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Adams, Abigail
Adams, Col. Charles Francis
Albany Evening Journal
Alcatraz Island
Aldrich, Mrs. Alfred Proctor
Alexandria (Louisiana)
Allatoona Pass (Georgia)
American Freedman’s Inquiry Commission
Ammen, Brig. Gen. Jacob
Anaconda Plan
Anderson, Brig. Gen. Robert
Andersonville (Georgia) prison
Antietam, Battle of (1862)
Appler, Col. Jesse J.
Appomattox Court House (Virginia): Chamberlain’s salute to Confederates at; surrender at; unburied bodies at
Appomattox River
Arkansas Post (Arkansas)
Arlington Heights (Arlington National Cemetery)
Army and Navy Gazette (Britain)
Arrow War (China)
Arthur, Chester A.
Associated Press
Atlanta (Georgia): campaign; destruction of; Southern evacuation of
Atzerodt, George A.
Badeau, Lt. Col. Adam
Baker, Maj. Gen. Edward
Ball’s Bluff (Virginia), ambush at (1861)
Baltimore and Ohio railroad
Bancroft, George
Banks, Maj. Gen. Nathaniel
Barnes, Surgeon Gen. Joseph K.
Barnwell (South Carolina)
Baton Rouge (Louisiana)
battalion, Confederate 1st South Carolina
“Battle above the Clouds,”
Beard (Mormon businessman)
Beaufort (North Carolina)
Beauregard, Gen. P.G.T.; in Carolinas campaign; at Shiloh
Belknap, Brig. Gen. William W.
Belmont (Missouri), Grant’s attack on
Bennett, James and Nancy
Benton, Thomas Hart
Benton Barracks (Missouri)
Bentonville (North Carolina), Battle of (1865)
Bevier, Col. Robert S.
Big Black River
Black Hawk War
blacks: Lincoln on future rights of; question of vote for; Sherman’s attitude toward; see also slaves
black soldiers: enter Richmond marching to tune of “Dixie,” in Grand Review; at Milliken’s Bend; Stanton on need for; in Texas
Booth, John Wilkes
Bowen, Maj. Gen. John
Bowers, Col.
Bowling Green (Kentucky)
Boyd, David French
Brag (card game)
Bragg, Gen. Braxton
Breckinridge, Maj. Gen. John C.; in Sherman’s negotiations with Johnston
brevet rank proposed for mules
Briant, Capt. C. E.
Bridgeport (Alabama)
brigade, Confederate, 1st Missouri
Britain: Henry-Donelson campaign as seen in; Trent affair and
Brown, John
Brown’s Ferry (Tennessee)
Bruinsburg (Mississippi)
Buchanan, James
Buckner, Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar
Buell, Maj. Gen. Don Carlos; Shiloh battle and
Bull Run (Manassas): First Battle of (1861); Second Battle of (1862)
Burlington (New Jersey)
Burns, Barnabas
Burnside, Maj. Gen. Ambrose
Cable, George Washington
Cairo (Illinois); military district of
California: Frémont’s business associates from; Grant as captain in; Sherman as bank manager in; Sherman’s military service in; Vigilance Committee in
Calfornia volunteers
Calhoun, John C.
Camden (New Jersey)
Cameron, Col. James
Cameron, Simon
Campbell, Pvt. Alexander
Campbell, James
Campbell, John A.
Canfield, Mrs. Herman
Canton (China), U.S. 1856 landing at
Carolinas campaign (1865); truce in
Carrier, Father J. C.
Carson, Kit
Casey, James F.
Caseyville (Kentucky)
cavalry: in Grand Review; Sherman on Union and Confederate
Cedar Creek (Virginia), Battle of (1864)
Centreville (Virginia)
Chamberlain, Maj. Gen. Joshua
Champion’s Hill (Mississippi), Battle of (1863)
Chancellorsville (Virginia), Battle of (1863)
Chapultepec, Battle of (1847)
Charleston (South Carolina); Fort Sumpter at; Sherman’s posting to
Charlotte (North Carolina), Davis in
Chase, Salmon P.
