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Yoga is the oldest science of comprehensive development and harmonious improvement of every person’s physical body, mind and inner world. Several centuries of crystallization and careful selection of the most efficient techniques made yoga one of the most effective training systems.
Due to the permanent and regular practice of yoga exercises, you will obtain iron health, well-controlled mind, and strong will – everything to build a strong foundation for your happy and conscious life.
With the help of this book, you will learn the yoga basics and understand that yoga is not as challenging as you have always considered. A few minutes every day will be enough to remain healthy, to live in harmony, and to feel a true yogi.
IF YOU ARE AT THE VERY beginning of your yoga studies and practice, then, most probably, you’ll have to learn the practice features, thoroughly review the details of performing asanas, and perhaps, to discover a new world.
How can you start yoga exercises at home? This question is typical of all people who just want to study yoga. The most important thing here is the regularity of your exercises. For the beginners, one session is enough (if you use at home). Training sets for beginners are quite simple and don’t exhaust the body too much but help you to start the regular exercises. And when these activities become a social habit for you, you can expand them, learn more complex poses and spend instead of 10 minutes, half an hour or even the whole time to perform them every day.
You may perform basic asanas at home, without instructor’s aid. This is an excellent option for beginners – thus, you can quickly learn this technique. And even if you do something wrong, there will be no harm to your health – only positive emotions and conciliation.
The following asanas will help you to prepare your body for more severe stresses and facilitate the process of losing weight. If you plan to perform this gymnastic at home, then you need to find enough time for the procedure and to protect yourself from possible problems. Don’t hurry. First of all, you have to learn how to feel your body.
Sets which you are going to learn in this book are tried-and-true; they are designed for studying more and more complex exercises step by step. These instructions contain not only the general rules for performing the tasks but also details and features of performance, along with a detailed description of the terms.
Yoga for beginners at home may be started with the technically not very complex, but full and powerful set of Surya Namaskar. It is designed to renew the physical shape, and for smooth and dark work with the body through simple yoga asanas. It harmoniously combines exercises for flexibility, stretching, and power load.
Clear instructions for performing the asanas and photos will allow the beginners to begin their free yoga training with a full understanding of what is happening. The yoga set provided in this book, consisting of 14 exercises and steps, will gently lead you into yoga, if you are a beginner, or help to recover after the break in practice.
You need to realize that, in spite of its external simplicity, you won’t perfectly master the yoga complex quickly from the first time, so you’ll have room for development and the goal to strive for.
So, here’s our smooth introduction into yoga for the beginners...