For Further Reading

The bibliography is restricted to works available in English, except for the two particularly significant commentaries by Brox and Spicq.


Barclay, W. The Letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. DSB. Rev. ed. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1975.

Barrett C. K. The Pastoral Epistles. NClarB. Oxford: Clarendon, 1963.

Bernard, J. H. The Pastoral Epistles. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1899. Reprint. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980 (Thornapple Commentaries).

Brox, N. Die Pastoralbriefe. Regensburger NT. 4th rev. ed. Regensburg: Pustet, 1969.

Calvin, John. The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, and the Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Translated by T. A. Smail. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1964.

Dibelius, M., and H. Conzelmann. The Pastoral Epistles. Hermeneia. Translated by P. Buttolph and A. Yarbro. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1972.

Easton, B. S. The Pastoral Epistles. New York: Scribner’s, 1948.

Erdman, C. R. The Pastoral Epistles of Paul. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1923.

Falconer, R. The Pastoral Epistles. Oxford: Clarendon, 1937.

Gealy, F. D. The First and Second Epistles to Timothy and the Epistle to Titus. IB, vol. 11. Nashville: Abingdon, 1955.

Guthrie, D. The Pastoral Epistles: An Introduction and Commentary. Tyndale NT Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1957.

Hanson, A. T. The Pastoral Epistles. NCBC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982.

Hendriksen, W. Exposition of the Pastoral Epistles. NTC. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1965.

Houlden, J. L. The Pastoral Epistles: I and II Timothy, Titus. PNTC. London: Penguin, 1976.

Karris, R. J. The Pastoral Epistles. NTM. Wilmington, Del.: Michael Glazier, 1979.

Kelly, J. N. D. A Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles. HNTC. New York: Harper, 1963. Reprint. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1987.

Kent, H. A. The Pastoral Epistles: Studies in I and II Timothy and Titus. Chicago: Moody, 1958.

Leaney, A. R. C. The Epistles to Timothy, Titus and Philemon: Introduction and Commentary. TBC. London: SCM, 1960.

Lock, W. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Pastoral Epistles. ICC. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1924.

Moellering, H. A. 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus. Concordia Commentary. Saint Louis: Concordia, 1970.

Parry, R. St. J. The Pastoral Epistles with Introduction, Text and Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1920.

Ramsay, W. M. “Historical Commentary on the First Epistle to Timothy.” The Expositor, 7th series, 7 (1909), pp. 481–94; 8 (1909), pp. 1–21, 167–85, 264–82, 339–57, 399–416, 557–68; 9 (1910), pp. 172–87, 319–33, 433–40.

Scott, E. F. The Pastoral Epistles. MNTC. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1936.

Simpson, E. K. The Pastoral Epistles: The Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary. London: Tyndale, 1954.

Spicq, C. Saint Paul Les Epîtres Pastorales. Etudes Bibliques. 4th rev. ed. 2 vols. Paris: Gabalda, 1969.

Wilson, G. B. The Pastoral Epistles. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1982.


Allan, J. A. “The ‘In Christ’ Formula in the Pastoral Epistles.” NTS 10 (1963/64), pp. 115–21.

Carrinton, P. “The Problem of the Pastoral Epistles: Dr. Harrison’s Theory Reviewed.” ATR 21 (1939), pp. 32–39.

Ellis, E. E. “The Authorship of the Pastorals: A Resume and Assessment of Recent Trends.” In Paul and His Recent Interpreters. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1961, pp. 49–57.

Grayston, K. and G. Herndon. “The Authorship of the Pastorals in the Light of Statistical Linguistics.” NTS 6 (1959), pp. 1–15.

Guthrie, D. New Testament Introduction. 3d ed. Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity, 1970, pp. 584–634.

———. The Pastoral Epistles and the Mind of Paul. London: Tyndale, 1956.

Harrison, P. N. “Important Hypotheses Reconsidered; III. The Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles.” ExpT 67 (1954/55), pp. 77–81.

———. “The Pastoral Epistles and Duncan’s Ephesian Theory.” NTS 2 (1956), pp. 250–261.

———. Paulines and Pastorals. London: Villiers, 1964.

———. The Problems of the Pastoral Epistles. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1921.

Hitchcock, F. R. M. “Philo and the Pastorals.” Hermatheua 56 (1940), pp. 113–35.

———. “Tests for the Pastorals.” JTS 30 (1928–29), pp. 272–79.