Chattanooga (Tennessee), Battle of (1863); confusion and disharmony at; soldiers’ impromptu assault on Missionary Ridge; topography of
Chess wagons, in Grand Review
Chewalla (Tennessee)
Chicago Tribune
Chickamauga Creek (Georgia), Battle of (1863)
Chickasaw Bluffs (Mississippi)
Cincinnati (Ohio); Grant at McClellan’s headquarters in
Cincinnati Commercial
City Point (Virginia), conference at; Sherman at
Clarksville (Tennessee)
Clay, Henry
Cleburne, Maj. Gen. Patrick Ronayne
Cleveland, Grover
Cobb, Maj. Gen. Howell
cockfights, during March to the Sea
Cold Harbor (Virginia), battle at (1864)
Collierville (Tennessee)
Coloma (California)
Columbia (South Carolina)
Columbus (Kentucky)
Confederate States of America: basic strategy of; burning of records of; Lincoln’s cabinet approves martial law for; postwar Union occupation of
Congress. See Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War
Congressional Medal of Honor
conscription, Union
Constellation (man-o’-war)
contrabands: definition of; in Grand Review; see also blacks; slaves
Cooke, Maj. Giles B.
Cooper, James Fenimore
Corinth (Mississippi); Halleck’s advance on
Corse, Brig. Gen. John M.
Corwith Brothers (Galena, Illinois)
cotton, speculation in
Covington (Georgia)
Covington (Kentucky)
Crane, James (chaplain)
Crater, Battle of the (1864)
Crimean War
Cullem, Brig. Gen. George W.
Cumberland: Army of the; Department of the
Cumberland River
Custer, Maj. Gen. George Armstrong
Dakota Territory, Sioux in
Dana, Charles A.; as Lincoln’s spy on Grant
Danville (Virginia), Davis retreats to
Davis, Henry Winter
Davis, Jefferson; becomes Confederate president; capture of; flight of; Grant vetoes kidnapping of; Johnston replaced at Atlanta by; Lee leaves final power of surrender in hands of; Lincoln’s visit to White House of; Lincoln urged to make peace with; on March to the Sea; Richmond evacuated by; and surrender by Johnston
Davis, Brig. Gen. Jefferson C.
Davis, Joseph Evan, death of
Davis, Marina
Democratic party: 1864 convention of; “Peace” branch of; Sherman suggested as candidate of; “War” branch of
Dennis, Brig. Gen. Elias S.
Dennison, William
Dent, Emma (Mrs. Emma Casey)
Dent, Brig. Gen. Frederick
Dent, John
Dent, Nellie
desertions, Confederate
Dinwiddie Court House (Virginia).
“Dixie” (song): black troops enter Richmond to tune of; Lincoln on Union capture of
Dodge, Maj. Gen. Grenville
Duvall, Bettie
Early, Maj. Gen. Jubal
Ebeneezer Creek (Georgia)
eclipse of the moon at Chattanooga battle
Edinburgh Review
Egypt, the Grants in
Elements of Military Art and Science (Halleck)
Emancipation Proclamation (1863); Preliminary
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Engels, Friedrich
England. See Britain
Ewell, Maj. Gen. Richard
Ewing, Brig. Gen. Charles
Ewing, Brig. Gen. Hugh Boyle
Ewing, Maria
Ewing, Philemon
Ewing, Thomas
Ewing, Brig. Gen. Thomas, Jr.
Fairfax Court House (Virginia)
Farragut, Vice Adm. David
Fayetteville (North Carolina)
Field, Maunsell B.
Fisher’s Hill (Virginia), Battle of (1864)
Five Forks (Virginia), Battle of (1865)
Foote, Rear Adm. Samuel
foragers, on March to the Sea
Ford, Charles W.
Forrest, Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford
Fort Donelson (Tennessee), Grant’s campaign against
Fort Gregg (Virginia)
Fort Henry (Tennessee); Grant’s campaign against
Fort Lafayette (New York)
Fort McAllister (Georgia)
Fort Moultrie (South Carolina)
Fortress Monroe (Virginia)
Fort Stedman (Virginia)
Fort Sumpter (South Carolina)
France, Mexican puppet regime of
Franklin, Maj. Gen. William Buel
Frederick (Maryland)
Fredericksburg (Virginia), Battle of (1862)
Freedmen’s Bureau
Frémont, Maj. Gen. John Charles emancipation proclamation of
Frost, Brig. Gen. Daniel
Gaines’s Mill, Battle of (1862)
Galena (Illinois); at opening of Civil War
Garfield, Brig. Gen. James A.
Geary, Brig. Gen. John W.
Georgia: Sea Islands of; Sherman’s march through
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania), Battle of (1863)
Giles, Col.
Ginder, Henry
Glenn, Miss
glory look
Gold Rush (California)
Goldsboro (North Carolina)
Goode, Col. Simon S.
