- McCann, Colum 1
- McCullough, Mike 1
- McFerrin, Bobby 1
- MacIntyre, Alasdair 1
- McKenna, Paul 1
- McPhee, John 1
- ‘Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information’ (Miller) 1
- Magid, Barry 1
- Maister, David 1
- ‘major project’ fallacy 1
- Making Time: Why Time Seems to Pass at Different Speeds and How to Control It (Taylor) 1
- Maltz, Maxwell 1
- Management Rewired (Jacobs) 1
- Mann, Merlin 1, 2
- Marcus Aurelius 1
- Marino, Gordon 1
- Marpac SoundScreen 980A 1
- marriage 1
- Marx, Karl 1
- Maxwell, John 1
- mediocrity 1
- Meditations (Marcus Aurelius) 1
- meetings, work and 1
- memory 1
- mental accounting 1
- mental health 1
- Milgram, Stanley 1
- Miller, George 1
- ‘Millionaire Mind’ (course) 1
- mindfulness 1
- moderation 1
- money, psychology of 1
- mood swings 1
- Morality, Normativity and Society (Copp) 1
- Morgenstern, Julie 1
- Morita, Shoma 1
- motivation 1, 2
- Myers-Briggs personality type test 1
- myopia (regarding money) 1