James, J. D. The Genuineness and Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles. London: Longmans, Green, 1909.

Kümmel, W. G. Introduction to the New Testament. Translated by H. C. Kee. Nashville: Abingdon, 1975, pp. 366–87.

McRay, J. “The Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles.” RestQ 7 (1963), pp. 2–18.

Metzger, B. M. “A Reconsideration of Certain Arguments Against the Pauline Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles.” ExpT 70 (1958), pp. 91–94.

Moule, C. F. D. “The Problem of the Pastoral Epistles: A Reappraisal.” BJRL 47 (1965), pp. 430–52. Reprint. In Essays in New Testament Interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, pp. 113–32.

O’Rourke, J. J. “Some Considerations about Attempts at Statistical Analysis of the Pauline Corpus.” CBQ 35 (1973), pp. 483–90.

Quinn, J. D. “The Last Volume of Luke: the Relation of Luke–Acts to the Pastoral Epistles.” In Perspectives on Luke–Acts, edited by C. Talbert, pp. 62–75. Danville, Va.: Association of Baptist Professors of Religion, 1978.

Roberts, J. W. “The Genuineness of the Pastorals: Some Recent Aspects of the Question.” RestQ 8 (1965), pp. 104–10.

Rogers, P. “The Pastoral Epistles as Deutero-Pauline.” ITQ 45 (1978), pp. 248–60.

Simpson, E. K. “The Authenticity and Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles’ ” EvQ 12 (1940), pp. 289–311.

Wilson, S. G. Luke and the Pastoral Epistles. London: S.P.C.K., 1979.

Background and Theology

Bourke, M. M. “Reflections on Church Order in the New Testament.” CBQ 30 (1968), pp. 493–511.

Cranford, L. “Encountering Heresy: Insight from the Pastoral Epistles.” SWJT 22 (1980), pp. 23–40.

Duncan, G. S. “Paul’s Ministry in Asia—the Last Phase.” NTS 3 (1957), pp. 211–18.

Dunn, J. D. G. Jesus and the Spirit. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1975, pp. 347–50.

Ellis, E. E. “Paul and His Opponents.” In Prophecy and Hermeneutic in Early Christianity. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978, Pp. 80–115.

Floor, L. “Church Order in the Pastoral Epistles.” Neotestamentica 10 (1976), pp. 81–91.

Ford, J. M. “A Note on Proto-Montanism in the Pastoral Epistles.” NTS 17 (1971), pp. 338–46.

Hanson, A. T. “The Domestication of Paul: A Study in the Development of Early Christian Theology.” BJRL 63 (1981), pp. 402–18.

Hiebert, D. E. “Pauline Images of a Christian Leader.” BibSac 133 (1976), pp. 213–28.

Hitchcock, F. R. M. “The Pastorals and a Second Trial of Paul.” ExpT 41 (1929/30), pp. 20–23.

Johnson, L. T. “II Timothy and the Polemic Against False Teachers: A Reexamination.” JRelS 6 (1978), 7 (1979), pp. 1–26.

Karris, R. J. “The Background and Significance of the Polemic of the Pastoral Epistles.” JBL 92 (1973), pp. 549–64.

Lemaire, A. “Pastoral Epistles: Redaction and Theology.” BTB 2 (1972), pp. 25–42.

Lightfoot, J. B. “The Date of the Pastoral Epistles.” In Biblical Essays, pp. 397–410. London: Macmillan, 1904.

———. “Additional Note on the Heresy Combated in the Pastoral Epistles.” In Biblical Essays, pp. 411–18. London: Macmillan, 1904.

Lightman, M., and W. Ziesel. “Univira: An Example of Continuity and Change in Roman Society.” CH 46 (1977), pp. 19–32.

MacDonald, D. “Virgins, Widows, and Paul in Second-Century Asia Minor.” In SBL Seminar Papers 1979. Edited by P. J. Achtemeier, vol. 1, pp. 169–84. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1979.

Malherbe, A. J. “Medical Imagery in the Pastoral Epistles.” In Texts and Testaments, Critical Essays on the Bible and Early Church Fathers, edited by W. E. March, pp. 19–35. San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 1980.

Marshall, I. H. “The Development of the Concept of Redemption in the New Testament.” In Reconciliation and Hope, edited by R. Banks, pp. 153–69. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974.

———. Kept by the Power of God. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1969, pp. 126–36.

