Prosecutor Elizabeth Lederer (Q): Where did you go?

McCray (A): We went to Central Park.

Q: Where did you go in Central Park?

A: We went, um, we went to 110th Street.

Q: And what did you do when you got to 110th Street?

A: We got to 110th Street, we went up the hill in Central Park, you know? We was on the road.

Q: What happened next?

A: We was walking, then we seen a bum.

Q: You saw a bum?

A: Yeah.

Q: What did you do when you saw the bum?

A: We let him pass by, and then this kid with three gold caps grabbed him, threw him on the ground.

Q: How did he grab him?

A: By the, by the shirt.

Q: He grabbed him and threw him on the ground?

A: Yes.

Q: And what did everybody else do?

A: Everybody started kicking him and hitting him.

Q: Did you start kicking him and hitting him?

A: I hit him.

Q: Where?

A: In the chest.

Q: With your hand?

A: My hand.

Q: So you hit him with your hand in the chest. Was he already on the ground when you hit him?

A: I hit him like once, twice.

Q: What happened when you got to the tennis court?

A: We was at the tennis court and then we seen this lady, jogging lady, she had on blue shorts and a white shirt, she was jogging and everything, we was gonna let her go but then we just grabbed her.

Q: Where did you wait?

A: Behind the trees, on the grass, a couple of us.

Q: Right next to the path around the reservoir?

A: Yes.

Q: And everybody sort of hid?

A: Yeah.

Q: What happened as she came closer?

A: That’s when we all charged her.

Q: Did you charge her?

A: Yes.

Q: What happened when you charged her?

A: We charged her, we got her on the ground, everybody started hitting her and stuff, she was on the ground, everybody stompin’ and everything. Then we got each, I grabbed one arm, some other kid grabbed one arm and we grabbed her legs and stuff. Then we all took turns getting on her, getting on top of her.

Q: Did you hit her?

A: Yes, kicked her.

Q: Where did you kick her?

A: I don’t know, just kicked her, I felt it, just kicked her, it was like a whole bunch of us.

Q: Who else kicked her?

A: Um, um, Kevin [Richardson, another defendant], um, all of us.

Q: That tall thin black guy I was asking you about, did you see him hit her in the ribs?

A: I heard it. I heard it.

Q: What did you hear?

A: It sounded like when you get hit in your chest. Sounded like that.

Q: Was she screaming, is that how you could tell she was being hit?

A: She wasn’t screaming. She was hurt, though. She wasn’t screaming.

Q: How could you tell she was hurt?

A: ’Cause she was lying there.

Q: First you knocked her down, then you started hitting. Did anybody have a weapon?

A: Yeah, a black pipe [indicates it was more than a foot long].

Q: A little less than two feet?

A: About two feet, I guess.

Q: And was it a stick or a pipe?

A: A pipe.

Q: Who had that pipe?

A: At first, I don’t really know but I think the tall black kid had the pipe. I don’t know.

Q: Did you see what he did with the pipe?

A: No, I just heard it. He got off of her and she got hit again with the pipe in the head, then …

Q: Was she standing up?

A: No, she was on the ground and then we left.

Q: Well, let’s go back for a second, when she was on the ground and you said that you kicked her. Were other people also kicking and hitting her?

A: Yes.

Q: How many times did you kick her?

A: I kicked her like twice.

Q: When you were kicking her, were other people kicking and hitting her?

A: Um-hum.

Q: Was that before or after she was hit with the pipe?

A: Before.

Q: Was she still moving at that point?

A: She was just turning her head, stuff like that, she was moving.

Q: How many times was she hit with the pipe?

A: Twice, in the side and in the head.

Q: You heard her?

A: I heard her get hit in the ribs.

Q: Did you see her get hit in the head?

A: I heard it, not only, I seen it.

Q: Who did it?

A: The tall, black kid.

Q: After she was hit in the head with the pipe, did somebody take her clothes off?

A: Yeah.

Q: Who took her clothes off?

A: One of us, not one of us, I let her arms go?

Q: Were you holding her arms?

A: Yeah.

Q: Were you holding them over her head or to the side?

A: I had her like this.

Q: Was she trying to pull her hand away?

A: Um-hum.

Q: Was somebody holding her other hand? Who?

