Copyright © 2019 by Christine Wong

All rights reserved

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Book design by Endpaper Studio
Production manager: Devon Zahn
Illustrations: Michael Ward
Portrait photos: Monica Wong, Abbey Corbett

Instagram feature photos: Joscelyn Abreu, Mireille Azar, Susanna Bingemer, Kerstin Brachvogel, Nate Burrows, Kimberly Espinel, Verena Frei, Gudrun Gerzabek, Amisha Gurbani, Olena Hassell, Jutri Herman, Jessica Hoffman, Zuliya Khawaja, Meera Nalavadi, Ika Putri Novitawati, Nancy Partington, Sebastian Perez, Sara Kiyo Popowa, Monisha Sharma, Sheil Shukla, Reethika Singh, Rachel Steenland, Didi van Haren, Nisha Vora, Aviva Wittenberg, and Dora Xindaras

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Names: Wong, Christine, author.
Title: The plantiful plate : vegan recipes from the yomme kitchen / Christine Wong.
Description: New York, NY : Countryman Press, a division of W.W Norton &
Company Independent Publishers Since 1923, [2019] | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018036648 | ISBN 9781682682678 (hardcover)
Subjects: LCSH: Vegan cooking. | Vegan cooking--Recipes. | Veganism. | LCGFT: Cookbooks.
Classification: LCC TX837.W 2019 | DDC 641.5/636—dc23
LC record available at

The Countryman Press

A division of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110


978-1-68268-268-5 (ebk.)