Chapter Twenty-Three

The Moon
in the Eleventh House

You need friends. You also want to be part of a community of people who think and feel as you do and who share your aspirations. However, what you seek from this group goes farther than simple friendship. You expect them and the community they represent to be a source of emotional support and security. You may not always be up front about this expectation. In fact, you may not be fully aware of how much of your emotional well-being depends on your friends, but your neediness will be a silent subtext in all your interactions with this group.

The emotionality with which you approach your intentional community can sometimes interfere with your commitment to its aims. You might feel like a misfit or your relationship with certain individuals within the group may be more important to you than the cause or objective it advocates. When there are conflicts within the group, you tend to take sides, and you take criticism of your community personally, sometimes adopting an extreme “with us or against us” approach that helps no one.

On the other hand, your desire to be part of something larger than yourself is so deeply imbedded in your nature that your loyalty to your community can both amaze and inspire. Often this loyalty has more to do with your feelings than ideology. Your actual beliefs might not align perfectly with the expressed purpose of your group, but your emotional connection with the people within the group is so important to you, so intrinsic to your well-being and happiness, that these little disagreements hardly matter.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the First

You don’t know about this “being part of something more important than yourself” stuff. Really? Is such a thing possible? It’s not that you’re an egotist. It’s just that the focus of your life is on getting things done your way. Now, if you could find a group of people who agree that your way is always the best way, you might be willing to join them, but until then, you are quite satisfied with being on your own.

Ahh, if only that brave statement were true. The fact is that your emotional well-being is just as dependent on surrendering part of your ego in the pursuit of a higher goal as any other person with the Moon in the Eleventh House. Doing it “your way” most often turns out to be doing it in accordance with a set of principles you’ve worked out with a group of friends. You might tell everybody that this is a coincidence and that you are totally independent, but those who know you best will tell a different story.

Still, you like to keep your alignment with any group or cause as quiet as possible. Your chosen community might just be a circle of friends with little organization and no title. Even though your affiliation with this group is not direct, its influence on your opinions and aspirations will be sizable. In many cases, you will be recognized as a leader within this circle of friends, but only in an unofficial capacity. As long as this role satisfies your unspoken need to be part of a community and an idea or belief larger than yourself, there’s no need to put a name on it.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Second

You have a lot to offer any group or community of which you are part. Your pragmatic approach allows you to see what is necessary to advance the group’s aspirations and make them happen. In this way, you can be a tremendous asset and maybe even a leader. But first you have to get past your conviction that all the talk of being part of something larger than yourself is nonsense.

With the Sun in the Second House, your mission is to develop the resources you need to get along in life, and this doesn’t always leave a whole lot of time or energy to consider the bigger, less personal issues. And yet, despite this innate practicality, you will likely feel that you are missing out on something by ignoring the call of your Eleventh House Moon. Even though you might think of idealism as the most ridiculous of pursuits, there is an idealist inside you that’s anxious to get out.

And at some point, it will. It may take time and a slow, deliberate rearranging of your priorities, but you will eventually find a way to answer the call of the idealist within you and become part of something larger than yourself. That something might be relatively mundane and its aims modest, but it will be your cause, and you will be grateful every day for the people with whom you share it.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Third

You don’t so much choose your intentional community as let it choose you. You prefer to let these things happen naturally, to let them grow out of long-standing habits, beliefs, or loyalties. The group with which you most closely affiliate yourself will likely be built around your job or your daily routine. Depending on what else is going on in your chart, you might not care so much for grand causes or high-minded goals. It’s enough to do the simple things well.

You tend to be a team player and you typically perform better when you have a group of like-minded people standing behind you. Apart from your team, you often seem flummoxed and unsure of yourself. Even though your involvement with the people on your team might not seem particularly intimate or close, their presence in your life fills an emotional void. You always feel more secure when you are with them.

Since you tend to focus your idealism on issues that are immediate and close to home, your ideology often shifts with changes in your environment. This might cause some people to accuse you of being inconsistent and unreliable. They might say that your hopes and aspirations are too personal, too specific to your experience. But the small world of your day-to-day life is the only world about which you can speak with authority. It’s the world you know. Basing your decision and your ideals on things that you don’t know seems inherently foolish to you.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Fourth

You see in your friends the possibility of creating a new home. This new home might provide you with a means of escaping trauma you suffered in the home of your childhood, or it might give you an opportunity to re-create some of the joy that you lost when you left that childhood home. Either way, you tend to think of your friends as family, which can be a wonderful thing, but it can also create some challenges.

