Chapter 7: CK-12 Advanced Probability and Statistics - Second Edition Resources
Resources on the Web for Creating Examples and Activities
Disclaimer: All links here worked when this document was written.
In the Current News: Surveys, Observational Studies, and Randomized Experiments
Resources by Teachers for Teachers
- Herkimer’s Hideaway, by Sanderson Smith, Department of Mathematics, Cate School, Carpinteria, California. Click on AP Statistics. Contains many ideas for projects and activities.
- Statistics Teaching and Resource Library. Started in Summer, 2001. The STAR Library collection is peer-reviewed by an editorial board. Mission is “to provide a peer-reviewed journal of resources for introductory statistics teachers that is free of cost, readily available, and easy to customize for the use of the teacher.”
- Chance News: A newsletter of recent (mostly United States) media items useful for class discussion.
- This website provides curriculum support materials for teachers of Introductory Statistics.
- This website has a variety of links to data sets and websites that provide support, ideas, and activities for teachers of statistics.
Survey Methodology
- Nice discussions of issues connected to surveys on hot public issues (abortion, crime, etc.). In particular, click on 'Red Flags' for each issue to see examples of how question wording, survey timing, and so on affect survey results.
- University of Wisconsin Why Files on Polling. Discusses basic polling principles.
Data Sets
Miscellaneous Case Studies and Data Resources
Java and JavaScript Activities
Advanced Placement Statistics Listserve Archives
- Searchable archive of thousands of e-mail messages contributed by high school and college statistics teachers about topics as diverse as studies in the news to where to find test questions.
Journal of Statistics Education
- Free online journal sponsored by the American Statistical Association. Includes articles about teaching statistics, interesting data sets, and current articles in the news for discussion.