Grand Army of the Republic
Grand Gulf (Mississippi)
Grand Review (Washington, D.C.)
Granger, Maj. Gen. Gordon
Grant, Frederick Dent (Grant’s son); attempted kidnapping of as major general in the Phillipines
Grant, Hannah (Grant’s mother)
Grant, Jesse (Grant’s father)
Grant, Jesse (Grant’s son)
Grant, Julia Dent (Grant’s wife) City Point visit of; Corinth visit of; at Grand Review; Grant’s letters to ; later life of; Mrs. Lincoln and; at outbreak of Civil War; peculiar experiences of, just before Lincoln’s assassination; strabismus of; Vicksburg visits of in Washington victory celebrations; wedding and honeymoon of
Grant, Mary (Grant’s sister)
Grant, Nellie (Grant’s daughter)
Grant, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S.: on black troops; on civil government in South; in civilian life before Civil War; in Civil War Army of the Tennessee commander; Belmont attack by; Cairo military district commander; and Chattanooga campaign; on Civil War prospects; cohesive Union strategy imposed by; Cold Harbor and Petersburg; colonel of 21st Illinois; Confederate prisoners saluted by; Congressional joint resolution of praise; descriptions of; desire to leave army after Shiloh; 1864 division of labor with Sherman; funeral of; as general in chief; at Grand Review; Halleck’s assistant after Shiloh; Henry-Donelson capture by; on Hood; horsemanship of inner power and stubbornness of; and Iuka battle; and Jewish expulsion; Lee’s surrender accepted by; letter from would-be assassin of; on Lincoln; living off the land; lock of hair auctioned by; McClellan and; memoirs of; on Mexican War as unjustful; Nashville capture ordered by; nickname of; at outbreak of Civil War; personal characteristics of drinking; popularity of; as President; presidential nomination of 1864 refused; previous military career of; ranks held by Captain; Colonel; Brigadier General; Major General; Major General in Regular Army; Lieutenant General; round-the-world trip of; on secession; and Sherman as army commander; Sherman-Johnston surrender terms; Sherman’s friendship with Sherman’s march through Carolinas approved by; Sherman’s March to the Sea and; Shiloh battle simplicity of; sorting mail on railroad cars; at Spotsylvania Court House; takes over West from Halleck; Thomas’s attack on Hood ordered by; Vicksburg siege by; victory celebrations by; in Wilderness
Grant, Ulysses S., Jr. (Grant’s son)
Gravelly Creek (Virginia)
Greeley, Horace
Greene, Gen. Nathanael
Gregg, Brig. Gen. John
Grenada (Mississippi)
Grierson, Maj. Gen. Benjamin, raid by
Griffin, Maj. Gen. Charles
Guangzhou (China), U.S. 1856 landing at
guerrillas; proposal that Confederate Army become
Halleck, Maj. Gen. Henry Wager: as Army of the James commander; asks Sherman and Grant about civil government in South; background of; on capture of Charleston; as chief of staff under Stanton and Grant; Elements of Military Art and Science; as general-in-chief; Grant’s army taken over by; Grant censured and reinstated by; Grant offered Washington house by; Henry-Donelson campaign and; “lawyer-like ambiguity” of; McClernand and; politics played by; Sherman and; generals ordered not to obey Sherman; Sherman-Johnston surrender talks; Sherman originally rehabilitated by; Sherman refuses reconciliation with; Sherman’s Special Field Orders’ denunciation of; Shiloh battle and; as Western commander
Hamlet, Nashville playing of
Hampton Roads Peace Conference (1865)
Hancock, Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott
Hardee, Lt. Gen. William J.; Savannah defended by
Harney, Brig. Gen. William S.
Harpers Ferry (Virginia)
Harris, Isham
Harrison, Brig. Gen. Benjamin
Hatcher’s Run (Virginia), Battle of (1865)
Hayes, Maj. Gen. Rutherford B.
Hayne’s Bluff (Mississippi)
Hays, Brig. Gen. Alexander
Hazen, Maj. Gen. William B.
Heintzelman, Maj. Gen. Samuel Peter
Helm, Brig. Gen. Benjamin Hardin
Heth, Maj. Gen. Henry
Highlanders (79th New York)
Hill, Lt. Gen. Ambrose P.
Hillyer, Col. William S.
Hilton Head (South Carolina)
Hitchcock, Maj. Henry
Holliday, Pvt. Thomas D.
