as an excuse didn’t really wash. And yet she didn’t want to leave. She’d be going back to yet another jobless existence. Here it was sunny, and she had a job that she rather enjoyed, despite Coop’s many strange requests. And there was Coop.
She chewed on her lip. He’d done everything she’d asked of him. He’d reversed the love spell on Apollo and he’d not lied to her since she’d confronted him. And last night… She sighed. He’d been so gentle and tender and made her feel so safe. Then there was the way his arm had felt when it had tightened round her and pulled her closer to him. She clenched her teeth and told herself off. He wasn’t interested in her. The kiss he’d faked on her had proven that. Plus, there was the part about him being able to have any woman he wanted. He’d hardly pick her, would he?
Skye extricated herself from Coop’s sheets and out of the bed. It would be at least an hour before he returned. That gave her more than enough time to get back to her room and shower off the stink of vinegar. Then she’d call Emma. Her old friend would be able to give her some sound advice.
Half an hour later, Skye was curled up on her enormous bed, finally wearing clean clothes and feeling ten times better. Emma, who’d been delighted to hear from her, had been regaling her with stories about life back in London. It sounded as if she was having a whale of a time. Strangely, however, Skye had realised she didn’t miss it at all.
‘So what’s the gossip with you? How’s life in Greece?’
‘It’s good,’ Skye answered slowly.
‘Well that doesn’t tell me anything! What’s your mysterious boss like?’
Skye took a deep breath. ‘He’s really nice.’
‘Nice?’ Emma screeched into the phone. ‘Is that all you can say?’
‘Okay, he’s more than nice. I, um, fell into the sea last night and he rescued me.’
‘You fell into the sea? How in the hell did you manage that?’
‘It’s a long story. The thing is, Emma,’ Skye began.
‘Is that you’ve fallen for him, haven’t you?’
Skye didn’t answer.
‘I knew it. I could hear it in your voice. Skye, it’s never a good idea to get involved with your employer.’
‘I’m not involved with him,’ she said. ‘He’s not interested in me. He’s unbelievably good looking.’ Or so I’ve been told anyway, she thought. ‘He’s wealthy, charming, funny. He can have his pick of any girl.’
Emma bristled on her behalf. ‘Hold on, don’t put yourself down, Skye. Any guy would be lucky to have you. Have you met any other girls?’
‘No,’ she admitted.
‘Well then! He’s free, you’re free. I’ve changed my mind. Screw the employer part. You need to go for it, girl.’
‘It’s not that easy,’ Skye said. ‘I told him I wanted to leave.’
‘Why would you do that?’
She sighed. ‘It’s complicated.’
‘Skye Sawyer. You’re an intelligent, beautiful woman. If he doesn’t want you, then it’s his loss. But if you don’t try, if you don’t tell him how you feel, then you’ll never know what could be. Regret the things you do…’
‘Not the things you don’t,’ Skye finished. ‘You’re right, Emma. It’s just easier said than done, that’s all.’
‘Rubbish. You’ve got nothing to lose.’
She was probably right, Skye figured, hanging up the phone. Because judging from the way she felt at the moment, she’d already lost everything she had to lose. Her heart. She hadn’t realised it until this very moment. She barely knew him. He was invisible, for goodness’ sake! And yet somehow, the way he’d looked after her last night had shown her what she’d been feeling all along. What a mess.
The door to the mansion banged open and she heard Coop calling out her name. Feeling suddenly awkward, she got to her feet and went to meet him, realising from the sounds he was making that he was in the kitchen.
As soon as she entered, he spoke, a surprised and not entirely happy note in his voice. ‘You’re up and dressed,’ he commented.
‘Yes,’ she replied, ‘and feeling a lot better.’
Coop had been hoping he’d find her still wrapped up warm in his own bed. ‘That’s good,’ he murmured. ‘I got you that ointment and some food.’
‘Thank you.’ Skye shifted her weight. What on earth was she going to say now? She racked her brains. Damn it.
Coop gazed at her. She still looked drawn and the welts were still painfully visible on her soft skin, but she seemed well. More than well. The last thing he needed was for her to decide she was well enough to travel back to England after all.
‘Will you take me with you today?’ she asked suddenly.
He started. ‘Um…’
‘When you go out to do your job? You know,’ she cocked her fingers into the shape of a gun and aimed it towards him.
