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JESSICA RELAXED IN the hammock hanging beneath the deck of their beach house, book in hand, listening to the sound of the ocean waves crashing on the beach.
It was hotter than heck sitting out on the sand midday, and she preferred this shady area to read.
She let one foot dangle over the side of the hammock as she rocked back and forth, the hot pink polish on her toes gleaming brightly. The mani/pedis she and the girls had gotten a few days ago had been amazing. She’d have to make a point of going every few weeks while they were here—nothing like a little pampering to make a girl feel amazing.
Yawning, she rested her book on her chest, closing her eyes for a minute.
Amy was off at another yoga class and Michelle was inside taking a nap. She might as well rest a few minutes, too. They’d probably be out late tonight for drinks, and she could use a little nap. Her hammock swayed some more, and the gentle ocean breeze began to lull her to sleep.
“Hello! Anybody home?” a deep voice called out.
Jessica yelped in surprise, nearly falling out of the hammock as she tried to sit up. Strong arms caught her, and then Jacob was apologizing as he helped her to stand up. “Sorry, angel, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you like that. We got back last night, and I thought I’d drop by and surprise you.”
She flushed as embarrassment washed over her, realizing his hands were still at her waist, and she took a step back, putting some space between them.
Jacob gazed down at her, all tanned and muscular, wearing a cotton tee shirt over his cargo shorts. He had dark stubble covering his jaw and chin, and she noticed a hint of dark circles beneath his eyes. His gaze locked with hers though, and she relaxed as he grinned at her, looking completely at ease.
“You scared me,” she admitted.
“I’m sorry about that. We just got back late last night. I was going to text you and see if you wanted to meet up, but then I thought I’d surprise you. It seemed like a good idea at the time.” He shrugged, having the decency to look a tiny bit sheepish.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” she said, her skin prickling with awareness as he edged slightly closer. “I’m glad you came by. I was just reading and fell asleep in the hammock. You startled me is all—I wasn’t expecting anyone. Amy’s gone, and Michelle’s upstairs taking a nap.”
“That hammock does look pretty relaxing,” he said. “Can I try it out?”
“Uh, sure,” she replied, watching as his large body sank down into the hammock. He stretched out, practically taking up the entire length, and rested one arm beneath his head, looking far too sexy for his own good.
What was a gorgeous man like him doing showing up at her beach house, stretched out in her hammock like some sort of Greek God?
“Come join me,” he said, his brown eyes warm.
“Um, we might fall out,” she replied, suddenly feeling shy. Nothing sounded better than curling up next to Jacob, but she’d practically be lying on top of him in that tiny thing.
“I won’t let you fall,” he said, his voice deep. “Come on.”
Hesitantly she walked over, and Jacob put one foot down on the ground to steady it. She sat down beside him and then practically rolled into his muscular body, the hammock pushing their bodies together as it sunk inward.
“That’s it, angel,” he said as she nestled against him. “Hell, you feel good next to me.” His arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her, and she let herself relax into his embrace. Jacob smelled clean, of spice and man, and she wanted to bury her face into his shirt and warm skin, inhaling his intoxicating scent.
It should’ve felt strange lying here in Jacob’s arms, a man she barely knew. But there was also something comforting and right about it, too. Like she was somehow exactly where she belonged.
He let out a deep breath, relaxing, and she let one hand rest lightly against his muscular chest. “God it feels good to be back,” he said quietly. “And even better to be here with you.”
“Are you okay?” she asked. “You seem...different somehow.”
A beat passed before he answered. “It was a rough mission,” he admitted. “Things didn’t exactly go as we planned.”
His jaw clenched, and she wished she could take away whatever burden he was carrying.
“I’m sorry.” She didn’t say anything else. He couldn’t tell her the details anyway even if she asked him.
“How was your week?” he asked quietly, letting his fingertips trail over her bare arm. Electricity surged straight through her at his light touch. Jacob was so muscular and strong—it seemed like he should be invincible, with nothing able to harm him. Something seemed to be weighing on him though, and she wished she could help him.
“Nothing like yours,” she admitted. “I’m on summer vacation, remember? We hung out on the beach, relaxed. I got mani/pedis with the girls. The weirdest thing that happened to me was a creepy guy we saw at the bank, and Michelle has convinced me I’m overreacting.”
“You should always trust your gut,” Jacob said.
“I guess. He didn’t really do anything though—just a weird vibe I got.”
“One thing I learned with being a SEAL? You need to always trust your instincts. Be aware of your surroundings. Situational awareness has served me well more times than I can count.”
“I thought your being a SEAL was some sort of secret,” she said.
