So now you’ve heard the word on the law of attraction. And for some of you, all this talk of laws may well have you thinking, “Well, not all laws apply to me.”
But the law of attraction applies to everyone and everything. You can’t break this law and you can’t avoid it. However, when you harness the law of attraction, you can do whatever you want to do and be whatever you want to be, regardless of your religion, race, ethnicity, age, sex, or finances.
That’s because the law of attraction is a Universal law; just like the law of gravity, it applies equally to all people no matter who you are or where you spring from. And that means there’s no secret handshake that lets you off the hook even if you happen to be rich or famous.
Consider Tony Hawk. Even though he’s king of the half-pipe, he still gets his share of bone-crushing injuries. That’s because gravity doesn’t play favorites; certainly not toward famous skaters with lucrative endorsement deals, or anyone else, for that matter. Gravity is a Universal law, and it applies equally to all people. Likewise the law of attraction.
The other thing that occurs to people is, what’s with all the bad stuff that goes down, the stuff you see on the news? Where’s the law of attraction in all that?
Well, the sad reality is, victims of tragedy didn’t ask for their fate (and they totally didn’t deserve it). They probably didn’t even know they were capable of attracting stuff. But still, there’s an attraction. And that’s because the law of attraction operates whether you know about it or not. Most of the world is running on autopilot.
Think of it like this: you listen to music on an MP3 player – iPod, cell phone, whatever. You select a favorite playlist or you choose track-by-track exactly what you want to hear. That’s like attracting just what you want, when you want it. On the other hand, you can go with the random shuffle mode; the device gives you random songs in a random order, whether you like the songs or not. You get what you’re given, and you don’t get to choose.
Many of the sad stories and tragedies you see on the evening news are just like that. People who don’t know THE SECRET are attracting by default. They’re on shuffle and they attract stuff they don’t want without even meaning to. They’ve been conditioned to believe that you get what you’re given in life, whether that’s a random, unwanted song or a tornado on your doorstep.
So how can you avoid these tragedies? The solution is simple: don’t live life on shuffle. Do your own attracting by thinking for yourself. Create your own thoughts of hope and optimism, and let those thoughts take flight so you take control of your own future.
You have a choice right now. Do you want to believe that it’s just the luck of the draw and bad things can happen to you at any time? Do you want to believe that you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time? That you have no control over circumstances?
Or do you want to believe and know that your life experience is in your hands and that only all good can come into your life because that is the way you think? You have a choice, and whatever you choose to think will become your life experience….
Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts, and you can change your life.
Rhonda Byrne
“Luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re
prepared for it.”
Denzel Washington – actor
Another thing people stress out about once they come to grips with THE SECRET is the fear that they have to stay focused on all their thoughts all the time. Good thoughts … Bad thoughts … Do want … Don’t want … It’s a nightmare!
Now get this: you have at least sixty thousand thoughts a day. And with that many thoughts bouncing around in your head, it may seem very hard to control them. What you can do is focus on how you’re feeling.
See, when you’re feeling good, you can’t help but think good thoughts. And those good thoughts attract more good thoughts and even more good feelings. And that sets up the attraction for all the great stuff to come your way. That’s when you know you’re on a roll, a lucky streak, a perfect day.
But if you’re feeling stressed or depressed, that tells you that your thoughts are hedging on the dark side. And that often leads to a spiral of bad thoughts and bad feelings. Things go from bad to worse, and it’s a vicious cycle, a very bad day.
Like when something goes wrong in the morning – there’s no hot water for your shower, or the milk for your cereal has gone sour. And everything just spirals downward from there, one unlucky break after another.
What you maybe don’t realize is that it all started with one negative thought, which attracted more bad thoughts and bad feelings until something bad happened, which then attracted a bad reaction and more bad thoughts and bad feelings, and suddenly your whole vibe is locked into this chain reaction of bad attractions. You’re stuck in a losing streak.
So if you ever find yourself having one of those days, you have to realize that it isn’t caused by the bad stuff happening around you. That’s just the effect. It’s caused by your feelings and what you’re thinking. And once you know that, you’ll be able to turn a bad day around just by changing the way you’re thinking and feeling.
The idea is to stay aware, and to ask yourself, “How am I feeling now? How is my vibe?” If you’re buzzing with excitement, you’ll be attracting awesome stuff. But if you’re feeling anger, resentment, depression, or fear, your thoughts are totally bleak … and so is what you’re attracting.
