Portion sizes can have a huge impact on your spending. If you’re constantly eating more than the proper portion for a meal, you could be spending double or even triple what you would be if you cut back a little.
Think of it this way: If you buy a pound of meat and make two half-pound burgers with keto buns, that will feed you for two meals. However, if you divide that same pound of meat into the recommended portion size, which is 3 ounces cooked (4 ounces raw), you’ll get four meals out of it.
You might feel a little hungry at first, but your body will adjust and that hunger will subside, especially when you give your food time to digest and reach your stomach. You may find that you’re actually satisfied with less, and no longer have that overstuffed feeling that happens when you overeat.
If you’re not sure what a proper portion looks like, here are the basic guidelines: