It is with heartfelt gratitude and respect that we acknowledge the individuals and institutions that have offered us guidance and assistance in the creation of this work. We are grateful to the archivists at the State Archives and Libraries of Florence and Siena, to Davide Fiorino at the Accademia dei Georgofili in Florence, and to Dawn Webster at Kiplin Hall in North Yorkshire, England, for their patience and selfless dedication to the cause of historical truth. We thank the Consorzio Vino Chianti Classico and its member producers for organizing our tastings at the consortium’s headquarters and for providing us with important technical information, especially Giuseppe Liberatore, Michele Cassano, and Silvia Fiorentini. Our quest to tell the story of Chianti Classico would not have been possible without the support and commitment of our stellar team at University of California Press—Kate Marshall, Dore Brown, and Zuha Khan—and our copy editor, Juliana Froggatt. Many thanks to our initial acquisitions editor, Blake Edgar, for helping to bring this work to life. We appreciate the friendship and knowledge that Daniele Rosellini and Nadia Riguccini shared with us during our many sojourns in Tuscany. We are grateful to our family and friends for their love, patience, and encouragement. Our profound thanks to our mère and belle-mère, Geri Di Savino, whose pencil touched every word of this text, and to our frère and beau-frère, Sam Di Savino, who held the fort in Boston while we climbed the hills in Chianti. Herein lies the fruit of all their efforts.