* Abbott recalled: ‘I then ordered the men with me, about a hundred, to return to their assistance. The men said, “Sir, it is useless; they are all killed by this time. We have saved you and we are happy; we will not allow you to go back and be murdered.” The men formed around me and hurried me along the road on foot, back to cantonments, to our quarter-guard.’ Abbott later escaped to Meerut with five officers and a farrier-sergeant. (Major Abbott to Major Waterfield, 13 May 1857, State Papers, I, 265.)
† Among them were Captain Butler, Lieutenant Osborn and Ensign Angelo, the three officers of the 54th who had survived the massacre in front of the church, and Lieutenant Willoughby, who had commanded the gallant defence of the magazine. All four made good their escape from Delhi on foot but Osborn could not keep up because of his thigh wound. He was eventually carried into Meerut on a charpoy by well-meaning villagers; the other three were murdered as they tried to resist being robbed.