He blinked. That was good. If she was with him, then she wouldn’t be thinking about leaving. ‘Certainly,’ he responded. ‘I’ve got three to do today, so it may take some time.’
She smiled, her face lighting up. ‘Brilliant. I want to know more about what you do.’
‘You should go and put on the ointment first.’ His voice was gruffer than he’d intended. ‘It’ll help with the healing.’
Skye nodded. That was twice he’d spoken and sounded annoyed. She wondered whether he was starting to wish she’d just make her mind up and leave. Biting her lip, she grabbed the jar of antibiotic cream from the counter. ‘I’ll be back soon.’
He nodded back at her then remembered she still couldn’t see him. Bugger it.
‘Great,’ he said. He almost added that he could help her put on the cream but then recalled the way his body had responded to her that morning. It was probably safest to leave her to it.
By the time she returned, he had made her a light breakfast and left it on the counter. Her cheeks coloured when he referred to it, as if she were embarrassed that he’d bothered to make her a meal. He scowled. He preferred it when she was arguing with him. At least then he knew where he stood.
When she had finished eating, he reached out and took her hand. She jumped, making him wish he hadn’t.
‘We should get going,’ he said softly.
‘Okay, great. Where to?’
‘New York.’
Skye’s eyes widened. Coop grinned. ‘Have you been before?’
She shook her head.
‘Well, maybe we can squeeze in a bit of sightseeing along the way.’ He pulled her gently towards the door. ‘Are you ready?’
‘Then let’s do this.’
He opened the door. The pair of them stepped through and Skye found herself blinking to adjust to the sudden change in light. ‘It’s night time,’ she said surprised.
Coop laughed. ‘Of course it is. There’s a seven hour time difference.’
Skye could have smacked herself on the forehead. She had sounded like some kind of naïve little girl. Why hadn’t she thought of the time difference before she spoke?
‘“Time”,’ he quoted softly, ‘“on whose arbitrary wing the varying hours must flag or fly.’’’
Time certainly flew when she was with Coop, Skye thought.
‘You know your Byron,’ she said aloud.
‘Did you ever doubt it?’
She smiled in answer and looked around. ‘So where are we exactly?’
‘MoMA. The Museum of Modern Art.’
‘It’s 3 am though. Surely it’s closed.’
‘It may be closed but some people are working late.’ He moved behind Skye, holding her by the waist and gently moving her so she faced a small glass door set in the side of the building. ‘Watch.’
Fully aware of his proximity, Skye tried to remember to breathe. Before long the door opened and a small figure wearing a long coat and a rather precarious-looking hat emerged. Whoever it was waved to someone inside, probably a security guard, and then began to make their way down the steps to the pavement. A sudden gust of wind blew through the street, whipping off the hat and sending it tumbling down.
‘Her name is Alice,’ Coop said into Skye’s ear, as he pulled out his gun. ‘And there, to your left, is Frank.’
Skye turned to see a man walking towards them, hands stuffed in his pocket. She watched, her heart in her mouth at what she knew she was about to witness. Alice’s hat was still scuffing its way along the street towards the man called Frank. He bent down to pick it up, while she ran towards it.
Coop, feeling oddly bereft now that his hands had left Skye’s warm body, quickly assembled his weapon. He might not believe wholeheartedly in what he was doing, but it seemed that she did. If doing this impressed her, then that was good enough reason for him. Coop aimed quickly and fired. And frowned. He stared at the couple, then down at his gun before flicking a glance at Skye who was still watching the pair of them, unaware that anything was amiss. Shit. He’d missed. He never missed. Trying not to panic, he aimed again, breathing a silent sigh of relief as his second shot found its mark. Then he quickly turned to the man and squeezed the trigger in his direction.
Skye watched as Frank scooped up the hat and presented it to Alice with a bow and a flourish. She took it, putting her hands up to her face and seeming to giggle.
‘That’s amazing,’ Skye whispered.
Coop barely noticed. He was still trying to work out what had gone wrong. If his mother found out, she’d be furious. He looked again at Skye.
‘Doesn’t anyone ever see you?’ she asked. ‘I mean, you’d think someone would notice a man pulling out a golden gun in the middle of a city. Even at this time of the morning.’
