You might have heard about big, bad Mercury retrograde. It's the one retrograde that everyone seems to be talking about (and blaming for their problems!). Get this: all of the planets, except the Sun and the Moon, will be retrograde at various times of the year. Sometimes you'll have a slew of them slowing down all at once! When that happens, we're all feeling off our game to some degree.
I've already discussed what retrograde planets mean in a natal chart. In this section, we talk about how to navigate the retrograde transits so you can move with the energy of the cosmos, rather than fight against it. Because swimming upstream is soooo tiring!
Mercury retrograde: Mercury is retrograde about three times a year. Each period lasts about three weeks, although you may feel the energy creeping in about a week or so before the retrograde happens. This is called the “shadow period,” and like PMS, it's often worse than the actual retrograde. (PMS in astro-terms is pre-Mercury shit.)
When Mercury is retrograde, problems with communication, technology, and travel are the norm. This can wreak havoc, but it doesn't need to be a hot mess. Here's what you need to do: before Mercury is retrograde, back up your devices and all of your work. (I learned this the hard way when my 60,000-word manuscript got eaten during Mercury retrograde!) If you can, schedule essential travel or meetings around this period. Once Mercury is retrograde, follow these rules: plan for delays in travel, observe your words, do not sign contracts, refrain from buying new technology or vehicles, and slow down. Do not open a new business during Mercury retrograde if you can help it. Add the letters re to everything: redo, rethink, relax, renovate. You get the picture.
Venus retrograde: Venus retrograde arrives about every other year and lasts about six weeks. Relationships get downright funky during this period. Old partners may reappear back on the scene, acting like nothing ever happened and wanting another chance. A new relationship begun during this period will sometimes dissolve without any rhyme or reason. You'll want to avoid getting married or entering into any sort of legal contract if you can during this period. This is also not a wise time to get plastic surgery. Put that facelift off until this period is over. In business, clients become flaky, demanding, or unreasonable. That being said, it's an excellent time to collect debts and organize your finances.
Mars retrograde: Feisty Mars is retrograde about every two years and hangs around for about two months. This period is not good for starting fights: whichever side starts the drama, loses. You'll want to keep your anger in check as much as possible and avoid aggression, both your own and from others. Do not start a new business or job if you can help it. A new company begun during Mars retrograde usually fails. Also, put elective surgery on hold until this blows over.
The outer planets turn retrograde once a year for about six months. Unlike those of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, their effects are not as noticeable unless they make direct aspects to planets in your natal chart.
Jupiter retrograde: Invest your energy into learning new things. Sign up for a class, apply to a university, or take an online course. If you've been meaning to get to those books on your shelf, read them now. Take off on a journey, even if only a spiritual journey. Avoid gambling, making impulse purchases, and expanding your business. Examine your big vision picture for the future. Fine-tune it as needed. Once this transit ends, take what you've learned and make your destiny as big as you'd like.
Saturn retrograde: Look deeply into the structures that support your life. Are they sound? Do your plans make sense? Seek to strengthen those structures and schemes. Adjust your plans if they are no longer aligned to the bigger picture you desire. If you've been slacking in any area of your life, this is the right time to recommit to your goals and then get back in the saddle. Saturn retrograde reminds us that it's never too late to get it right.
Uranus retrograde: Where do you need to shake things up? That's the question to ask when Uranus is retrograde. If you've been firmly stuck in the comfort zone, this is your time to rebel a bit. Take a leap of faith! This is also a fab period to take a good, hard look at your circle of friends: who stays and who goes? Are there old pals you've lost touch with? Be a good friend and send them a text.
Neptune retrograde: Take a time-out from the world. Go on a spiritual journey. If you can, treat this period like a sabbatical of sorts. Reflect inwardly. Head back into therapy. Avoid making big decisions during this time because you may not be able to see clearly. Watch out that you're not wearing rose-colored glasses or shit-stained ones. Wait it out until you have a crystal-clear idea of what's really up. Neptune retrograde often helps to clear the fog so you can see where to go next (or where you've been putting your head in the sand!).
Pluto retrograde: Let go of the need to be in control. Instead, practice trusting the Universe . . . and others. Examine the role that power plays in your life as well as how you handle it yourself. There is no better time for self-transformation than now. If you need to break habits, addictions, or negative thinking, Pluto retrograde is your jam.
Grab your ephemeris. Look up today's date. Are any planets currently retrograde? If so, where are they sitting in your natal chart? Make a list of the things that you might want to do during this retrograde