Jacob glanced down at her, the expression in his dark eyes impossible to read. “My being a SEAL? I don’t exactly go around announcing it to the world. I mean, shoot, most people realize my buddies and I are military though. It’s kind of an open secret around this town I guess.”
“Rebecca told me the other night.”
Jacob laughed. “Yeah, Ice told me. I should’ve let you know that I was leaving,” he said, his voice gruff. “I can’t ever tell you any details about my job, obviously, but I should’ve said I’d be gone since I’d asked you out this week. The problem is, I didn’t know when I’d be back.”
“Ryker told us you guys were leaving,” she admitted.
“Yeah. I was jealous as hell that he got to see you that morning. I know he was over here with Michelle, but hell. I would’ve loved to wake up beside you and see you first thing. Kiss you good morning.”
Jessica stiffened slightly, her heart pounding.
“Easy, angel,” he said, soothing her. “I know you don’t want to rush into anything, and I respect that. Michelle and Ryker are different than us, and that’s fine.”
“I don’t—I don’t have one-night-stands like she does,” Jessica said with a shrug. “I mean, she’s a big girl—she can do what she wants. I’m just not like that though.”
He ducked down, brushing his lips over her forehead. “I like that about you. Hell, if I was looking for the quickest way to get a woman into bed, there are bars up and down the beach filled with women looking to have a good time.”
She let her fingers trail over his chest, feeling the soft cotton of his shirt beneath her fingertips and the hard muscles beneath it. What would being with a man like Jacob be like? He was powerful, a mass of muscle and strength. He’d been nothing but gentle with her though. Protective.
He was off saving the world all the time anyway—she doubted he wanted a relationship even if she did live here.
“I like you, too,” she admitted. “And it scares me.”
“Don’t be scared, angel. I’m in no sort of rush. You’re here for the whole summer, right? We’ll take our time getting to know each other.”
“How can you know that?”
“Know that I want to spend time with you? I’m here, aren’t I?” He chuckled, pulling her closer. “I thought my interest in you was obvious.”
She nestled closer into his embrace, letting her bare leg slide over his. The springy hairs on his muscular legs tickled her skin, and it felt right being here with him. Weird since she didn’t usually get close to men she barely knew. It felt like she knew Jacob already though, strange as that seemed.
“Do you have any plans today?” he asked.
“Aside from my book and my hammock?” she asked with a laugh. “None.”
“Want to go explore Virginia Beach with me? I’ve got the day off since we just got back. We debriefed this morning, but I’m free all day. We can do all the touristy things and then go grab some dinner.”
“Right now?” she asked, feeling surprised.
“Yeah, right now. Why not? You’re here, I’m here. Neither of us as any big plans for the day. Let’s go out and enjoy.”
“Like a date,” she hedged.
“Exactly like a date.”
“But I’m not dressed up or anything—I have on shorts and a tank top.”
He glanced down, making a show of teasingly looking her over as she flushed. “So you do,” he quipped. “I like the pink tank top—it’s sexy as hell the way you look in it.”
“Jacob,” she protested lightly, squirming against him.
“I didn’t mind the bikini you had on when we first met, either, just so you know. You’d look good in anything, but if you’d rather change or something, I can hang out down here while you get ready.”
He twisted in the hammock, one large hand resting on her hip, so they were practically face to face. Her breath caught as her gaze dropped to his full lips. The stubble covering his strong jaw was sexy, and she wondered what it would feel like rubbing up against her skin.
“I know I said I’d kiss you after our first date, but....” He paused, meeting her gaze to make sure she was okay with it. She knew if she said the word he’d back off.
She wanted to kiss him though—as much as she was trying to take things extra slowly with him, she couldn’t keep away if she wanted to. She was attracted to him and aroused with the way their bodies were pressed up against each other. In this moment, nothing could have stopped her from kissing him.
Slowly, she tilted her head up, letting him know it was all right, and then he ducked lower, his full lips brushing over hers.
She nearly gasped in shock as electricity shot straight through her—with his arms holding her and his lips against hers, she was his for the taking.
It was an intimate first kiss—their bodies pressed together in the hammock, one of his arms wrapped around her shoulders, the other gripping her waist. Her breasts pressed up against his muscular chest, and she sighed in contentment as he gently nipped at her before pulling back.
“I could lie here kissing you all day,” he admitted. “But I know you want to go slowly. Let’s get going.”
She nodded, watching as he dropped a foot to the ground again to steady the hammock and helped her sit up. She felt dazed and flushed as she stood, getting her footing. They’d only briefly kissed, and her mind was spinning.
Being with a guy like Jacob was dangerous—she knew he was comfortable around women and probably was with a new one all the time. Maybe he’d agreed to go slowly with her, but she didn’t want to end her summer with a broken heart.