Holly Springs (Mississippi)
Hood, Lt. Gen. John Bell
Hooker, Maj. Gen. Joseph; in Chattanooga campaign
horsemanship of Grant
horses belonging to men of Confederate Army
Howard, Maj. Gen. Oliver Otis
Hunter, Maj. Gen. David
Hunter, R.M.T.
Hurlbut, Maj. Gen. Stephen
“Hush’d Be the Camps To-day” (Whitman’s poem)
Illinois: Lincoln on men of; Lincoln’s funeral trip to; at outbreak of Civil War
Indianapolis (Indiana)
Indian assistant adjutant general
Indians: Grant’s opinion on relation of whites and; Sherman’s attitude to
Ingalls, Brig. Gen. Rufus
ironclads, “mud turtles,”
Irving, Washington
luka, Battle of ( 1862)
Jackson, Maj. Gen. Andrew
Jackson, Lt. Gen. Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall,”
Jackson, Pvt. Tom
Jackson (Mississippi), in and after Vicksburg campaign
James, Army of the
James River
Jefferson Barracks (Missouri)
Jefferson City (Missouri)
Jenkins, Brig. Gen. Micah
Jenney, Maj. L. B.
Jews, Grant expels
Jo Daviess Guards
“John Brown” (“John Brown’s Body”; song)
Johnson, Brig. Gen. Andrew: as President; at Grand Review; Lee’s arrest sought by Johnson; possible planned assassination of; Sherman greeted by; Sherman-Johnston surrender terms; Sherman’s resentment of attitude of; as Tennessee military governor; as Vice President
Johnston, Gen. Albert Sidney; Shiloh battle and
Johnston, Gen. Joseph E.; in Atlanta campaign; Davis’s relief of; in Carolina campaign; Sherman’s surrender terms to; truce; Sherman’s later friendship with; in Vicksburg campaign; after Vicksburg campaign
Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War; arrest and imprisonment by; Grant before; Radical Republican influence in; Sherman before
Jomini, Antoine Henri
Jones, J. Russell
Jordan, Col. Thomas
journalists: Grant and; Sherman and; court-martial of Knox; see also specific newspapers
Juarez, Benito
Judy, Col.
Julian, George W.
Kaskel, Cesar J.
Kellogg, Capt. J. J.
Kennesaw Mountain (Georgia)
Kentucky; Confederate guerrillas in
Key, Col. Thomas M.
Keyes, Maj. Gen. Erasmus Darwin
Kilpatrick, Maj. Gen. Hugh Judson
Knox, Thomas W.
Knoxville (Tennessee)
La Grange (Tennessee)
Lancaster (Ohio)
land mines, Confederate, during March to the Sea
Leavenworth (Kansas)
Lee, Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh, in Spanish-American War
Lee, Maj. Gen. George Washington Custis
Lee, Gen. Robert E.; aggressiveness of; at Antietam; Arlington home of; 1864 Southern confidence in; 1869 visit to White House by; final retreat of; Gettysburg defeat of; on Hood; peace overture of; Petersburg battle, see Petersburg; Radical Republican desire for arrest of; resignation from U.S. Army by; surrender of; in Wilderness battle
Lexington (Kentucky)Lexington (Missouri)
Lincoln, Abraham; addresses troops after First Bull Run; assassination of; call for volunteers by; on Chancellorsville; at City Point; Confederate brother-in-law killed; Dana as spy for; dream reported by; 1862 order for troop advances by; 1863 amnesty proclamation by; 1864 presidential campaign of; Emancipation Proclamation of; Preliminary Proclamation; on freeing of the Mississippi; funeral and home journey of; on Grant’s drinking; Grant’s first meeting with; on Grant-Sherman cooperation; Grant’s Jewish expulsion overturned by; Grant’s strategy upheld by; Grant supports re-election of; on Grant’s tenaciousness; on Grant’s victory at Vicksburg; in Hampton Roads Peace Conference; Illinois brigadier general appointments of; last cabinet meeting of; Lee offered command by; Lee’s peace overture rejected by; McClernand and; negotiations with Confederates authorized by; postwar policy of; Radical Republicans and; Richmond visit of; Second Inaugural Address of; Sherman and 1861 interview; March to the Sea and; on mental problems of Sherman; Sherman’s letter on conscription sent to; Sherman’s request for subordinate position; telegram from Louisville to Lincoln; Shiloh and; stray kittens saved by
Lincoln, Mary Todd; City Point visit of; on Grant; Lincoln’s assassination and
Lincoln, Capt. Robert
Lincoln, William Wallace, death from malaria of
Lindsay, Jack (cadet)
Little Big Horn, Battle of the (1876)
London Times
Longstreet, Lt. Gen. James; as best man at Grant’s wedding; on Grant as fighter; Grant’s Appomattox talk with; in peace talks; wounded in Wilderness; as young officer
Lookout Mountain (Tennessee)
Lord, Lida
Loring, Maj. Gen. William W.
