Okay, this might not be the advice you were expecting, but sometimes, the best way to overcome a craving is to just give in to it. This doesn’t mean you should go completely off the rails and jump ship every time you want a plate of nachos, but it’s a perfectly acceptable response every once in a while.

It’s unrealistic to think that you’re going to fight off cravings forever, so when you give in here and there and give your mind what it wants, it can actually make fighting off future cravings easier. That’s because following a keto diet doesn’t mean that you won’t ever have chocolate or ice cream or a donut ever again: You’re “allowed” to go off plan now and then. This takes some of the pressure off.

Keep in mind that you should avoid this tactic if you have really intense sugar cravings all the time, especially in the early stages of your keto diet. When you give in, you can stoke the fire of the cravings and make it harder to overcome them in the long run. This tactic should be used when you’ve been doing keto for a while and you only get occasional cravings.