The challenges typically arise when your search for a new home among your friends interferes with your connection with your childhood home. It may be that your chosen community causes you to physically move away from home, or the ideology of your intentional community does not agree with the one in which you grew up. Your parents or your childhood friends might not understand your need to be part of something larger than yourself. They may try to hold you back or you might hold yourself back because you feel guilty.

Being part of your intentional community will give you a sense of purpose and emotional fulfillment. It represents your future. Still, the resistance you might feel from your past shouldn’t be dismissed. No matter where you go or what you believe, with the Sun in the Fourth, you will also carry an imprint of your childhood home. As difficult as it may seem, making peace between the home of your future and the home of your past is the key to your long-term happiness and success.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Fifth

Your idealism is an extension of your passion. When the two are working together, when your passion is devoted to furthering a cause greater than yourself, you can accomplish amazing things. When they are not working together, however, you falter. Your passion loses its purpose and your idealism deteriorates into armchair philosophizing.

It is hard for you to accept another person’s ideas without putting your own creative spin on them. In some groups and with some friends, this might seem like a betrayal. You might be accused of heresy or egotism. However, it is something you can’t help. In order to make a cause or belief part of your passion, you have to make it meaningful to you as an individual.

Another accusation that your friends may make is that you are not a team player. You might not like hearing this, but the fact of the matter is that it is often true. For this reason, your affiliation with your chosen community might seem less than close. You are unlikely to be a leader or an activist. A better role for you is a figure of inspiration, the guy or gal about whom everyone is always talking but who rarely comes to meetings.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Sixth

At first glance, this would seem like a natural combination. With the Sun in the Sixth, service to others is a big part of your mission. With the Moon in the Eleventh, you should be able to devote that service to a great cause or an idealistic organization. However, there is an innate humility about your approach to life that can make committing to something larger than yourself intimidating. You are not sure if you’re up to the task, if you are worthy of such a high and mighty aspiration.

Because of this humility, you might prefer to serve your community behind the scenes, dealing with practical matters and organizational minutia. You can do well at this, both for your group and for yourself. People with Sun in the Sixth understand the usefulness of routine and they respect efficiency. Your emotional connection to your intentional community and its purpose is such that you will not endure anything that might interfere with their effectiveness.

In some cases, however, your humility can work against you. Depending on other factors in your horoscope, you might not be satisfied working behind the scenes. You may think that you have important contributions to make to your community. And yet, if and when these contributions are challenged, your lack of confidence could cause you to become defensive—to either run and hide, or to fight back with an inappropriate amount of vitriol.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Seventh

You need people. You need them to be your friends, your partners, your allies, and even your enemies. You typically work well with people of all types and backgrounds and understand both how to motivate them and how to calm them down. It is also likely that people respond to you with extra friendliness and sympathy. Your need attracts them. Sometimes you are even able to convince these people that they need you more than you need them.

Depending on the signs of and aspects to the Sun and Moon, you might be tempted to use your affinity for people to control and manipulate them. You don’t do this with malicious intent. It’s more a matter of self-defense. You need a strong relationship so badly that leaving it up to the whims of fate or someone else’s mood can be terrifying for you. You recognize that relationships come and go, but you typically prefer for it to be on your terms.

There are times when keeping the person you most care about close becomes more important to you than the ideals and aspirations of your community. You replace the thrill of being part of something larger than yourself with the satisfaction of being part of a singular relationship. Since relationships are the central issue of your life, this arrangement may sustain you in the short term, but sooner or later you are going to feel called to reach out to something higher, something beyond companionship, and then you will have to make a decision.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Eighth

Like everyone with the Moon in the Eleventh, you want to be part of a larger community intent on doing something worthwhile. At the same time, however, you sincerely doubt that it will make any difference. You look at the world and wonder where other people find cause for so much hope. You might play along with your friends and their high aspirations, but a part of you will always remain unconvinced.

Your doubts do not have to be a weight dragging your ideals down. They can serve as a guide, keeping your aspirations tied to reality. At your best, your idealism is informed by your deep awareness of human nature. You are able to anticipate problems and deal effectively with the internal politics that are part of any organization or group. The fact that you are not blinded by idealism or intoxicated with hope often gives you a clearer and more realistic perspective on the nature and goals of your community.