Louisiana, civil government set up in
Louisiana State Seminary of Learning and Military Academy
Louisville (Kentucky); Nelson wounded by Davis in; Louisville Journal, The
Lucas, Turner & Co. (bank)
MacArthur, Lt. Col. Arthur
Mack and Brothers
MacMahon, Marie Edmé Patrice de
Macon (Georgia)
“magnetic telegraph” of Grant and Sherman
mail sorted on railroads
Malvern Hill, Battle of (1862)
Manassas, battles of. See Bull Run
Manifest Destiny
“Marching Through Georgia” (song)
March to the Sea (1864); European reaction to; pillage vs. confiscation during; Union soldiers captured during; Union wounded during
Marietta (Georgia)
Markland, Col. Absolom H.
Marlborough, duke of
Marx, Karl
Matamoros, Battle of (1846)
Mattoon (Illinois)
Maximilian, Mexican regime of
McClellan, Maj. Gen. George B.; at Antietam; Army of Potomac led by; Seven Days’ Battles; Crimean War observed by; Grant’s western campaigns and; Halleck not wanted as rival by; initial victories by; Joint Committee’s investigation of; as presidential candidate; Sherman and
McClellan Saddle
McClernand, Maj. Gen. John; public criticism of Grant by
McCloskey (Union soldier)
McClure, A. K.
McDowell, Maj. Gen. Irvin
McKinley, Maj. William B.
McPherson, Maj. Gen. James B.
Meade, Maj. Gen. George Gordon; as Army of the Potomac commander; in Grand Review
Mechanicsville (Virginia), Battle of (1862)
Meiggs, “Honest Harry,”
Memphis (Tennessee): Forrest’s 1864 raid on; Grant’s censorship of press of; Grant’s headquarters in; Sherman as military governor of; Willy’s death in
Memphis and Charleston Railroad
Memphis Evening Bulletin
Meridian (Mississippi), Sherman’s raid on
Mexican War; casualties in; Grant on unjustfulness of
Mexico City, Battle of (1847)
Mexico, Maximilian in
“Mexico” (troublemaker)
Mill Creek (North Carolina)
Milledgeville (Georgia)
Milliken’s Bend (Louisiana), Battle of (1863)
Minnesota, Sioux in
Missionary Ridge (Tennessee)
Mississippi: Army of the; Department of the; Military Division of the (postwar)
Mississippi Central Rail Road
Mississippi River: gun boat and riverboat fleets of; in Union hands
Mississippi Squadron
Missouri; Belmont attack; Department of, Halleck’s command of; Grant’s civilian life in; Sherman’s inspection of troops
Missouri Democrat (St. Louis newspaper)
Mobile (Alabama): Grant proposes campaign against; Sherman’s posting to
Mobile and Ohio railroad
Mobile Bay, Battle of (1864)
Molino del Rey, Battle of (1847)
Monroe Doctrine
Monterey (California)
Morehead City (North Carolina)
Morristown (Tennessee)
Morton, Oliver P.
Mosby’s guerrillas
Mountain Department
“mud turtle” ironclads
Muscle Shoals (Tennessee)
Napoleon III (Emperor of the French)
Nashville (Tennessee); Hood stopped by Thomas at
Nelson, Maj. Gen. William
New Bern (North Carolina)
New Haven Journal
New Orleans (Louisiana); naval capture of
New York City: draft riots in (1863); Irishmen of; Sherman as bank manager in; Sherman’s retirement in
New York Herald, The
New York Times, The
New York Tribune
New York World, The
Niagara Falls (Canada), peace negotiations at
North Carolina: Sherman’s march through; see also Carolinas campaign
Oak Grove (Virginia), Battle of (1862)
Ohio, Army of the; Sherman Testimonial Fund of
Ohio River
“Old Abe” (mascot)
“Old Shandy,”
“On to Richmond!,”
Orchard Knob (Tennessee)
Ord, Maj. Gen. Edward
Ord, Mrs. Edward
Oregon Trail
Our American Cousin (play)
Oxford (Mississippi)
Paducah (Kentucky)
Page, Charles A.
