The Moon
in the Twelfth House
You have secrets. They may not be big secrets, and they probably are not bad secrets. They are things about yourself that you keep hidden, not necessarily because you are ashamed, but because they have roots that extend down through your most private feelings and thoughts and, in some cases, deep into your subconscious. If you should ever decide to share your secrets with another, that person would probably never understand the full range of associations that each of those secrets has for you. It is highly unlikely that you completely understand them yourself.
Since you tend to be so sensitive to your own secrets, it is only natural that you are sensitive to the secrets of others. Depending on other factors in the horoscope, you might use the sensitivity to deepen your understanding of other people and their problems. This could stimulate within you a need to help other people, or it might come out in the form of art, poetry, or some other creative endeavor. Of course, there is also the possibility that you will use your sensitivity to the secrets of other people to learn their weaknesses and manipulate them.
More often than not, however, you are quick to see the fallacy in that last option. The threats you need to fear do not come from outside yourself. They come from that wild sea of emotion that rumbles beneath your day-to-day life. It is within this mysterious and tumultuous region that your vulnerabilities hide and your emotionality rises and falls. It is only by exploring those mysteries and by increasing your understanding of yourself that you will achieve the security and peace you seek.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the First
You tease people with your secrets. You don’t want to reveal them outright, but you can’t help dropping hints. You let the world see flashes of your deepest fears. You make offhand references to your insecurity and vulnerability, and you wait for people to guess. Most of them don’t take the hint, which is unfortunate because you were hoping that they might somehow help you understand what’s going on inside you.
Even though most people don’t get your hints, they do notice your sensitivity and sense your depth. They think of you as mysterious and, in some cases, odd. Some might be put off by the inconsistencies in your personality and your unpredictable emotionality. On the other hand, there will also be people who are drawn to the mysterious side of you and find your emotional quirks engaging.
There are instances when your secrets and the burden of keeping them can cause you to behave aggressively. You reach back into the pain and sense of alienation that often accompany your secret emotions and draw out barbs of anger and resentment. You may feel that the world doesn’t understand you and that it owes you something for this lack of understanding. Unfortunately, no matter how much you complain, the world rarely acknowledges these debts and your outrage just becomes another one of your quirks.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Second
You see your secrets and the deep feelings they conceal as a means to an end. For some of you, that end might be a psychological advantage; for others, it will be art; and, for a lucky few, your secrets will be your path to wisdom. In any case, you study the secret side of your nature with a more practical eye that most people with the Moon in the Twelfth. There’s a payoff there somewhere, hidden within the mystery, and you mean to find it.
Finding that payoff requires a degree of toughness. When you bring your secrets out into the world, you expose them to the criticism and judgment of people who will never understand them. You give these people a clear view of all your weaknesses and flaws. Some of you might try to dodge this judgment or dull the pain it causes with drugs or alcohol, but such a tactic only delays the judgment and increases your spiritual deficit.
For those of you who are tough enough to handle this exposure, however, the payoff can be substantial. Though it probably won’t make you rich, this payoff can give you a wealth of wisdom and insight into human nature. Used with compassion, this understanding can become a resource that could help you change the world. More importantly, through your secrets, you’ve had a glimpse of the mystery the underlies everything. There is value in this that cannot be measured in material terms.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Third
You may not consider your secrets a secret. You may just see them as things about yourself that tend to make other people nervous or uncomfortable. You’re not sure why this is, why people seem to see something dark and mysterious in your emotional nature. It may only be after some demon from your subconscious rises up and shakes your world that you realize these people were seeing something inside you that you were not.
Once you get past this tendency to minimize your inner life, there is great potential with this combination. People with the Sun in the Third are always keenly aware of their immediate environment, but you don’t just absorb this information through your senses, you feel it in your soul. This gives you awareness of what is going on around you, particularly on an emotional level, that might at times seem superhuman.
However, the true gift of this combination may be the ability to communicate the complex and nebulous vision of the Twelfth House Moon to other people. Not all of you will have this gift in the same degree, and the poets and creatives among you will always have an edge, but the sensitivity of the Moon in the Twelfth combined with the communication skill of the Sun in the Third should make even your everyday conversations especially insightful and wise.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Fourth
Your secrets often seem to drag you into the past, into memories of your childhood and the dynamic between you and your parents. There may be strong subconscious material at work here, and you might feel that you are being pushed along by obsessive feelings rising from deep in your psyche. The power of these obsessive thoughts often frightens you and makes you leery of exploring the emotions that underlie them.
