If you’re well-versed in keto, butter coffee may not be a new concept, but if you’re new to the high-fat lifestyle, this might be the first time you’re hearing this hack. Not only does adding butter to your coffee help curb hunger and keep you full longer, it also provides essential fat-soluble vitamins and conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, a type of fat that’s been connected to weight loss and a lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. And it’s delicious too! The butter adds a thick, creamy texture to your coffee that’s reminiscent of the frothed milk from your favorite coffee shop.

To make butter coffee, combine 1 cup of hot coffee and 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. It’s best to choose grass-fed butter, which is higher in CLA, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin K than butter that comes from conventionally raised cows. If you want to add some MCTs to your cup, you can replace 1 tablespoon of butter with coconut oil.

If you’re not quite sold on the idea of butter in your coffee, you can also ease yourself in by getting an MCT oil powder supplement instead and adding that to your morning cup. Brands like Perfect Keto and Quest make MCT oil powders that have no net carbs but provide 7 grams of healthy fat per serving.