Palmer, Joseph
Panama, cholera epidemic in
Parker, Lt. Col. Ely S.
Peabody, Col. Everett
Peach Tree Creek, Battle of (1864)
Pemberton, Maj. Gen. John C.
Peninsular Campaign (1862)
Perryville (Kentucky)
Petersburg (Virginia); Lee’s evacuation of
Philadelphia Inquirer, The
Pickett, Maj. Gen. George
Pierce, Franklin
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee)
Poe, Edgar Allan
Polk, James K.
Polk, Lt. Gen. Leonidas K.
pontoons; freed slaves drowned by removal of bridge of; in Grand Review
Pope, Maj. Gen. John; as frontier commander
Porter, Brig. Gen. Andrew
Porter, Rear Adm. David Dixon; on Lincoln’s assassination
Porter, Lt. Col. Horace
Port Gibson (Mississippi)
Port Hudson (Louisiana)
Potomac, Army of the; McClellan as commander of; Meade as commander of; in Seven Days’ Battles
Powell, John
Prentiss, Maj. Gen. Benjamin M.
President’s General War Order No. I (1862)
Price, Maj. Gen. Sterling
Prime, Maj. Frederick
prostitutes, Memphis
Quartermaster Department
Quinby, Brig. Gen. Isaac F.
Quincy (Illinois)
Raccoon Mountain (Tennessee)
Radical Republicans: on Appomattox surrender; iron rule of South sought by; Lee’s arrest proposed by; Lincoln and; on Sherman-Johnston negotiations; West Pointers distrusted by
railroads; Lincoln’s funeral train; mail sorted on; Sherman Neckties on; Sherman’s funeral train
Raleigh (North Carolina); Grant’s trip to; soldiers burn N.Y. newspapers in
Raleigh Daily Standard
Randolph (Tennessee)
Rapidan River
Rawlins, Brig. Gen. John A.; as Grant’s Secretary of War
Rawlins, Mrs. John A.
Raymond, Henry J.
Reagan, John
Reconstruction; Lincoln and
Red River campaign (1864)
refugees, white Southerner
regiments, Confederate: 3rd Louisiana; 38th Tennessee
regiments, Union: 3rd Artillery; 7th Cavalry; 19th Illinois; 21st Illinois; 45th Illinois; 55th Illinois; 61st Illinois; 104th Illinois; 113th Illinois; 2nd Illinois Cavalry; 6th Indiana; 22nd Indiana; 38th Indiana; 66th Indiana; 100th Indiana; 4th Infantry; 13th Infantry; 2nd Iowa; 17th Iowa; 15th Maine; 20th Maine; 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry; 4th Minnesota; 10th Missouri; 25th Missouri; 13th New York; 69th New York; 79th New York; 121st New York; 40th Ohio; 53rd Ohio ; 70th Ohio; 72nd Ohio; 69th Pennsylvania; 148th Pennsylvania; 2nd Wisconsin; 8th Wisconsin; 11th Wisconsin; 21st Wisconsin; 24th
Wisconsin; see also black soldiers
Resaca (Georgia)
Richards, Dora
Richmond (Virginia); Confederate government’s departure from; Lincoln’s visit to; Sherman marches anti-Halleck troops through; Union entry into
Richmond and Danville Railroad
Ripley, George
Rosecrans, Maj. Gen. William
Rucker, Mrs. Daniel
Ruggles, Brig. Gen. Daniel
St. Louis (Missouri); Ellen brings Sherman back on leave from; Fifth Street Railroad in; Frémont’s business associates in; Sherman’s and Grant’s 1857 meeting in; Sherman’s burial in
San Francisco (California); Frémont’s business associates from
San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin
San Juan Hill, Battle of (1898)
Savannah (Georgia); Sherman’s capture of
Savannah (Tennessee)
Sayler’s Creek (Virginia), Battle of (1865)
Schofield, Maj. Gen. John M.
Schurz, Maj. Gen. Carl
Scott, Thomas W.
Scott, Sir Walter
Scott, Gen. Winfield; Anaconda Plan of
Sea Islands, reserved for blacks by Sherman
Second Confiscation Act (1862)
Sedalia (Missouri)
Sedgwick, Maj. Gen. John
Selover, Abia A.