You often try to conceal these tumultuous emotions with a façade of strength and stability. You play the role of the strong one, the person unbothered by silly sentiments and irrational compulsions. Not only is this ruse unlikely to fool the people who really know you, it often causes your inner conflicts to emerge as physical ailments, blind prejudices, and errant ideas.
No combination with the Moon in the Twelfth is more inclined to sublimate emotional and subconscious issues into worldly, outwardly directed activities. For some of you, this can lead to great success. You turn your innate understanding of other people’s secrets into a means of making money and gaining fame and power. However, you are never going to feel like a success until you face the demons residing in your inner emotional life. It’s only when they are conquered, or at least quieted, that your strength will truly be displayed.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Fifth
Your secrets have style. You often seem to flaunt them like a new frock with little or no concern about the weaknesses you are revealing or the sensitive feelings that you are leaving exposed. One reason you seem so free and easy with your secrets is because it is impossible for you to separate them from your passion. They are often the engine that powers that passion and directs your considerable creativity. You have no choice but to flaunt them.
Of course, just because you flaunt these secrets doesn’t mean that you understand them. More often than not, you don’t even try to. You let yourself be driven by their power and deep emotionality and rarely worry about the source of all these feelings. Why would you? As long as these emotions are feeding your creativity and fueling your passion, you are content to just enjoy the ride.
Of course, there are moments when your secrets do overwhelm you, when you find yourself saying things that you never knew you believed and feeling things that you have no business feeling. Sometimes these secrets scare you and stymie your passion in a way that is hard to overcome. You may be forced to stop flaunting your secrets and actually look at them, explore them, and let them take your understanding of yourself to a deeper and more profound level.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Sixth
You can’t be bothered by secrets. You have work to do. You have to keep your focus on the task that is in front of you at this moment. When that task is done, you quickly move on to another. You’re not a great fan of downtime or vacations. The idea that there might be periods of time when your hands and mind are not engaged in a needful task makes you nervous. Those are the moments you fear because those are the moments when you are reminded of your secrets.
Obviously, you are running away from something here, and, most of the time, you are well aware of this. You often struggle with a deep and constant sense of emotional insecurity. This inner need calls you to put aside your work, your devotion to efficiency and service, and focus all your attention on you. You fear this call and the disruption that answering it could create in your life, and yet those secret feelings, that hidden gulf in your soul, pursues you wherever you go.
Despite what you might think, you have the tools you need to deal with your secrets. They are right there in the emotional depth that you’ve been trying to ignore. Look carefully and you will find intuition that can guide you past subconscious entanglements and insights that will help you see through the complexities of your subconscious. With these tools, you can make your inner life nearly as manageable and productive as your outer life is bound to be.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Seventh
You can’t handle your secrets on your own. You need the help of another person to properly delve into your lunar mysteries. It’s not that this person will figure out these mysteries for you. He or she might not even be aware of how deep and sometimes dark those secrets are. But you do need that person’s reactions, his or her eyes upon you and concern for your well-being, to be your lifeline as you descend into that world of feelings and fears.
The fact that your most important relationship will be tied to your secrets can, in some cases, make that relationship stronger. Often this person will seem like a protector or a guardian, and you will cling to him or her with fearful urgency. You put great trust in this partner. In some cases, you might even be willing to share with him or her the secrets that make you so scared and needy.
At other times, this dependency can disrupt the relationship. The emotional voyage of your Twelfth House Moon is going to take you through some strange and bumpy terrain. You might be tempted to blame the other person when the going gets rough or to look to that partner for aid that is beyond his or her means to give. However, as difficult as it might occasionally be, your companions tend to stick with you, sometimes out of pure loyalty, and sometimes because they just want to see what you will do next.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Eighth
You are quite at home dealing with secrets. In fact, you rather enjoy stomping around in the slush of your subconscious. The scarier and more extreme the feelings, the better you like it. However, though you are very good at acknowledging and understanding your secrets, you are not so handy when it comes to doing something about them, especially when that something involves talking about them with someone else.
Your awareness of your own secrets often makes you extremely insightful when it comes to the secrets of other people. You have the ability to see beneath the surface, to see what makes people tick. This ability can be used in a lot of helpful ways, but it can also give you a sense of power and control. This is dangerous, not just because power can be addictive (and for people with the Sun in the Eighth it often is), but also because it distracts you from dealing with your own demons.
