RALPH WALDO EMERSON said, “Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.” Knowledge of the principles of your mind will add to your peace, poise, balance, and security.
For example, the engineer follows the principles of mathematics when constructing a bridge; he understands stresses, strains, and other complex scientific calculations based upon immutable laws which never fail. Likewise, the chemist and the physicist obey universal laws and principles underlying these forces.
You must discover the Cosmic laws and principles of your mind and live according to the principles of health, happiness, and serenity of mind. The law of your mind is referred to again and again in the greatest of all creative and dynamic books, the Bible, and that is the law of belief. . . . As thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee (Matthew 8:13).
To believe is to accept something as true, and whatever your conscious mind accepts as true—whether good or bad—your subconscious mind brings to pass. You are what you contemplate; you are that which you feel and believe yourself to be. Contemplate the following truth morning, noon, and night, and you will find peace in this changing world:
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8).
Some months ago I interviewed an alcoholic whose wife had left him and whose two daughters no longer recognized him or spoke to him. He was in a state of deep depression and melancholia. I explained to him that his sincere desire to give up alcohol was the first step in healing, to which he readily agreed. The next step was to realize that there is a Cosmic Power within him which would take away all craving and would compel him to assert his freedom from the habit.
I suggested that he practice a simple mental technique several times daily by imagining that I was congratulating him on his freedom and believing in the picture of his mind. He continued to do this for about four weeks, three times daily for about five minutes each time.
Finally, the mental picture was objectified in his experience: a new habit-pattern had been established. He had gradually established the mental equivalent through thinking and feeling his freedom, until finally the mental picture was objectified. He said to me, “I have discovered the power of my own mind. I am free! I have a peace and serenity of mind which I never knew before, and I am grateful.”
The Bible says, Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace . . . (Job 22:21). This man had acquainted himself with the power of his thought and imagination, to which the Cosmic Power within him responded. Peace comes to you as you discover the principles of your mind and apply them constructively in your life.
Some months ago I visited a woman in a local hospital. She was suffering from acute high blood pressure and acute colitis. She began to recount all her former mistakes and errors, and she condemned herself and her stupidity. She said to me that she hated another girl who had undermined her in the office, and she was completely bogged down by destructive emotions which were snarled up in her subconscious mind.
I sat quietly with her for some time and then told her what William James, the father of American psychology, said. “The mark of genius is to know what to overlook.” That is, you must turn away from the past—i.e., forgive and forget—if you want to be in perfect health and to have peace of mind.
I quoted a passage from the Bible and emphasized the fact that it was one of the greatest therapeutic agents available to bring about mental and physical health: . . . Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize . . . (Philippians 3:13–14). I explained to her, “The prize that you are seeking is peace of mind. If you have peace of mind, you also will have balance and equilibrium in your body. Peace means balance, equilibrium, equanimity, and serenity, which are due to a sense of oneness with God, the Infinite, the Whole of Life.”
Jesus said to sick people: . . . Thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace (Luke 8:48), because their minds were in turmoil and full of discord, confusion, inner warfare, and anger.
I explained to this woman that she could get back on the beam and find the peace that passeth understanding and that peace of mind is not escapism or a retreat from life. On the contrary, it is a constructive attitude of mind where you are vitally interested in the welfare of others and where you are a dynamic, creative person full of creativity, love, and goodwill to all.
I wrote out the following prayer for her to use frequently during the day:
I fully and freely forgive everyone who has ever hurt me. I release them, and it is done with forever. Whenever I think of any one of them, I bless that person. I forget the past and give my attention to a glorious future of perfect health, harmony, and peace. My mind is poised, serene, and calm. In this atmosphere of peace and goodwill which surrounds me, I feel a deep abiding strength and freedom from all fear. I now sense and feel the love and beauty of the Cosmic Healing Presence.
Day by day I become more aware of God’s love; all that is false fades away. I now allow the Cosmic river of peace and healing power to flow through my whole body. I rest in the everlasting arms of peace. My peace is the deep unchanging Cosmic peace, the peace of God.
She practiced this prayer frequently during each day, and when I visited her again in about two weeks, she was very happy because she felt so much better; she was being released from the hospital the next day and had been pronounced healed. She said to me, “I know all my trouble was hate and resentment; I feel clean inside now. Truly, peace is health and happiness.”
Following a lecture in Honolulu a few years ago, an outstanding business executive asked me to have dinner with him that evening, as he had a very serious problem and thought I could help him. He was urbane, philosophical, and wealthy, and he seemed well-balanced and poised. But, in the intimacy of our conversation, he revealed that within he was a seething cauldron, full of hostility, resentment, and suppressed rage.
