Peach almond crumble

Serves 4–6

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One of my guilty pleasures is to make a crumble for dessert and then eat the leftovers for breakfast the next morning. While people often think of a crumble as an autumn or winter dessert, I also like to use stone fruits in the warmer months.

4–5 large ripe peaches, stones removed and flesh diced

2½ tablespoons brown or rapadura sugar (see note)

100 g (3½ oz/1 cup) rolled oats

50 g (1¾ oz/⅓ cup) wholemeal (whole-wheat) plain (all-purpose) flour

50 g (1¾ oz) flaked almonds

2 tablespoons desiccated (shredded) coconut

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

80 g (2¾ oz) butter, diced plain

yoghurt (optional), to serve

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).

Place the peach in a 1 litre (34 fl oz/4 cup) capacity ovenproof dish. Toss through 1 tablespoon of the sugar. Set aside.

In a mixing bowl, combine the rolled oats, flour, almonds, coconut, cinnamon and remaining sugar. Using your fingertips, rub in the butter until well combined. Sprinkle the crumble over the peaches and bake in the oven for 20–25 minutes, or until the crumble is golden and the peaches are tender. Serve warm on its own or with yoghurt (if using).

Baby’s serve: this crumble does have a little added sugar so you should ideally wait until your baby is over 12 months before offering it to her. However, a small taste as an occasional treat, with some yoghurt stirred through, is a nice way to include her in family mealtimes. You can blend or mash it to the right consistency.

Toddler’s serve: simply serve as is with some custard or yoghurt.

Note Rapadura sugar comes from the dried whole natural juice of the sugar cane. Because it’s not separated from its molasses content, it retains its natural nutrients. Brown sugar, on the other hand, typically has the molasses stripped out and then some of it is added back in. It also tends to be cheaper and more readily available. Nutritionally, the difference between them is not immense, but if you want a less processed sugar, rapadura is a good option. When purchasing, take note of its country of origin. It can be difficult to source local rapadura sugar, so you might prefer to choose brown to avoid using an imported product.