In some cases, this combination can bring psychic abilities and a strong interest in the occult. This is also something that must be handled with care. Your secrets are not a way to get power or a problem to solve. They are your route to deeper and more complete understanding of yourself. The means by which you follow that path, be they mystical or psychological or something else, are not nearly as important as the wisdom that waits for you at the end.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Ninth
Your secrets often get in the way of your ideas. You think you have things figured out, neatly categorized and incorporated into a larger system of principles or beliefs. Then something shifts deep inside your emotional life, and the ideas that once seemed pure and clean turn out to be sticky with irrational fears and personal trauma. The more you try to rise above the subjective muck toward a higher, objective truth, the more your secrets seem to betray you.
It is often the case that the best way to deal with these betrayals is through acts of kindness and compassion. Obviously, such acts are in keeping with the idealism of the Sun in the Ninth House. They typically give you a chance to practice what you preach. However, sacrifice also plays an important role in quieting the vagaries of the Moon in the Twelfth. With this placement you identify with the unfortunate, and by helping them, you are helping yourself.
Where people with this combination most often get into trouble is when they try to figure out the complexities of their inner life using their intellect. Here, your Twelfth House Moon will fool you every time. Your secrets are much too slippery and they are rooted too deep inside your subconscious to be solved by any means devised by the higher mind. Any understanding you reach through these means is likely to be fraught with delusion and half-truths.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Tenth
Here’s the question: How do you maintain your secrets when your Sun is placed in the most public area of the horoscope? The answer is that you don’t. You let them linger. You let them wrap around your accomplishments like a mist, like a mystery that draws attention but at the same time defies judgment. Using your secrets in this way can make you both fascinating and successful.
What this way of using your secrets won’t do is help you deal with the emotional issues that are at the root of those secrets. It is often easier for you to forget about these issues and focus on the wide world of accomplishment and acclaim. Unfortunately, those same mysteries that make you such a fascinating character can also disrupt your outwardly directed life at the most inconvenient times.
Though this could change depending on the rest of the horoscope, people with the Sun in the Tenth are typically ill-prepared to address the deep emotions and psychological strangeness of the Moon in the Twelfth. Nonetheless, you need to try. Setting aside time and space in your life for a spiritual practice is one thing you can do. You might also enlist the help of a friend or a professional who can help you work through these issues. One way or another, you have to establish a means of looking inward. Your outward success depends on it.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Eleventh
You have obligations, obligations to a group of people who share your ideas and your sense of purpose. The time you devote to your inner life might seem like a betrayal of these obligations, an intrusion of the personal into your efforts to be part of a larger world. You might consider this kind of introversion selfish and pointless. What matters is your cause, your community, and staying true to your ideals.
Unfortunately, it’s hard to be true to your ideals and the ideals of your chosen community when you are not true to yourself. Without some understanding of your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, your principles will lack strength. Unacknowledged prejudices can warp your thinking and twist your intentions. You can be made to look foolish in front of the people whose opinions you most value.
On the other hand, with the support of your community, you can fully explore the secrets that inhabit your personal life. The knowledge and wisdom you gain from this inward search can, in turn, make you a more valuable member to your community. You are able to understand the emotionality and deep human need that underly the lofty aspirations of your friends. Accessing the power of this emotionality can make you a leader and a source of inspiration.
The Moon in the Twelfth House with the Sun in the Twelfth
You often seem a bit out of place in the outwardly directed world. Your focus tends to be inward and wrapped in mysteries and secrets. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve success in the world of money, awards, and corner offices. In fact, sometimes your introspection and your awareness of your inner life are actually aids to worldly success.
You follow your intuition. Where it takes you might not always seem like the cleverest or most direct course and there may be detours that make no rational sense, but, more often than not, you end up exactly where you need to be. Sometimes your accomplishments appear to be magical and you seem to know things that you have no right to know. For these reasons, even when your success seems of the most conventional type, people regard it as something special.
However, the great advantage of this combination is not success. It’s compassion. Your sensitivity to the feelings of others allows you to share their pain, to understand their suffering and respond to their needs. The more energy you devote to helping other people, the less likely it is that your own secrets and weaknesses will burden you. In the long run, it is not your worldly accomplishments but rather the love that comes out of the deep well of your inner life for which you will be most fondly remembered.