‘People only see what they want to,’ Coop answered, focusing on her rather than his failure. ‘Olympus is the same. We have a large complex near Litochoro. If you don’t expect it to be there, you won’t see it. It’s all to do with belief or something.’
Skye shook her head. ‘Wow.’
Coop turned to watch the couple standing together under the dark sky. Even from this distance he could see the look of surprised adoration with which Alice was looking at Frank. If only Skye would look at him that way, he thought idly, then caught himself. Where in the hell had that thought come from? Besides anything, she couldn’t even see him.
‘Come on,’ he said. ‘We have a bit of time before the next one. How do you fancy standing on top of the Empire State Building?’
‘Isn’t it closed?’
‘Shut your eyes,’ he whispered in her ear, ‘and you’ll find out.’
She did as he bade, opening them only when he instructed her to do so. When she did, she was almost completely bowled over.
‘Oh my God,’ Skye breathed. ‘This is unbelievable.’
The whole of New York lay before them, twinkling lights stretching across the sweeping dark purple night sky. She could make out the silhouettes of famous landmarks she’d only ever seen in films. It was utterly breathtaking.
‘Can you see that?’ she asked Coop, pointing towards the glittering river.
He smiled, watching her face glowing. ‘Yes.’
‘It’s magnificent.’
Coop moved up behind her and gently held her shoulders. Skye, feeling the pressure of his hands, held her breath then slowly turned towards him. With her heart thudding in her chest, she seized the moment and reached out with one extended palm, feeling it connect first with his broad chest, then upwards to the rough hair where his shirt opened and over the stubble of his chin. She rested her hand on his cheek and, for the first time, it seemed to Coop that she was gazing into his eyes.
He leaned forward and kissed her, his arms reaching round her back and pulling her in towards him. His tongue ran over her bottom lip and his teeth nipped at the soft flesh there, then he deepened the kiss, entwining his fingers in her long hair. She tasted of toothpaste and freshness and Coop was drowning in her scent.
Without warning, Skye pulled away. Her face was flushed and her breathing quick, but there was a wary, troubled expression on her face. ‘Is this another lesson?’
Coop stared at her, not sure at first what she was referring to. Then dull comprehension seeped through.
‘No. By Olympus, Skye, no. I…’ He stepped back and raked a hand through his hair. ‘I want you. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone.’ As soon as he said the words, he realised they were true. He took both her hands in his and fixed his eyes on hers. ‘Do you…?’ he swallowed. ‘Do you want this?’
She nodded mutely and he felt cascading relief and joy flood through him.
‘I’ve still got two more jobs to do,’ he said, struggling to focus on anything other than her.
Skye looked confused for a moment, then her face cleared. ‘Are they close by?’
‘Not exactly.’
She licked her lips and his eyes followed her small pink tongue. ‘Well, let’s hurry up and get them over so we can get back home.’
He pulled her to him and planted a long hard kiss on her lips, and whispered in her ear, ‘Yes, let’s.’
By the time they made it back to the mansion, Skye felt more nervous than ever. Coop’s attitude towards his final two jobs had been perfunctory to say the least; even her continued amazement at what he could achieve with a single shot was dampened by the anticipation and trembling excitement she felt in the pit of her stomach. He’d taken every opportunity to brush lightly against her, making her shiver. They certainly hadn’t gone on any more side trips to do some sightseeing.
As soon as the door closed behind them, she felt him move in front of her and press her against its sturdy wooden frame. Regardless of whether she could see him or not, she could certainly feel every inch of him. With his hot breath on her cheek, she reached up and traced her fingers over his biceps, marvelling at the rippling strength she felt there. Then his breath moved down her face until she could feel it at the base of her neck. He moved his arms, pinning her against the door so that she was trapped.
If this is what it’s like to be the prisoner of a love god, then give me more, Skye thought, before his lips pressed against her skin and all thought fled from her mind.
‘Don’t move,’ he whispered and began trailing kisses up her neck, pausing to nibble gently with his teeth at a place near her ear.
Skye sucked in her breath and closed her eyes while Coop continued upward, his kisses becoming more gentle as he reached her mouth. The hot, hard length of his erection pressed insistently against her and she moaned under his lips. As if in answer, he began to move his mouth back down her neck again, his kisses searing into her skin. This time, however, he didn’t pause at the base of her neck but continued downwards until she could feel his breath warming her through the light fabric of her blouse.
