
While this book has practically written itself (Thank you, brain), I couldn’t have gotten this far without the help and love from friends all over the world for being so kind as to read an early draft of this book and provide me with valuable comments on how to improve upon it.

A great thank you to my marvelous editor, Bonnie Hearn Hill, for her work in making this story a publishable book, and to the amazing Christopher Allan Poe for the fitting and absolutely gorgeous cover art, and all the work behind the scenes in getting this book ready for print.

Since there are so many snippets of my life between these covers, I also need to thank my family and my friends for inspiring me, putting up with me, and encouraging me. I am forever in your debt.

Finally, my love and gratitude to my wonderful husband Alex, my son Sascha, and to you, dear reader. Your purchase of this book makes it possible for me to maybe one day live the dream.


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