On the other hand, this tendency to doubt can also lead to cynicism and a lack of conviction. You might give up on the ideals of your community and attempt to go it alone. However, your friends are more than just friends to you, and being part of something greater than yourself is more than a pastime. Your emotional connection to both is too deep, and sooner or later you will be drawn back into the community.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Ninth

The most compelling part of your personality is likely your idealism. It is so crucial to both your inner and outer life, to your ego and your emotions, that it tends to take up a lot of space. In some cases, your idealism can send you into a never-never land of intellectual pipe dreams. However, if you are able to take control of those ideals and use them instead of being used by them, they can be your ticket to greatness.

One way you can do this is by choosing the right friends. You need people around you who respect your ideas and beliefs but who also have a healthy respect for reality, friends who know how to bring you down from the clouds and put your ideas in a real-life context. An important measure of your potential for success in this life will be finding the right proportion of dreamers among your friends with whom you can share your grand vision of a better world and realists who will remind you when it’s time to eat.

Along with choosing the right friends, you also have to choose the right message. You are a natural preacher. You feel the excitement of ideas and the power of being committed to something larger than yourself so deeply that you can’t help but express them to the world in some form or fashion. That’s why it’s so important that you make sure your ideas are sound and your cause just. It’s a responsibility that you have not just to yourself and your community, but to the world.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Tenth

You don’t so much identify with a cause or ideal as it is identified with you. People tend to look at you as if you were the embodiment of something larger than yourself. It might be something with a short and righteous name, or it could be something more amorphous. It might be something everyone knows about, or it might be a local phenomenon. You might have consciously done something to bring about this identification, or it might have just happened.

Being seen in this way will certainly get you a lot of attention and, in many cases, bring you considerable success, but it also puts you in an uncomfortable position. Everything you say and do is measured and judged, and those judgments may also be applied to your community and your cause. The fate of these entities might seem to rest on your behavior, and even when this is not true, which is most of the time, you still feel the pressure, the responsibility.

Though many of you might wish to escape this responsibility, generally speaking, the better option is to embrace it. Of course, there’s a catch. You have to embrace it for the right reasons. Not because everyone expects you to or because it inflates your ego, but because being part of a higher purpose feels right to you and gives you an important role to play within your chosen community. If you choose this responsibility for the right reasons, it will not only give you personal satisfaction, it will also give your life purpose.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Eleventh

You are driven by your ideals and your loyalty to a group, organization, or community. You identify with the aims of this group and find great satisfaction in being part of something larger than yourself. In the course of advancing the aspirations of your community, you may be called to surrender much. You typically do this gladly. It is more than just your duty. It is your purpose.

Still, you must be wary of surrendering too much of yourself to your ideals. You can become so focused on the opinions and beliefs of your group that you are blinded to other, perhaps more practical, concerns. To sacrifice your time, your energy, and even your money may be laudable and beneficial to your emotional well-being. Sacrificing your identity, your self-esteem, and your ethics, on the other hand, serves neither you nor the world.

This is particularly important if the aspirations of your community lead you toward beliefs and activities that are at odds with conventional morality or standards of behavior. In these situations, your complete identification with your group can cost you everything. You have to be sure of the rightness of your path and of the support of your friends. If you are, then go ahead and be a hero. If you’re not, please walk away.

The Moon in the Eleventh House with the Sun in the Twelfth

There is something naturally extroverted about the Moon in the Eleventh House. You seek emotional fulfillment through working with your friends toward a higher purpose. The Sun in the Twelfth, on the other hand, pulls you inward. In this sense, it is a much more introverted placement. With this combination, the outward pull of your Moon in the Eleventh can often drown out the Twelfth House Sun’s influence, at least for a while.

Eventually, the inward call of the Sun in the Twelfth will reach you. Exactly how this will happen will depend on what’s going on in the entire horoscope, but there are occasions when it is a traumatic event that turns you around. It could also be a character flaw revealed or a series of bad decisions that puts you in a place where an inward journey is impossible to avoid.

And yet, because your emotional life is so dependent upon your interaction with your intentional community, it’s hard for you to take that inward journey without dealing with those extroverted activities. You have to find a way to reach out to other people even as you are drawn inward toward a deeper understanding of your psychological and spiritual needs. In the final analysis, there really is no split between your extroverted side and your introverted side. The best version of you is always a combination of both.