Meier, J. B. “Presbyteros in the Pastoral Epistles.” CBQ 35 (1973), pp. 323–45.

Oates, W. “The Conception of Ministry in the Pastoral Epistles.” RevExp 56 (1959), pp. 388–410.

Quinn, J. D. “The Holy Spirit in the Pastoral Epistles.” In Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, edited by D. Durken, pp. 345–68. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1979.

———. “On the Terminology for Faith, Truth, Teaching, and the Spirit in the Pastoral Epistles: a summary.” In Teaching Authority and Infallibility in the Church: Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue. VI, edited by P. C. Empie, T. A. Murphy, and J. A. Burgess, pp. 232–37. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1980.

———. “Ordination in the Pastoral Epistles.” International Catholic Review/Communio 8 (1981), pp. 358–69.

———. “Paul’s Last Captivity.” In Studia Biblica 1978 III. Papers on Paul and Other New Testament Authors, JSNT Suppl. 3, edited by E. A. Livingstone, pp. 289–99. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1980.

Ramsay, W. M. “The Church and the Empire in the First Century: The Pastoral Epistles and Tacitus.” The Expositor, 4th series 8 (1893), pp. 110–19.

Robinson, J. A. T. Redating the New Testament. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1976, pp. 67–84.

Rogers, P. “How Valid is the Ecclesiology of the Pastoral Epistles?” Milltown Studies 3 (1979), pp. 1–20.

Safrai, S. “Education and the Study of Torah.” In The Jewish People in the First Century, edited by S. Safrai and M. Stern, vol. 2, pp. 945–70. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1976.

Schweizer, E. Church Order in the New Testament. SBT 32. London: SCM, 1961, pp. 77–88.

Exegetical Studies

Austin, M. R. “How Biblical is ‘The Inspiration of Scripture’?” ExpT 93 (1981), pp. 75–79.

Barclay, W. “Paul’s Certainties VII. Our Security in God—ExpT 69 (1958), pp. 324–27.

Beasley-Murray, G. R. Baptism in the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1962.

Bennetch, J. H. “2 Timothy 3:16a, A Greek Study.” BibSac 106 (1949), pp. 187–95.

Brown, R. E. “Episkopē and Episkopos: The New Testament Evidence.” TS 41 (1980), pp. 322–38.

Cook, D. “and the Epistle to the Philippians.” JTS 33 (1982), pp. 168–71.

Corcoran, G. “Slavery in the New Testament I.” Milltown Studies 5 (1980), pp. 1–40.

Dodd, C. H. “New Testament Translation Problems II.” BT 28 (1977), pp. 101–16.

Dunn, J. D. G. Baptism in the Holy Spirit. SBT 2d series 15. London: SCM, 1970.

du Plessis, I. J. “The Rule of Christ and the Rule in the Church.” Neotestamentica 10 (1976), pp. 20–30.

Ellingworth, P. “The ‘True Saying’ in BT 31 (1980), pp. 443–45.

Falconer, R. JBL 60 (1941), pp. 375–79.

Fee, G. D. “The Majority Text and the Original Text of the New Testament.” BT 31 (1980), pp. 107–18.

Freeborn, J. C. K. “2 Timothy 4, 11: ‘Only Luke Is with Me.’ “In Studia Evangelica, vol. 6, pp. 128–39. TU 112. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1973.

Fuller, J. W. “Of Elders and Triads in NTS 29 (1983), pp. 258–63.

Gärtner, Bertil. “Didaskalos: The Office, Man and Woman in the New Testament.” Concordia Journal 8 (1982), pp. 52–60.

Grabbe, L. L. “The Jannes/Jambres Tradition in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and Its Date.” JBL 98 (1979), pp. 393–401.

Gundry, R. H. In Apostolic History and the Gospel, edited by W. W. Gasque and R. P. Martin, pp. 203–22. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.

Hanson, A. T. Studies in the Pastoral Epistles. London: S.P.C.K., 1968.

Harris, J. R. “The Cretans Always Liars.” The Expositor, 7th series, 2 (1906), pp. 305–17.

———. “A Further Note on the Cretans.” The Expositor, 7th series, 3 (1907), pp. 332–37.

———. “St. Paul and Epimenides.” The Expositor, 8th series, 4 (1912), pp. 348–53.

Harris, M. J. In Pauline Studies: Essays Presented to Professor F. F. Bruce on His 70th Birthday, edited by D. Hagner and M. J. Harris, pp. 262–77. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980.