Seminole Indians
Seneca Indian assistant adjutant general
Seven Days’ Battles (1862)
Seven Pines (Virginia), Battle of (1862)
Seward, Maj. Augustus
Seward, Fanny
Seward, Frederick
Seward, William H.; attempted assassination of
Sharpsburg. See Antietam
Shenandoah Valley
Sheridan, Maj. Gen. Philip; popularity of; West of the Mississippi command of
Sherman, Charles (Sherman’s brother)
Sherman, Charles (Sherman’s son)
Sherman, Elizabeth (Sherman’s sister)
Sherman, Ellen (Eleanor; Sherman’s wife); Catholicism of; death of; extermination of South demanded by; at Grand Review; Grant’s letter to; Memphis visit of; Sherman’s letters to ; Sherman’s mental problems and; on Sherman’s snub of Halleck; Vicksburg visit of; wedding of; and Willie’s death
Sherman, Ellie (Sherman’s daughter)
Sherman, John (Sherman’s brother) Sherman’s mental problems and; at outbreak of Civil War
Sherman, Lizzie (Sherman’s daughter)
Sherman, Minnie (Sherman’s daughter)
Sherman, Thomas (“Tommy”; Sherman’s son); becomes Jesuit priest
Sherman, Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh “Cump”: accused of treason; asthma of; Atlanta campaign; attitude toward blacks by; brigade commander at First Bull Run; Carolinas campaign; Chattanooga campaign; City Point conference; on civil government in South; in Civil War; Congressional joint resolution of thanks; conscription; in Cumberland department; death and funeral of; descriptions of; 1864 division of labor with Grant; energy of; female admirers of; at Grand Review; on Grant and Lee as historical figures; on Grant’s ability; on Grant’s drinking; Grant’s friendship with ; guerrilla policy; in Henry-Donelson campaign; on horror of debt; ignores his seniority to Grant; insecurity of; journalists mistrusted; later military career of; learns of Lee’s surrender; on Lincoln; living off the land; at Louisiana’s military seminary; March to the Sea; as Memphis military governor; mental problems of; Meridian raid; news of Lincoln’s assassination; personal characteristics of desire for subordinate position; pessimism of; popularity of; presidential possibilities rejected by; previous military career of; ranks held by: Captain; Colonel; Brigadier General; Brigadier General in Regular Army; Major General; Major General in Regular Army; rehabilitation; rejects a promotion; restrained speech of; retirement from army; sent home on leave from Missouri; Shiloh battle and; soldiers’ nickname of; B. Stanton’s fight with; surrender terms to Johnston; talking with enlisted men; telegram from Louisville. to Lincoln; total war (“Enlightened War”) waged; total war ended; training troops in Benton Barracks; Vicksburg campaign ; wounded at Shiloh
Sherman, Willy (Sherman’s son); death of
Sherman Neckties
Sherman Testimonial Fund of Ohio
Shiloh (Tennessee); Battle of (1862); Southern casualties in
Sioux Indians
slaves: in border states; contraband; drowned in Davis’s removal of pontoon bridge; as engineering troops (pioneers); federal policy on; freed; in Grand Review; Grant’s father’s abolitionism; Grant’s prediction on; Grant’s purchase and freeing of; Harpers Ferry attack to free; kneel to Lincoln; during March to the Sea; Maximilian and; by Meridian raid; mulatto; postwar policy toward; in U.S. Army; at White Haven; see also black regiments; blacks; Emancipation Proclamation
Slocum, Maj. Gen. Henry W.
Smith, Col.
Smith, Capt. C. C.
Smith, Maj. Gen. Charles F.
Smith, Gen. Edward Kirby
Smith, Maj. Gen. William F.
Smith, Brig. Gen. William Sooy
Snake Creek Gap (Georgia)
“Social Reconstruction of the Southern States, A,”
South Bend (Indiana)
South Carolina: Sea Islands of; secession of; Sherman’s march into; Sherman’s posting to
Southside Railroad
Spanish-American War
Special Field Orders
Speed, James
spies; Confederate; journalists considered to be; Union
Spotsylvania Court House (Virginia; 1864)
Sprague, William
Springfield (Illinois), Grant in
Stanton, Benjamin
Stanton, Dr. Darwin
Stanton, Edwin M.; at Grand Review; Grant’s postwar relationship with; Grant’s testimony on; in investigation of drowning incident; after Lincoln’s assassination; objects to Grant’s reduction of Washington defenses; personality and background of; as Radical Republican; resigns as Secretary of War; Sherman denounced by; Sherman’s apology to, for surrender document; Sherman’s communications to Grant on; Sherman’s March to the Sea and; Sherman’s postwar relationship with; Stone’s arrest and imprisonment condoned by
Statue of Liberty, Stone in construction of base for
Steele’s Bayou (Mississippi)
Stein, Gertrude
Steinberger, Baron
Stephens, Alexander H.