Daniel Johns
The three members of grunge band Silverchair burst onto the scene when they were barely teens. Acclaimed worldwide, their early success came at a cost. Lead singer and songwriter Daniel Johns was stressed out of his mind, with all the music industry pressure and the touring, recording, publicity, demands on time, and expectations of further success. And worse, Johns was assaulted by hater thugs who recognized him in the street. He became reclusive, suffered anxiety, and developed an eating disorder.
Understandably, Johns came to resent music, yet he kept performing against his will. In fact, the teen angst he was singing about was not just an act; he was practically drowning in it. And that’s when he reached the decision that he really didn’t want to feel that way anymore. And, more important, he didn’t want to create music while feeling that way. So he did something totally unexpected. He took the master tapes of the just completed Silverchair album Diorama, and erased them. Every track! As he explained to his bandmates, it’s crucial that you feel good when you’re creating, or else what are you creating? What are you attracting?
Daniel Johns turned his thoughts, his emotions, and his whole vibe around, and together with Silverchair he rerecorded the entire album. And that Diorama album became the critical breakthrough record of their career, all thanks to Daniel Johns making a decision to change his thoughts and, more important, change his feelings.
Your thoughts create the attraction. Your thoughts are the power, the energy, the magnet. Your thoughts are the primary cause of all the stuff that happens. But it’s your feelings that tell you whether your thoughts are attracting the good life or blocking you from it.
If your feelings are telling you that your thoughts are attracting bad stuff, then obviously it’s time to change your thoughts, pronto. Bad feelings and a plummeting vibe are like an early warning system. They’re like this great big wailing siren going off above your head.
So when your plummeting vibe is telling you that your own thoughts are blocking the good life and attracting bad stuff, you know you have to switch things up. But how? The answer is simple: whatever it takes. Just find a way to change the way you feel. Break the cycle. Do something different.
Maybe you could go blading or riding or jogging … any sort of exercise. Or just breathe in the fresh air – feel the sunshine, the wind in your hair, or the rain on your skin. Listen to the sounds; soak up the colors. Close your eyes and just feel alive.
Or maybe try music. That’s another great option to change your mood. Of course, you have to take care that the tracks you’re tuning in to match the vibe you’re aiming for. Let’s say you’re feeling stressed or depressed about something. Like maybe you just got dumped, or blown off by your latest crush. So what do you do? Go home and play some depressing breakup songs? Some really heavy emo tunes? No way! That’s like gorging on a box of Krispy Kremes because you feel fat. Seriously, it’s not helping.
Instead, you have to suck it up and do the opposite. Play some feel-good tracks. Crank up SingStar or Guitar Hero. Whatever it takes. Because if you want to shift your mood to feel better and have better thoughts, you just can’t wallow in self-pity.
Try it out. Put on a tune. Preferably something upbeat, something that makes you feel great. And sing. Seriously, do the whole karaoke thing. Just like those randoms you see with their iPods on, belting out a tune like an off-key Idol wannabe. They don’t care; the singing is making them happy. And that’s because their vibe is totally in tune with the song.
It’s the same deal with dancing. That’s why a lot of house and techno music is so great to dance to. You pick up on the rhythm and your whole body syncs to the beat in this great harmony of heart-thumping, lung-busting, foot-stomping, feel-fantastic energy … it’s intense. All that stuff is sure to change your mood, lift your vibe, and make you feel alive.
And that right there is another secret behind THE SECRET. Simply: feel alive, feel fantastic, feel ecstatic! It’s the fastest way to attract the life of your dreams. Focus on radiating out into the Universe those feelings of joy and happiness. And as you radiate feelings of joy and happiness, they’ll be reflected back to you as the experiences of your future life.
Now, that might all sound easier said than done. Like, you’re in a total funk and you’re expected to flip the switch and just “get happy”? I mean, it’s not like you can just select your feelings off the rack. Or click on a smiley emoticon.
Wouldn’t it be great if in real life you could just select a drop-down menu, double-click the happy face anytime you like and choose the way you feel? Well, even though some people do that, most of us can’t. But don’t worry, there is another way you can go about making yourself happy whenever you choose. And that’s by taking baby steps and graduating up the scale of feelings.