He asked me rather pathetically, “Can I have peace of mind? Serenity? And how can I get it? I want to sleep nights!”
Of course, I told him how to acquire a basic tranquility and an inner quietness. I continued, “Real power comes from inner quietness. The quiet and serene mind gets things done. God is peace and is at the very center of your being. The Bible says, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.27 Thou (God, that is) wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee . . .28
“In the midst of all your business difficulties and conflicts in daily life, keep your mind fixed on God with faith and confidence, and you will find His golden river of peace flowing through your mind and heart. Give the best that you have to your work; be creative and advance the good in life. Wish for all men what you wish for yourself. Contribute your talents and abilities to some good cause in your neighborhood. You are too absorbed with yourself.
“Commit to memory the passages I gave you, and every morning when you go to work close the door of your office and affirm these Cosmic truths. You will find their therapeutic, healing qualities flowing through your mind and through every atom of your being.”
He said, “I feel better already! I now know what my problem is and what the answer is, and it is that I give peace to myself by staying my mind on God—and not on my problem!”
Last year when I visited Hawaii, I met him again, and he really is a new man. He has found the serenity of peace within himself. He has framed on the wall of his home this beautiful, soul-stirring, spiritual gem: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee . . . (Isaiah 26:3).
Edwin Markham said, “At the heart of the cyclone tearing the sky, is a place of central calm.” In the midst of a great hurricane or cyclone, the aviator knows that if he flies right into the center, there are stillness and calm. In the midst of you dwells the Cosmic Power which is all bliss, absolute peace, boundless love, absolute harmony, and all joy. Tune in mentally and emotionally with these qualities and attributes of Cosmic Wisdom and you will find yourself spiritually refreshed, replenished, and calm.
Your mind is a receptive medium for all the propaganda, opinions, and erroneous impressions coming from the world outside. Some of these impressions are good, but most are of a very negative nature. Except your mind is tuned in with the Cosmic Power and wisely sifts the chaff from the wheat, the negative and erroneous impressions take root and cause trouble, such as sickness, confusion, fear, and limitation of all kinds.
The world, or mass mind, believes in both good and evil powers, and in sickness, misery, misfortune, and catastrophes of all kinds. If you persevere in these worldly beliefs and neglect to tune in with the Cosmic Power, you shall have tribulations, trials, and difficulties.
The Bible says, . . . Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world (the mass mind) (John 16:33). Be of good cheer; let your knowledge of the Cosmic Power overcome all your problems. Begin now to fill your mind with concepts of harmony, peace, love, joy, and right action. Become aware of your inherent, God-given powers which enable you to give attention, devotion, and love to ideas which heal, bless, inspire, elevate, dignify, and fill your soul with joy.
You will always move in the direction of the idea which dominates your mind. Your awareness and confidence in the Cosmic Power and in Its Healing Presence which responds to you, fills your mind and heart and enables you to soar aloft over all obstacles to the haven of rest within yourself, where you may abide in the conviction that with the Cosmic Power of God all things are possible.
Maintaining this attitude of mind in the presence of difficulties will enable you to overcome the world (objective convictions and worldly fears and false beliefs). You shall be like the one spoken of by the Psalmist: And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper (Psalm 1:3).
Peace begins with me. The serenity and peace of Cosmic Power fills my mind; the spirit of goodwill goes forth from me to all mankind. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I claim sincerely and lovingly that all members of my family, all my associates, and all people everywhere are Divinely guided to their true expression in life where they are Divinely happy and prospered in all ways. The Cosmic river of peace moves through my mind and heart, and I radiate peace and goodwill to all people everywhere. I am always enveloped and surrounded by an infinite circle of right action and Divine love.
I affirm and boldly claim with confidence and faith that the wisdom of God in his Cosmic Wisdom anoints my intellect. I am inspired from On High. I see harmony where discord is; I see peace where pain is, love where hatred is, joy where sadness is, and life where so-called death is. All my loved ones and associates are included in my prayer, and the circle of God’s love permeates their whole beings. If I have had trouble with another, I freely forgive him or her now. I completely let go of all bitterness and hostility. I see the image of God in others and wish for that person health, happiness, peace, and the blessings of the Eternal Cosmic Wisdom.
I give freely of my love, my wisdom, my understanding, and my wealth, distributing through Divine direction the riches of the Infinite to others. The peace of God which passeth all understanding fills my mind and heart, now and forevermore.
Change and decay, all around I see;
Oh, Thou who changeth not, abide with me.