Harvey, A. E. “ ‘The Workman Is Worthy of His Hire’: Fortunes of a Proverb in the Early Church.” NovT 24 (1982), pp. 209–21.

Hitchcock, F. R. M. Theology 34 (1937), pp. 108–12.

Hommes, N. J. “Let Women Be Silent in the Church: A Message Concerning the Worship Service and the Decorum to Be Observed by Women.” CTJ 4 (1969), pp. 5–22.

Jebb, S. “A Suggested Interpretation of ExpT 81 (1970), pp. 221–22.

Kirk, J. A. “Did ‘Officials’ in the New Testament Church Receive a Salary?” ExpT 84 (1972/73), pp. 105–8.

Knight, G. W. The Faithful Sayings in the Pastoral Letters. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1968. Reprint. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1979.

Lane, W. L. “1 Tim. iv. 1–3. An Early Instance of Over-realized Eschatology?” NTS 11 (1965), pp. 164–67.

Lewis, R. M. BibSac 136 (1979), pp. 166–75.

Lightfoot, N. R. “The Role of Women in Religious Services.” RestQ 19 (1976), pp. 129–36.

McEleney, N. J. “The Vice Lists of the Pastoral Epistles.” CBQ 36 (1974), pp. 203–19.

Moo, D. J. TrinJ 1 (1980), pp. 61–83.

Mott, S. C. “Greek Ethic and Christian Conversion: The Philonic Background of Titus II 10–14 and III 3–7.” NovT 20 (1978), pp. 22–48.

Osburn, C. D. RestQ 25 (1982), pp. 1–12.

Payne, P. B. “Libertarian Women in Ephesus: A Response to Douglas J. Moo’s Article, ‘1 Timothy 2:11–15: Meaning and Significance.’ ” TrinJ 2 (1981), pp. 169–97.

Roberts, M. D. “Woman Shall Be Saved: A Closer Look at 1 Timothy 2:15.” TSF Bulletin 5/2 (1981), pp. 4–7.

Saucy, R. L. “The Husband of One Wife.” BibSac 131 (1974), pp. 228–40.

Scholer, D. M. “Women’s Adornment. Some Historical and Hermeneutical Observations on the New Testament Passages.” Daughters of Sarah 6 (1980), pp. 3–6.

Schweizer, E. In Current Issues in New Testament Interpretation, edited by W. Klassen and G. F. Snyder, pp. 166–77. New York: Harper, 1962.

Skeat, T. C. “ ‘Especially the Parchments’: A Note on 2 Timothy IV. 13.” JTS 30 (1979), pp. 173–77.

Spencer, A. D. B. “Eve at Ephesus (Should Women Be Ordained as Pastors according to the First Letter to Timothy 2:11–15?).” JETS 17 (1974), pp. 215–22.

Stenger, W. Der Christushymnus 1 Tim. 3, 16. Eine structuranalytische Untersuchung, Regensburger Studien zur Theologie 6. Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang, 1977.

Thompson, G. H. P. “and in the Light of Colossians i.24.” ExpT 71 (1960), pp. 187–89.

Wilson, J. P. ExpT 49 (1937/38), pp. 45–6.

Other Useful Books

Doty, W. G. Letters in Primitive Christianity. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1979.

Elliott, J. K. The Greek Text of the Epistles to Timothy and Titus. SD 36. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1968.

Exler, F. X. J. The Form of the Ancient Greek Letter of the Epistolary Papyri (3rd cent. B.C.–3rd cent. A.D.) Chicago: Ares Publishers, 1923.

Fee, G. D., and D. Stuart. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982.

Hill, D. Greek Words and Hebrew Meanings: Studies in the Semantics of Soteriological Terms. SNTSMS 5. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967.

Hort, F.J. A. Judaistic Christianity. London: Macmillan, 1894. Reprint. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980.

Hurley, J. B. Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981

Kelly, J. N. D. Early Christian Creeds. London: Longmans, Green, 1950.

Ladd, G. E. A Theology of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974.

Metzger, B. M. A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament. London: United Bible Societies, 1971.

Morris, L. L. The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1955.

Pfitzner, V. C. Paul and the Agon Motif. Leiden: Brill, 1967.

Sevenster, J. N. Paul and Seneca. Leiden: Brill, 1961.

Warkentin, M. Ordination: A Biblical-Historical View. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982.