‘You have no idea,’ he murmured, ‘how much I hate this piece of clothing. I think I’ve wanted to rip it off you since the first time I saw you in it.’
Skye opened her mouth to protest but, before she could say anything, he shifted his weight slightly, still keeping her in place against the door while he pulled hard at the top of her blouse. Buttons flew off and spun across the marble floor, leaving her top half exposed.
Coop returned his mouth to her skin, kissing her collar-bone and the softer flesh below. He paused briefly at the lacy edge of her bra, then his tongue moved down to the bare skin at the valley between her breasts and back up again. Skye shuddered.
Gently, he reached up to one bra strap and pulled it down her shoulder before doing the same to the other. Then he peeled the lacy cups down, exposing her breasts. Skye felt him take a momentary half step backwards. A hot flush suffused her skin.
‘You shouldn’t be embarrassed,’ he said softly. ‘You’re beautiful.’
As if to emphasise his point, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips, then used his right hand to cup her breast. She felt his finger and thumb take her nipple tenderly and she gasped.
Now that she had some more freedom to move, Skye reached out to find Coop’s own shirt. He caught her hand, however, and gently pushed it back against the door.
‘You’re a goddess, Skye,’ he said. ‘I want to pay homage to you. Let me do this.’
Swallowing hard, Skye let her arm relax. Then Coop’s mouth found her breast. His tongue circled her nipple then he began to suck while his hands reached down around her back to the waist of her skirt. Before she could move to allow him easier access, he had unfastened the button and the zip and her skirt pooled in a black circle on the floor.
His lips left her breast and she started to utter a muffled protest but they immediately scorched a trail down her midriff. Skye’s hands involuntarily reached down until she realised they were clutching at what had to be Coop’s hair. Part of her registered that it felt softer and slightly longer than she’d imagined, but it was a half-formed thought as Coop’s tongue found her belly button, rimming round it gently until she was gasping. As his head lowered even further, she removed her hands from the down of his hair and pressed her palms against the warm wood of the door, her back arching. He pulled back slightly, although she could still feel the fire of his breath against her skin and, with one finger, he traced along the edge of her pants. Then his tongue followed the path his finger had taken.
Coop moved back again and rolled down the edge of lace barely an inch, tracing over the newly-exposed skin again with his finger. His tongue followed. Skye moaned and moved her own hands to pull off the fabric between them, but he took her hands again and returned them to the door. Then Coop himself gently peeled her underpants over the curve of her hips and down past her legs to join her skirt on the floor. For a heartbeat, he seemed to hang there, doing nothing. Not being able to see him was incredibly erotic and yet so unbelievably frustrating at the same time. Fortunately he didn’t keep her waiting for long, gently inserting one hand between her legs to coax them open before his mouth pressed into her, flicking at her clitoris. Skye cried aloud in pure, uncontrolled pleasure.
Once her body had stopped its orgasmic shuddering, Coop stood up. He took her hand and guided it to his chest, directing her fingers to unfasten each button and expose the smooth hard flesh underneath. Once he had shrugged off the shirt, he took her palm and pressed it against his heart, not saying anything but allowing her to feel how fast his pulse was racing. He left her hand there while he undid his trousers and pushed them down over his hips, kicking them quickly away. Then he grasped her hand in his and gently pulled it down until she could feel the rough hair underneath his belly and the hot, hard rigidness of his erection. Her fingers circled his girth and, finally, it was Coop’s turn to moan aloud.
Skye closed her eyes in delight at his reaction, lightly moving her fingers up his length and marvelling at his size and smoothness. Coop leaned in towards her.
‘Enough now,’ he murmured in her ear.
He positioned his weight against her and thrust inside her wet warmth, completely filling her body and soul. Skye curved her arms around his back and the pair of them moved together in unison, hips rising to meet each other’s while their breath quickened. Her skin slick with sweat, Skye felt herself tipping over the edge.
‘Coop,’ she moaned.
His lips found hers for one prolonged kiss, then he whispered in her ear. ‘Skye.’
Coop slammed into her for one final tumultuous thrust and the pair of them exploded in a tingling, shuddering, shivering wave.