Let’s say you’re in despair and depression. Like when your boyfriend or girlfriend has dumped you. That’s major depression – it’s about as low as you can go, the lowest vibe. But instead of just trying to get happy, which is a much higher vibe, you need to shift your feelings to something that’s closer to where you’re at. Rather than bottling yourself up in despair (and then worrying about what else you’ll attract!), shift your feelings up bit by bit to frustration and annoyance. “Who is he (or she) to break up with me?”
The next feeling you’re aiming for is boredom, which you can reach by thinking disinterested thoughts like “Whatever … my ex didn’t deserve me anyway.”
After that comes mild satisfaction; think of something that makes you feel kind of okay. “There are plenty more fish in the sea.”
Keep going the same way until you feel hope, then enthusiasm, then happiness, passion, joy, and finally, love.
And in love, your vibe is really buzzing; it’s the highest possible frequency. In love, you’ll attract so many things to inspire you. And whether that’s love for another person, or for a place or experiences or things you love to do, that feeling of love is the perfect antidote for despair and depression. And simply by taking these incremental baby steps to feel good, you’ll find that achieving love, or anything else you want, is not so hard after all.
Shiri’s Secret
At the start of my last year at school, twelfth grade, I was pretty much depressed. In all my eleven years of school I was never sure of myself, never had real friends, never had a bit of fun, and if I did it was rare. I was behind when it came to studying, I lived an unhealthy lifestyle, I used to stay out three times a week, and I had bad relationships with my family. I knew my life was heading in a bad direction, and all I wanted was to change it. I had no idea how, and no plan. I just wanted badly to change it.
So I started to study and stopped hanging out with the people who influenced me badly. I tried to change my lifestyle, but it just did not work. I realized I was not going forward (even though I was willing it) because I still thought in the wrong way, and I should change that.
So I forced myself to feel good. Since then, my life turned out to be GOLD. It happened like magic! I received even more than I asked for!
At first it was with studying. I forced myself to believe I DO know, I AM smart, and then my grades started to go higher and higher till I had top grades from all nine classes at school. I didn’t study too much, either! One to two days studying was enough for me, while other students were studying for a week plus.
After that, I forced myself to feel I’m loved. I asked for true friends. I don’t know how, but I suddenly found great friends and soul mates in my school, when I was SURE I couldn’t relate to anyone. People love me, even the ones who used to hate me. One time a girl who was known for hating me lost her car keys at school, and I found them. She and her friends thanked me and said, “The whole school is talking so good about you now.” I was happy, because I had been pretty much hated in my school. That was A HUGE change for me.
Every possible thing I had problems with in my life turned out to be good, because I forced myself to feel good, I forced myself to feel loved, I forced myself to feel wanted, and in the end I got it.
My advice: BELIEVE, BELIEVE, BELIEVE! It will PAY off for the BEST!
Shiri, age 18
Kiryat Shmona, Israel
It’s in your hands; you can choose to feel good now, or you can put it off for another day, week, month, or maybe longer. In fact, you can stay miserable as long as it suits you. But here’s a little secret: misery doesn’t suit you, it’s not your style, and you don’t wear it well.
So then, what do you choose? To feel good now?
Because this is the bottom line: feeling good is totally your birthright. And feeling good now is what it’s all about. Feeling good now changes all of your tomorrows.
Feeling good is THE SECRET.
And the greatest secret is just feel good!
A lot of people get into computer role-playing games like World of Warcraft or Grand Theft Auto. There’s that whole immersion in the virtual world, the adventure and the thrills of life-and-death situations. But the best part is, you can just press pause when things turn sour.
Wouldn’t it be good if you could do that in real life? Especially when things aren’t going so well, when you’re stressed, or when you just don’t feel good.
Well, as a matter of fact, just like in role-playing games, you can press pause to take a time-out on life, so you can then focus on shifting your feelings.
And in order to shift your feelings, it’s cool to have up your sleeve a SECRET SHIFTER or two. That’s a mood shifter, something that makes you feel instantly happy. Something you can recall at any time to make you feel great and re-energize you so you’re ready to re-enter the game of life.
Maybe it’s an awesome memory, a flashback of a funny moment. Or good times with your best friends, a great vacation, or a classic song, or maybe even a picture of your latest crush. What are your greatest and most precious memories? Maybe it’s a combination of all these things, like a montage of memories.
So think about your montage. Write down a list of things that bring a smile to your face every time you think of them. And anytime you’re feeling stressed or depressed or angry or unhappy, look at your list, recall your montage, and just FEEL GOOD. And that’s the key to the good life. The power of THE SECRET … made simple.