
Staring into the Mouth of Fear

“That’s where I saw it,” I say, pointing to the drainage tunnel under the overpass.

“What’s that smell?” asks Bobby as we make our way down. “It stinks like something died inside the drainage tunnel.”

“The tunnel is kind of dark,” says Michelle.

“I’ve got a flashlight in here somewhere,” I say as I reach for my backpack. First I pull out a crucifix that I carry around, because you just never know when you might run into Nosferatu, better known to most laymen as a vampire. I also pull out a jar filled with silver metal beads and a slingshot, just in case I might need them someday against a lycanthrope, better known to most laymen as a werewolf. I finally find what I’m looking for. I pull out a flashlight and test it. Yep, the batteries are still charged and a small slice of the world lights up.

“What else do you have in there?” asks Michelle, apparently very much amused at my provisions.

“Just your typical monster-fighting tools. I believe in being prepared, Michelle. It may seem amusing to you now, but who knows what’s waiting for us ….”

“You got a couple of wooden spikes and a hammer in there too?” she asks me sarcastically.

“No spikes, but I do have this,” I tell her, holding up a super soaker water cannon.

“That’s way cool,” says Bobby.

“A water gun?!!” scoffs Michelle. “You have a water gun?”

“It’s no mere water gun,” I correct her. “It’s a super soaker water cannon, and it’s filled with holy water from the church font at the end of our street. Father Martínez blesses the water in the font each morning.”

“If we’re going to do this then we better hurry,” says Bobby. “It will be dark soon.”

“Two minutes tops,” I promise him. “We’ll be in and out of here with plenty of time to spare.”

I use my flashlight to guide us into the tunnel.

“That horrible smell is getting stronger,” says Bobby. “What is it?”

Before any of us can answer, we hear something go crunch beneath Bobby’s feet.

“Hold on, guys,” he tells us. “I think I stepped on something.”

I point the flashlight at his feet and instantly wish that I hadn’t.

“Are those bones?” asks Michelle.

I pull my handkerchief out of my backpack and place it over my nose, then lean down for a closer examination of what looks like skeletal remains. Among the bones, I see a dog collar.

“It has a name tag on it,” says Bobby.

“The tag says ‘Chato,’” I announce.

“That’s one of the missing dogs,” says Michelle.

“What’s left of it anyway,” I say.

“Poor Chato,” says Michelle.

“Wait! Did you all hear that?” asks Bobby. “It sounds like somebody is in here with us.”

I feel a chill run down my spine.

“We need to get out of here,” Michelle blurts out desperately.

“This way, guys,” I say, turning the flashlight toward where we entered.

We rush toward the other end of the drainage tunnel. I’m sure Michelle’s taking this more seriously than before.

“Faster, guys,” yells Bobby.

He’s the first one out, followed closely by Michelle. I’m about to exit too, when I feel something grab my pack and pull me back in. I turn and see the shadowy outline of a human figure. On pure instinct, I reach for the super soaker filled with holy water, point it right at the outline of the face and pull the trigger. I hear a hissing sound and then a screech of pain the minute the burst of holy water strikes the face. I turn around and desperately crawl out of the drainage tunnel as fast as I can.

“Are you okay, Vincent?” asks Michelle.

“I think so,” I tell her, struggling to catch my breath.


I glance back and see two red eyes staring at me from the darkness of the drainage tunnel. Whatever it was that attacked me, it seems reluctant to come out. I carefully turn back and notice the sunset behind us. It’s the sun. The creature is afraid of the sun!

“Run!” I scream at the top of my lungs, signaling for us to make a hasty retreat before the sun finishes setting.