Stiles, Mrs. William Henry
Stillwell, Pvt. Leander
Stone, Brig. Gen. Charles P.
Stuart, Maj. Gen. James Ewell Brown “Jeb,”
Sutter, John Augustus
Taylor (Confederate captain)
Taylor, Zachary
Tennessee, Army of the (Confederate)
Tennessee, Army of the (Union)
Tennessee River
Terry, Brig. Gen. Alfred H.
Texas: annexation of; last of the Confederates in
Texas Brigade
Thirteenth Amendment
Thomas, Maj. Gen. George H.; Hood stopped by
Thomas, Brig. Gen. Lorenzo
Tiffany’s (New York)
Tilghman, Brig. Gen. Lloyd
T.I.O. (Twelve in One)
total war (“Enlightened War”), Sherman’s; end of
Townsend, Col. Edward D.
Travis, Allie
Trent affair
Tunnard, Sgt., William H.
Tupper, Col.
Turner, Henry
Twain, Mark
Twombley, Cpl. Voltaire P.
Tyler, Brig. Gen. Daniel
“unconditional surrender,”
United States Army (Union Army): blacks in; at Civil War’s opening; Confederate soldiers become eligible for; conscription for; demobilization of; Easterners vs. Westerners in 1864 losses of; Grand Review of; muskets bought by discharged members of; officers of, joining Confederates; postwar reduction of; Quartermaster Department of; Topographical Engineers; voting by; see also regiments
United States Marines, China action of (1856)
United States Military Academy. See West Point
United States Navy: blockade by; in Henry-Donelson campaign; Mississippi gun boats and riverboats of; officers of, joining Confederates; at Shiloh; in Trent affair; in Vicksburg campaign
Upson, Sgt. Theodore
Van Dorn, Maj. Gen. Earl
van Vliet, Maj. Gen. Stewart
Vicksburg (Mississippi): description of; finally surrounded; gala ball at; Grant’s siege of; food shortage in; impromptu truces at; naval flotillas sail past guns; as Sherman’s base for raid; surrender of
Vicksburg Citizen
Vicksburg Whig
Victoria (Queen of England)
Virginia: Lincoln’s support of old legislature of; as Military District No. secession of
volunteer commissions
Wade, Benjamin
Wadsworth, Brig. Gen. James S.
Wagner, Richard
Wallace, Maj. Gen. Lew
Washburne, Elihu
Washington, George
Washington, D.C.: Grand Review in; Grant offered Halleck’s house in; Grant pulls troops from defenses of; Sherman marches through Richmond to; victory celebrations in
Washington and Lee University
Washington Chronicle
Washington College, Lee as president of
Washington Star, The
Washington Tribune
Wauhatchie (Tennessee)
Waynesboro (Virginia), Battle of (1864)
Webster, Daniel
Weed, Thurlow
Weitzel, Maj. Gen. Jacob
Welles, Gideon
West, Department of the
Western Virginia, Department of
West Point (U.S. Military Academy): graduates of, in Civil War; Grant at; Radical Republicans’ attitude to; Sherman at; at Sherman’s funeral
West Virginia, admission of
Wheeler, Maj. Gen. Joseph; in Spanish-American War
White Haven farm
White Oak Swamp (Virginia), battle of (1862)
Whitman, Walt
Wilcox, Cadmus Marcellus
Wilderness (Virginia), Battle of the (1864)
Williams, Maj. Gen. Seth
Wilson, Edmund
Wilson, Brig. Gen. James Harrison
Wilson’s Creek (Missouri), Battle of (1861)
Winchester (Virginia), Battle of (1864)
Wise, Maj. Gen. Henry A.
Women’s National War Relief Association
women of the South: March to the Sea and; Sherman on hatred by; wives of soldiers permitted through Union lines
Wood, Brig. Gen. Thomas J.
Woods, Maj. Isaiah C.
Woods, Brig. Gen. William B.
Worth, Brig. Gen. William
Wright, Maj. Gen. Horatio G.
Yates, Richard
Yazoo Pass (Mississippi)
Yazoo River
Yellow Tavern (Virginia), Battle of (1864)
Young’s Point (Mississippi)