A: This kid, Puerto Rican kid.

Q: Was somebody holding her feet?

A: Yeah.

Q: Who?

A: I don’t know.

Q: Did somebody take her clothes off?

A: Yes.

Q: What was she wearing?

A: I think a white T-shirt, something like that.

Q: Who took off her shirt?

A: The tall black kid.

Q: Who took off her pants?

A: I think it was him.

Q: Did somebody have sex with her?

A: Yeah.

Q: Did a lot of people have sex with her?

A: Yeah.

Q: Who was the first person to get on top of her?

A: The tall black guy.

Q: Did he take his pants off or just open his fly? What did he do?

A: He didn’t take down his pants.

Q: By this point, though, she wasn’t dressed anymore, right? Her pants were off?

A: Yeah.

Q: Did you touch her breasts?

A: No.

Q: Did somebody else get on top of her then?

A: He grabbed one of her arms, this other kid got on top of her.

Q: Who was that?

A: This Puerto Rican guy.

Q: Did you have your fly open?

A: Yeah, but my penis wasn’t in her.

Q: What happened?

A: I just like, my penis wasn’t in her. I didn’t do nothing to her.

Q: When you got on top of her, you got on top of her so you could have sex with her, right?

A: Not really, I was just doing it so everybody, so … I didn’t do anything.

Q: You said you were doing it so everybody what?

A: Everybody would just like, would know I did it.

Q: When you got on top of her, you had your penis out of your pants?

A: Yes.

Q: And it was between her legs?

A: No.

Q: It was against her?

A: Yeah.

Q: Did you rub against her?

A: Yeah.

Q: Did you have an erection?

A: No.

Q: How long did you do that for?

A: I don’t know, a couple of minutes.

Q: What happened after Kevin was done?

A: Then we left her then, then this guy hit her in the head. Then we left.

Q: Who hit her?

A: I don’t know. I just, the pipe, I think the tall skinny kid.

Q: After you were all done, somebody still hit her in the head?

A: Yeah.

Q: She wasn’t moving anymore by this time, was she?

A: No.

Q: What did you do then?

A: We all left.

Q: Where did you go?

A: We was walking down, down to the reservoir and then we seen a jogger.

Q: Who was that?

A: He had on a green army jacket, some pants and he had on a Walkman.

Q: And he was running?

A: Um-hum.

Q: What happened when you saw him?

A: We was gonna let him go ’cause we thought he was a cop, he was jogging kind of slow. We was gonna let him go.

Q: Did you catch him?

A: Yeah.

Q: When you saw him, what happened?

A: We thought it was a police officer, so we were gonna let him go, he said something smart.

Q: You said you were going to let him go, did somebody grab him first?

A: Nah, we was gonna let him pass by and he said something smart.

Q: What did he say?

A: I don’t know. I know he said something smart, though.

Q: When he said whatever he said, what did it mean to you?

A: He was acting like he was bad.

Q: So that pissed you off?

A: No.

Q: Somebody else?

A: Yeah, and then when we let him go and he said something.

Q: OK, so he goes by and he says something to try and sound bad, what did you guys do then?

A: We came, and this kid with a pullover, goose-down jacket, he grabbed him and threw him down, and that’s when we all started charging him.

Q: What were you all doing to him?

A: Kicking, punching him.

Q: Did you kick him?

A: Yes.

Q: Did anybody have a weapon?

A: That pipe.

Q: The tall black guy, did he hit him with the pipe?

A: Yeah, we didn’t hit him in the head.

Q: Where did he hit him?

A: The back and the legs and then, like, it kinda slipped out, right? And I hit him in the leg, and I think somebody was hitting him with a piece of wood over the head, ’cause it hit Steve in the leg, and he got hurt.

Q: Where did it hit him in the leg?

A: I don’t know, like down here, like on the shin or something.

Q: And what did you do when you got home?

A: I told my mother we was playing tag and that’s why I was so dirty.

Q: When you guys went into the park, what were you going into the park for?

A: Just to have fun.

Q: Did you have a good time?

A: Nah, not when we was getting chased.

Q: Before you got chased?

A: Not when we was hitting that man, and everything wasn’t fun then.*

*“Emily Sachar Jogger Jury Sees a Confession,” Newsday (New York), July 19, 1990.