Figure 1.2 Reproduced by permission of the American Anthropological Association from its RACE: Are We So Different? public education project. Not for sale or further reproduction

Figure 2.3 Data from The Gallup Minority Rights and Relations Survey 2007

Figure 3.1 Data from US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey. 1968 to 2010 Annual Social and Economic Supplements

Figure 3.2 Data from US Census Bureau of Labor Statistics

Figure 3.3 Data from Center for American Progress

Figure 3.4 Data from Federal Reserve, 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances Public Data Set

Figure 3.5 Data from Corporation for Enterprise Development, 2007-2008 Assets and Opportunity Scorecard

Figure 3.6 Data from US Census Current Population Survey 2005

Figure 4.1 Sabrina Coffey

Figure 4.2 US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Figure 5.1 Sabrina Coffey


We would like to single out for special thanks our departmental secretary Jean Sottos and two of our students who took a lead role in producing various boxes and figures for the book: Sabrina Coffey and Moselle Singh. In addition, we would like to thank our departmental colleagues for their support and, more importantly, for their good will. Finally, we want our families to know that we truly appreciate their encouragement throughout. We understand only too well that our preoccupation with the book took away from precious time with each and every one of you.